Glee/Characters/Other Minor Characters: Difference between revisions

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== The Troubletones ==
=== The Troubletones ===
Another glee club in WMHS, founded by the Mottas after New Directions turned Sugar down. They're trained by Shelby Corcoran, who quit her New York job to teach them. The club consisted of Sugar, Mercedes, Santana, Brittany and a bunch of nameless cheerleaders. The club {{spoiler|disbanded after placing 2nd at Sectionals}}
* [[Amazon Brigade]]
* [[A House Divided]]: Mercedes, Santana, and Brittany end up quitting New Directions temporarily when they complain that they aren't getting enough attention within it, and join up with the Troubletones.
* [[Defector From Decadence]]
* [[Four-Temperament Ensemble]]: The four major characters in the group counts, with Mercedes being phlegmatic I, Santana being choleric, Brittany being supine and Sugar being sanguine.
* [[A House Divided]]: Mercedes, Santana, and Brittany end up quitting New Directions temporarily when they complain that they aren't getting enough attention within it, and join up with the Troubletones.
* [[Little Black Dress]]: The "Rumour Has It/Someone Like You" mashup has tons.
* [[Living Prop]]: The members that aren't Santana, Mercedes, Brittany, and Sugar are this. No dialog and are barely treated as actual members of the team outside of performances. When Finn has the two teams temporarily merge, the extra girls are nowhere to be seen. {{spoiler|And they disappear after the Troubletones lose Sectionals and permanently merge with New Directions, only to then briefly reappear at Regionals for the Troubletones performance. Nationals as well, which is even more amazing considering they didn't even ride the bus with New Directions. Maybe they teleported.}}
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== Aural Intensity ==
=== Aural Intensity ===
A Glee club from West Hill High School that has faced New Directions twice at Regionals. The second time, {{spoiler|they get coached by Sue}}.
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== The Golden Goblets ==
=== Golden Goblets ===
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== The Portland Scale Blazers ==
=== Portland Scale Blazers ===