Ghostbusters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: The Ghostbusters had only just figured out the significance of Zuul, Gozer, Ivo Shandor, and Dana Barret's apartment building by the time of the final confrontation. Dana, their first customer, only came to them when she did because she saw their commercial on TV, and she only saw them on TV because it was on when she got home. It is implied that it was on when she got home because of paranormal activity in her apartment (along with the eggs and the doomfridge). If Zuul coulda just dialed it back on the poltergeisting, Gozer would have been triumphant.
* [[Hope Spot]]: For a moment, it looks like they've vaporized Gozer and all's good with the world. Then Egon chimes in with "Ray, this looks extraordinarily ''bad''." Cue Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
* [[I Am Not Spock]]: According to the DVD commentary, the first movie ruined William Atherton's life, what with random people yelling "Hey, dickless!" at him on the streets and all...
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: Averted in the first film, as Venkman was utterly foiled in his attempt to reach Dana.
{{quote|'''Zuul (in Dana's body):''' There is no Dana, only Zuul!