Girl Genius/Characters: Difference between revisions

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Tropes associated with Martellus:
* [[Bad Boss]]: You'd expect this given all his other personality flaws, but Martellus is actually a very ''good'' boss. He makes a point otto know all of his immediate subordinates and keep track of their individual interests and achievements, is [[A Father to His Men]], and is one of the very few Sparks in Europa whose constructs are devotedly loyal to him because they ''want'' to be. When Andronicus Valois killed and then re-animated several of Martellus' household knights, he was not only enraged at the desecration but took time out from a desperate battle to end their suffering personally.
{{quote|'''Martellus:''' You were Prince Huvart Desplains, Protector of West Lesalle. Go now, to your rest.}}
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] / [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: [ Turned out] to be more competent than previously suspected. Didn't just about everyone in that family?