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== A-B ==
* [[Aborted Arc]]: Repeatedly.
** Most notably was any Finn story lines occurring past season 4, since between season 4 and 5, [[Cory Monteith]] [[Author Existence Failure|passed away]].
** Quinn's vague threat of doing something mischievous in New York only to just get a haircut.
** The show makes a big deal out of setting up a [[Betty and Veronica]] love triangle with Sue, Coach Bieste, and Cooter, only for Bieste and Cooter to get married offscreen.
** The second half of season one built up an [[UnlikelyOdd Friendship]] between Mercedes and Quinn, to the point where Quinn asked Mercedes to be in the delivery room with her. Aside from one line in the season three premiere, this friendship has not been mentioned since.
** Sugar's lack of singing skill. It initially keeps her from getting into the New Directions, and we see a touch of it during the Troubletones' rehearsal time, but in actual performances it's never a problem. In fact, when the Troubletones are dissolved and rejoin the New Directions, she joins along with the rest of the former New Directions members, no fuss.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: In "Furt", Finn makes a speech about [[Portmanteau Couple Name|Portmanteau Couple Names]] in the school.
* [[Adaptation Displacement]]:
* [[Adaptation Displacement]]:* An in-universe example. The lines Finn and Rachel run are from the film version of ''[[Cabaret]]'', suggesting they are putting on an adaptation of that rather than the original stageplay. The songs from the film often do find their way into stage productions of the play in real life, however.
** Similarly, the versions of [[The Rocky Horror Picture Show|''Rocky Horror'']] and ''[[Grease]]'' that the club puts on are movie based, rather than the actual stage productions.
* [[Adults Are Useless]]: To an extent.
** The adults do nothing about bullying at McKinley (although this is [[Truth in Television]]), and even Will passively permits this. The school board dismisses the claim {{spoiler|of Karofsky's death threat and only give him a verbal warning}}. Strangely averted by Sue, who genuinely wants to help Kurt, but is held back by protocol, and even resigns the position of principal so that she can help him better. Not that it helps.
** Twice within the first three episodes of Season 1, everything is going to pot until the kids stop listening to the adults and take charge themselves. In fact, if you include the Disco/Push it dilemma, they're three for three.
** Will is an [[Averted Trope|aversion]], at least if you ask the members of New Directions. They even sing "My Life Would Suck Without You" in his honor. Many viewers, however, would consider that an [[Informed Attribute]] because he actually has been pretty useless when the kids needed him (Kurt being bullied, Santana's public outing, etc).
** This trope is brought up in the episode "On My Way". When Karofsky {{spoiler|tries to kill himself}} the faculty of McKinley conference in the principal's office. Among the things said, Sue says that {{spoiler|she should've seen it coming, because she was principal when he was bullying Kurt and she knew something was up}}. Will says that {{spoiler|they were all hard on Dave because they thought he'd hurt Kurt, they just didn't imagine that he'd hurt himself}}.
{{quote|'''Principal Figgins''': It wasn't our job to know.
'''Emma''': Then whose job was it?}}
** A minor example in "Dynamic Duets". The Glee Club's Nationals Trophy is stolen by the Warblers, who refuse to give it back unless Blaine rejoins them. Eventually, Blaine and Sam break into the school and take it back. Principal Figgins doesn't seem to care much that a major piece of school property was stolen and is being held for ransom - in fact, his reaction is never mentioned, nor is that of the Dalton administration.
* [[Aerith and Bob]]: Of the new characters, this is somewhat the case. You have Blaine, Rory, Sugar and Joe.
* [[Aesop Amnesia]]: All the freaking time. If someone learns a lesson, don't expect it to stick.
** A particularly stinging example is Rachel's audition for NYADA (the fictional New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts). Back when she auditioned for ''[[West Side Story]],'' Shelby suggested she perform a more vocally-trying song than originally intended, and that she'd never get anywhere without taking risks. {{spoiler|But when it's time for her big NYADA audition, she sticks to a "safe" song and even tells Kurt to do the same. Three guesses as to the outcome of said audition...}}.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Sebastian has definitely acted this way this season, particularly when he told Kurt right to his face that he was going to try to seduce Blaine away from him, and then later after Blaine rejected him, when he injured Blaine's eye with a slushy filled with rock salt.
