Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective/Funny: Difference between revisions

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* Despite the fact that compared to the other characters he's relatively normal, whenever the Chef sings it's guaranteed to be hilarious.
** Especially in the sequence after you prevent {{spoiler|the Chicken Kitchen waitress from bugging Beauty and Dandy's table. Detective Rindge was ''not'' expecting to hear that from the microphone}}.
* Pretty much the entire sequence when you're saving {{spoiler|the justice minister from his heart attack}} and virtually any time he says anything Sissel responds with "Huh?" and {{spoiler|the minister rather ruthlessly insults himself}}.
** Even funnier if you've played through ''[[Ace Attorney|Trials and Tribulations]]'' and pay attention to his usage of 'contradiction'. I know another alleged "Contradictory existence", and it is that of Larr-- 'Laurice Deauxnim'.
*** And then after you save him, {{spoiler|he starts singing.}}.
* Reclining the chair in the van while {{spoiler|Detective Rindge is inside. Even though this results in his death.}}. [[Oh Crap|Sissel and Lynne's reactions]] are priceless.
* Killing {{spoiler|Inspector Cabanela}} with a ''[ hat]'' ([ English version]).
{{quote|''' {{spoiler|Cabanela}}''' Not nice, kids. Not nice at all. You put a dent in my lovely mask.}}
** To clarify, {{spoiler|you've got a split second to swap a bullet with a same-shaped object in the room. a hard hat is available. In other words, you kill him by smacking him in the head with a hard hat, moving at the speed of a bullet.}}.
* Chapter 9 may have been [[That One Puzzle]], but it made up for it at least somewhat by having {{spoiler|a grown man in a pink smock rolling around in the ventilation ducts.}}.
** Plus, dumping the hunters through the trapdoors. Especially good if you manage to enter the ghost world as it happens, and try to close it: "I can't close the door right now. Someone is falling through it."
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[[Battering Ram|WHAM]]<br />
[[Ow, My Body Part|WHAM]]<br />
[[Hilarity Ensues|WHAM]] }}
** {{spoiler|Although for the last one, we later we figure out that he was trying to get the doorknob.}}.
* Also, the guardian of the park.
{{quote|Guardian of the park: My hair is round too!}}
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{{quote|'''Sissel:''' So this is an execution, huh? It seems to me there's gotta be a safer way to do it...}}
** Made funnier by the fact that Sissel's completely serious. He doesn't know what an execution is.
*** And even better, {{spoiler|Detective Jowd ''is'' killed in the explosion, so as far as Sissel knows, the execution did exactly what he was told it would.}}.
* When Sissel possesses Lynne's corpse to save her {{spoiler|for the third time}}. It's Sissel's facial expression that really takes the cake:
{{quote|'''Lynne:''' Ha ha! I died again!
'''Sissel:''' ... }}
** Similarly, her reaction to her fourth death, which is to ask Sissel "What took you so long?!" He notes that she's getting more and more brazen about this.
* During Chapter 17 when {{spoiler|Sissel gives up his Yomiel form and reverts to a standard [[Ghost Lights|ghost light]]... but one with [[Triangle Shades]]! Even though it's [[Mood Whiplash|otherwise a sad scene]]}}, that got a few laughs.
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'''Sissel:''' You don't mean that guy handing out the pamphlets--!?
{{spoiler|'''Yomiel'''}}: No, that guy's just weird.
''(The guardian of the park walks off)'' }}
* When {{spoiler|Dandy opens the truck with Kamila inside. You expect her to be bound and gagged in an empty compartment right? Nope it opens up into a lounge chair like configuration, complete with juice and cup holder.}}.
* "Please don't pick on the minister. If he dies again, I'm the one who has to save him."
** Speaking of which, the minister's {{spoiler|[[Flat Earth Atheist|severe case of denial]] regarding the existence of ghosts}}.
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{{quote|'''Missile:''' {{spoiler|M-miss Kamila}} is... a hostage?!
{{spoiler|'''Cabanela:'''}} Yeah. I'm sorry, little warrior.
'''Missile:''' ''([[Beat]])'' ...What's a hostage?! }}
* {{spoiler|'''Jowd'''}}'s less than helpful comments when Sissel saves him
{{quote|'''Sissel''': All right, then. Four minutes from now... ...this chair will short out and explode, and you'll die.
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{{spoiler|'''Jowd'''}}: I apologize for all your trouble.
'''Sissel''': Uh, could you stop with the insincere comments?
{{spoiler|'''Jowd'''}}: Ha ha ha! }}
* If you go to the park during chapter 15, instead of saving Cabanela:
{{quote|'''Guardian of the Park:''' Tell me...which is more important? The park, or this...'Kamila'?
'''Detective Rindge:''' KAMILA. }}
* At one point, Lynne gives Sissel an assignment to go read what's written on a particular prisoner's work schedule and report back to her. Partway into the mission he discovers a rather critical setback... {{spoiler|he can't read.}}. His reaction just makes it.
* Missile {{spoiler|appearing out of nowhere and revealing he has powers like Sissel, even funnier by the fact that they're somewhat more powerful than his.}}.