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* I'll start off, I guess: - Who fronted the cash for the Major's prosthetic body? Her parents were dead from the plane crash, and the fact that no one came to see her during her coma appears to indicate she had no extended family. Here in the United States, the insurance company would probably yank the plug on a patient like that, citing cost. Somebody high-up must have wanted her alive, then paid for the operation, the body, and the extensive training/modification.
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*** Input standards don't change because it would mean throwing away all the investment in those standards, but when a new communication format is needed for a new technology, it can appear very fast. Devices talk to computers through wires all the time even today. All you need is a USB port and some software installed on the computer. If all you want to do is simulate having hands on a keyboard and eyes on a screen, then the technology exists even in real life to set that up in mere days.
** It could be something to do with copyright laws in the future, maybe someone's sitting on the technology that allows androids to directly interface like cyborgs. Ex: force-feedback, loading screen minigames, the RIAA & computers' copy function, etc.
* Aramaki's plan at the end of Stand Alone Complex is a combination of [[What the Hell, Hero?|What the Hell Hero?]] and plain old [[Fridge Logic|What the Hell??]] Because of him, at least [[What Measure Is a Mook?|several cops died, maybe dozens,]] while trying to apprehend Section 9. Not corrupt cops or anything, as far as we know -- just special forces who were told that they were apprehending dangerous criminals. Even if you assume that every one of those cops was a remote body (which wouldn't make any sense -- if remote bodies were that easy, Section 9 would do it), then there was still a massive risk of civilian casualties. Ishikawa was blowing up buildings, after all, then laughing about it once they hooked up with Togusa. And for what? At the end of the day, everyone who turned themselves in or got caught was fine. If Aramaki had just negotiated for the team to turn themselves in, dozens of [[Elite Mooks|elite mooks]] would still be alive in 2nd Gig.
** AFAIK, only one Mook died for sure, the guy whose eyes Batou hacked at the major's house (the raid on section 9 was carried out without fatalities, one of the soldiers says as much). His friend in the mech even remarked on it ("No one had to die") before the tachikomas took him out. Whether he died wasn't stated if I recall correctly, but assuming so, that puts the body count to two. I assume Aramaki didn't make too many concessions because they were already dealing with commandos who had shown themselves to be men of questionable scruples (Sunflower Society), so he couldn't be sure his team would be safe. Plus, he probably didn't figure Batou to stick around like he did, thus leading to the fatal incident with the soldiers. Also, bear in mind, that those snipers killed the Major. They couldn't have known she was in a remote body, from their POV, they were trying to kill her. So, how far could Aramaki trust them, really?
** Also, those people were not cops. They were paramilitary black ops on the payroll of the season's elusive [[Big Bad]].