* [[Age-Inappropriate Art]]: Every so often, New Directions performs musical numbers that are '''really''' not appropriate to be taught at schools; examples include "Push It", "Toxic", the entirety of "The Rocky Horror Glee Show", and "Do You Wanna Touch Me".
* [[All Asians Are Alike]]: Seems to be a running gag with Mike and Tina. They got together at Asian Camp and in "Duets", after they started arguing, Mike says they "should go to Asian couples therapy." [[Lampshade Hanging|Tina wonders why it has to be Asian.]] Furthermore, they are able to find out that Rachel gave Sunshine directions to a crackhouse for auditions because the "Asian community is very tight-knit." Sunshine is Filipino while Mike and Tina are Chinese, two communities that generally have little in common.
** As a meta-example, Mike Chang is played by Harry Shum, Jr., a Chinese-American. His father is played by a Korean-American actor and his mother is played by a Japanese-American actress.
* [[All Gays Are Promiscuous]]: Inverted in Kurt's case; he is {{spoiler|(well, was)}} a virgin and is actually quite nervous about what sex with a guy will be like, preferring chaste romances where "the touch of the fingertips is as sexy as it gets." Played with in Santana's case; her promiscuity with ''boys'' is a way of hiding from her feelings for the one girl she sleeps with, Brittany (who, on the other hand, will do [[Anything That Moves]]).
* [[All Guys Want Cheerleaders]]: Quinn, as head cheerleader was the most popular girl in school, when Santana took over as cheer captain she claimed that title.
* [[All Part of the Show]]: In a totally natural sense, Figgins believes that the Glee Club's vomit attack during their performance of "Tik Tok" was all special effects. In reality, New Directions was drunk off their asses.
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: It seems to be a constantly rotating spot on the show, with each example eventually vacating the spot after becoming a [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]. It was Quinn at the beginning of the show, followed soon after by Santana for the next two seasons. Kitty was introduced to take over role in season 4 after Santana moved to New York. After Kitty came Bree in season 5, who even the former title holder thinks is a "stone cold bitch".
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: Quinn, in the beginning of the show, then Santana basically took over this spot, though even Santana seems to be moving away from this
* [[Altar the Speed]]:
** Emma and Ken, almost, in the first season... and then Emma and Carl for real in the second season.
Line 79 ⟶ 83:
* [[Auto-Tune]]: Every song to varying degrees. Including successful Broadway actresses like Lea freaking Michele. Also mentioned [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|in-series]].
* [[The Baby Trap]]: After thinking she's pregnant and finding out it was just a hysterical pregnancy, Terri continues to claim to be pregnant to continue her failing marriage with Will. Quinn also tells Finn he's the father of her baby when in actuality Puck is really the father. And in testament to the utter ridiculousness of the show, the two manage to overlap.
* [[Backhanded Apology]]: Santana delivers a ''nasty'' one to Finn in "Mash Off".:
{{quote|'''Santana:''' Hey Tubs! Can I talk to you for a second?
'''Rory:''' Hey, listen here. You can't make fun of Finn anymore.
'''Santana:''' Shut your potato hole, I'm here to apologize. ''[to Finn]'' Rachel's right, I haven't been fair to you. You're not fat. I should know, I slept with you. I mean, at some point I must have liked that you look like a taco addict who's had one too many back alley liposuctions.
'''Rory:''' Whoa.
'''Santana:''' Please stick a sock in it or ship yourself back to Scotland. I'm trying to apologize to Lumps The Clown. ''[back to Finn]'' I am sorry, Finn. I mean, really, I'm sorry that the New Directions are gonna get crushed by the Troubletones. And also sorry that you have no talent. Sorry that you sing like you're getting your prostate checked, and you dance like you've been asleep for years and someone just woke you up. Have fun riding on Rachel's coattails for the rest of your life, although, you know what, I would just watch out for her come holiday time if I were him, because if I were her, I'd stick a stent in one of those boobs and let the Finn blubber light the Hanukkah lamp for eight magical nights.}}
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Puck and pretty much [[All Girls Want Bad Boys|every girl he flirts with]].
* [[Berserk Button]]:
Line 108 ⟶ 117:
* [[Bi the Way]]: Possibly Brittany; so far, she's only identified as bi-curious.
