Glee: Difference between revisions

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* [[Lyrical Dissonance]]: Frequently with ''Glee''.
== M-PQ ==
* [[Magic Feather]]: The "magic comb" Artie gives to Brittany. You comb your hair with it and you can't lose.
* [[Mama Bear]]: Sue, surprisingly enough, for Becky and to a lesser extent Kurt.
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** In "Hold onto Sixteen", Quinn is repeatedly told by Rachel that she would be doing the wrong thing by informing people of Shelby's sexual relationship with Puck, which would cause her to lose her job, prove her an unfit mother and allow Quinn to retake her child. Despite Quinn having selfish motives for wanting to reveal the affair, the fact remains that Shelby ''shouldn't'' have gotten involved with Puck, a student at the school she works at and if she had lost the job and the child as a result of this, it would have ultimately been her ''own'' fault.
** In "Jagged Little Tapestry", Santana finds Kurt and unleashes what is undoubtedly her most ''vicious'' [[The Reason You Suck Speech]] in the entire series after Kurt objects to her proposing marriage to Brittany, saying the two are too young. Kurt is framed as the wrong party since he is clearly enveloped in his bitterness over losing Blaine despite it being ''his'' choice, and he eventually apologizes to Brittany for his negativity, [[Straw Man Has a Point|but it's hard to argue that Kurt does kind of have a point]]. Numerous characters spoke out against Finn and Rachel's decision to get married during their senior year with the argument that they are too young to be making such a decision, and the end result is that Finn calls off the wedding because Rachel deciding to defer her admission into NYADA for a year to help Finn reapply for his dream school makes him realize that he loves her too much if it means she has to give up on her dreams. Blaine asks for Burt's permission to propose to Kurt during "Wonder-ful", to which Burt points out how he should know it's a wrong idea seeing how things turned out for Finn and Rachel. Blaine instead proposes to Kurt anyway by [[Grand Romantic Gesture|overwhelming him so much that he can't exactly be in the right frame to say anything else but yes]], and thereby pressures him into marriage, and the end result is that co-habitation does not turn out to be their strong suit and Kurt calls it off with Blaine specifically because they're kids. If other characters object to those couples getting married so young, they are portrayed as sensible people who are correctly predicting potential heartbreak, but those who object to Santana wanting to marry Brittany at such a young age are simply portrayed as jerks who need to be shown up. Go figure.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Multiple characters. Special note goes to pretty much all of the new New Directioners, with Kitty being the only one retained for the final season, although Unique does make a cameo. It makes sense, mind you, since their plot was intended to be tied to Finn's, with his death making them more or less redundant, but it doesn't make it any less jarring when they essentially disappeared, with only Marley even getting a line in the episode "New Directions."
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Multiple characters.
* [[The Quarterback]]: Finn "The Quarterback" Hudson, and to a lesser extent, Sam. Finn is the well-respected quarterback, who has the loyalty of his team enough to get them to join the glee club, and with the help of Sam, Santana, and Bieste reforms them to not bully people. He was also decent enough in the beginning to not actually partake in the terrorizing of students that his teammates did, and lets them prepare for the standard bullying he approves of. Confident and truthful enough to dump his [[Alpha Bitch]] cheerleader girlfriend for one of the school "losers", and after a couple of seasons manages to regain his status. Rallies the football team, the glee club, and the school.
** [[Discussed]] in "The Hurt Locker Part Two" when Spencer wants to be starting quarterback, and Sam wants him to show he can make a stand before he'll give him the position, so gives him a [[Rousing Speech]]:
{{quote|'''Spencer:''' Well, now that Beiste is gone and you're coach, I assumed I'm gonna be starting quarterback, so I got to be ready, right?
'''Sam:''' Yeah, um, actually, I kind of changed my mind about that. [...] You got the arm for it, but, uh, quarterbacks are leaders, not cowards. [...] Look, man. Every movement needs a leader, someone to step out in the light and say, "Hey, this is me. This is who I am, and this is what I stand for." Look, I get it, high school is tough, but you can do this, and they will lose their judgment as soon as you lose yours. I got your back here, dude — And that guy right there, Finn, was one of my best friends, and he was the quarterback here, and when he joined the glee club, it changed everything here forever. Pick up where he left off, and it'll be the best thing that's ever happened to you.}}
== R-S ==
