Glee: Difference between revisions

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* [[Camp Gay]]: Kurt seems very much at peace with his "feminine" side. He loves clothes, day spas, and fancy costumes. He wears a dress in "Theatricality", performs numbers from ''[[Victor/Victoria]]'', and tries to join the girls' group in boys vs. girls competitions. However, in "Furt", he resents being referred to as a lady unless it is from a friend, similar to [[N-Word Privileges]]. In one episode, when he's watching movies with Mercedes and Rachel, one of the girls says she's feeling emotional and Kurt replies "But our periods don't come until the end of the month."
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]:
** This is a recurring problem throughout Kurt and Blaine's relationship. In "Dance with Somebody", Kurt hits it off instantly with a boy he meets at the local music store and begins texting him quite often soon after that; because Blaine is the kind of touchy-feely person that needs his emotional needs to be met every second within their relationship, [[Your Cheating Heart|he accuses Kurt of cheating on him]]. Kurt clearly ''knows'' about Blaine's intimacy issues since he admits to Rachel that he wouldn't tell him about those texts, but the fact that he used to be the [[I Just Want to Be Loved|only publicly gay student at school means that Kurt's always had to fall back on an extremely active fantasy life to meet ''his'' emotional needs]], and he feels that Blaine has become distant recently. However, [[What the Hell Hero|both Blaine and Rachel tell him that he should just ''talk'' to him about the rut they are in instead of doing something that could be misconstrued as an act of infidelity]], and it's only when Burt points out how things have become so casual between them that they haven't really acknowledged Kurt's leaving that Kurt finally understands how much he has seriously hurt Blaine and attempts to make things right through singing "I Have Nothing".
** An even more extreme example occurs in "The Break Up". Kurt inadvertently pulls away from Blaine and keeps dismissing his calls due to his internship, making Blaine feel neglected and isolated despite them planning to be together in two weeks' time. Since Blaine has been established as the kind of person who needs physical contact to relax and needs it frequently, he feels tempted after receiving a message from someone on Facebook propositioning him to come over, and he ends up going through it. However, Blaine realizes his error almost immediately afterwards and flies to New York to tell Kurt what happened; Kurt responds by breaking up with him and severing all ties. However, the fact that Blaine decided to go to New York a couple days ahead of what he and Kurt had originally planned proves that he could have just done that ''in the first place'', as opposed to poking around on Facebook and sleeping with another guy.
* [[Can't Get in Trouble For Nuthin']]: In "Bad Reputation", the less popular Glee kids pull stunts to try and raise their Badass cred. It doesn't work.
