• Ear Worm: The main theme: "Ghoooostwritaaaah! Word!"
    • Don't forget the music that played whenever they rallied.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Victor, Rob's friend in Building Bridges, seems to be very popular in the fandom. The producers must have noticed because he shows up in another episode despite not being particularly involved in the plot.
  • Fanon: One of the leading theories about Ghostwriter is that he's the ghost of Jamal's great-grandfather Ezra.
  • Fridge Logic: In the "Lost in Brooklyn" episode, why didn't the girl simply call a taxi and ask her dad to pay? Well, it's easy to assume that since she was from Mozambique that she never used a taxi before and her dad forbid her from entering strange cars. That and she was 13-15, they're not always going to think rationally.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Gooey Gus. Oh dear God, Gooey Gus!
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: There actually is a show called Galaxy Girl (well, Galaxy Girls) in development by Lauren Faust.