* [[Black Best Friend]]: Mercedes to Kurt, at least after "Acafellas", and to Quinn, after "Home". Also Azimio to Karofsky {{spoiler|until "On My Way"; in the hospital, Karofsky mentions to Kurt that Azimio doesn't want to see him any more because of his sexuality}}.
* [[Black Comedy]]: Fairly common, depending on the writer. As in the third episode when the shop teacher loses both his thumbs and they get him a cake with hands on it and the legend "Two Thumbs Up!"
{{quote|'''Will:''' How do you guys answer the phone?
'''Mercedes:''' What up?
'''Artie:''' Who dis be?
'''Kurt:''' No, she's dead; this is her son.}}
* [[Black Comedy Rape]]: Brittany lost her virginity at summer camp when an "alien" came into her tent.
** How Sue blackmailed Figgins, by slipping him a roofie and then taking a picture of two of them in bed together. As Sue was in her tracksuit at this point, we don't know if anything happened or she just made Figgins ''think'' it did.
Line 116 ⟶ 130:
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: One of the more interesting subtexts of the show -- Musical talent is treated as a heady mix of this and [[Cursed with Awesome]], depending on the situation. This becomes even more thought-provoking once you think of all the times the characters [[I Just Want to Be Normal|Just Want To Be Normal]].
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: Sue, Terri, and Kendra (Terri's sister) are all played fairly straight, although with the exception of Kendra they are given redeeming qualities in varying degrees. Quinn starts out this way, but [[Heel Face Turn|changes as the series progresses]], especially after getting pregnant and later getting {{spoiler|kicked out of the Cheerios}}. Averted by Brittany, who seems genuinely sweet (possibly because she's too dumb for cruelty).
* [[Book Ends]]
** In the "Loser Like Me"/"Homecoming" two-part premiere for season 6. Near the beginning of the first episode Rachel hops into a golf-cart and is driven out of her studio. At the end of the second she hops in another one and rides it to the homecoming dance.
** In the first episode Rachel says "being a part of something special makes you special". Years later, in the final episode, she amends this to "something is special because you're a part of it".
** The first episode closes with the hand-raise of all the kids of the glee club (at that time a measly six) in their red outfits in the auditorium, the final episode does the same but this time there are all the dozens of cast members.
** The first filmed shot for the show was [[Cory Monteith]]'s face, so was the last via the "Finn Hudson Memorial Auditorium" sign.
** In Season Five, when the glee club temporarily ends, all the glee kids appear in the auditorium to sing to Will in the approximate order they joined the club in, making this part a literal book-ended mirror for the original glee club.
* [[Both Sides Have a Point]]: In "On My Way", prayers are offered during a God Squad meeting once news of Dave Karofsky's {{spoiler|attempted suicide by hanging}} comes out, but Quinn denounces his actions as selfish and then says that she doesn't know what would drive her to the edge. This is bad timing, because Kurt arrives and, [[It's All My Fault|due to his guilt over ignoring Dave's repeated phone calls that week]] on top of [[Rant-Inducing Slight|minor comments often being enough for him to release his built-up rage]], asserts that Quinn's pregnancy and completely reinventing herself as a bad girl doesn't come anywhere close to the [[Gayngst|problems {{spoiler|being gay}} presents you with in life]] - not realizing or caring that she was disowned, her status as head cheerleader slipped to the point that she had slushes thrown in her face just like the other glee club members, Sue removed her from the cheerleading squad because of her pregnancy, and that Finn dumping her [[Kick the Dog|right after a ''funeral'' because he realized how much he loved someone else during that funeral]] caused her to ask why she can't find love and why her dreams can't come true and admit that she just wants somebody to love her. The most Dave struggled with up to that point was {{spoiler|being bullied by his teammates in the locker room after being outed and also being mercilessly attacked online}}, and [[What the Hell, Hero?|Quinn rebuffs Kurt for making such a comparison]] until he cuts her off, dropping the subject altogether after realizing that she wasn't going to get anywhere with him. Quinn hasn't quite gotten a handle on [[It's All About Me|caring about people other than herself though]], and tells him that she finds it hard to imagine being in a position in which she'd consider {{spoiler|taking her own life}}; Kurt then makes a valid point that no one can be in exactly the same position as someone else and [[No Sympathy|she shouldn't write Dave off just because he isn't as strong as she is]].
* [[Bowdlerize]]: The ''Rocky Horror Picture Show'' is butchered both in-universe and out.
