Girl Genius/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: He says this is his ''intention'': "And I know this: the best way to catch a '''monster''' -- is to be a '''bigger monster'''."
* [[Hidden Depths]]: After spending most of the chronicle to date apparently being just a charismatic brute trying to rampage his way to a shiny hat, Martellus [ reveals in a discussion with Krosp] that he has what may very well be the least medieval understanding of political science out of the entire cast. He understands that rulership is a mental construct, not a divine right, and that it's a two-way street.
** And when his 'Touch of the King' withdrawal starts to kick in at Albia's party and his bodyguard suggests just dragging Agatha over to fix it, Martellus [ categorically forbids her to] and instead politely asks Agatha for her assistance- in direct contravention to how he'd treated her and forcibly abducted her earlier. Give the man credit, he can learn from his mistakes.
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Specializes in biology, including fancy poisoning and Sparkhounds. Oh, and these singing "little bear things".
** "Fancy poisoning" included biochemical tampering that made Agatha '''need''' to be close to him. [[Power Perversion Potential]] much? This one {{spoiler|also backfired}}, however.