Glee: Difference between revisions

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* [[Prom Is for Straight Kids]]: Discussed, as Blaine is reluctant to go because of a bad incident during a Sadie Hawkins dance at his former school. But it's averted (mostly) as Kurt and Blaine seemingly go without a hitch and Brittany can be seen dancing with a girl at one point.
* [[Protagonist-Centered Morality]]:
** This is one of the reasons some critics found the bullying storyline which begun in "Never Been Kissed" inherently flawed, as the show had previously treated bullying in a light-hearted manner. To elaborate: Dave Karofsky is revealed to be a closeted homosexual and these feelings cause him a lot of difficulties and confusion, something that Kurt and Blaine try to get him to come to terms with. However, Karofsky denies that anything happened and soon returns to bullying Kurt, which includes threatening to kill him if Kurt reveals his closeted homosexuality. It's clear that the show treats Karofsky's bullying seriously and his [[Villainous Crush]] does not frame him in a positive light just because he is putting himself through confusion and torture being closeted. The issue arises when the show does just that with Santana Lopez's bullying. In "Sexy", she tearfully confesses to Brittany that she is love with her and wants to be with her, but is also afraid of being bullied and ostracized for coming out as a lesbian. She too continues to beact like a bitch even after the truth [[Incredibly Lame Pun|comes out]] despite Brittany encouraging her to be true to herself, but she nonetheless still insists that Santana is not a bad person and defends her - it gets especially egregious in "Pot o' Gold" where Brittany's response to Finn merely telling her that leprechauns are not real and that she is being stupid is to tell him that such talk "is bullying and [she] won't accept it" as [[Alpha Bitch|Santana]] is standsstanding ''right next to her''.
** In "Rumors", Brittany's new internet talk show gives the newspaper some grist when she seems to out Santana on it, telling Mercedes and Tina that she can confirm that the rumor about Santana "playing for the other team" is 100% true. The minute Santana rightfully berates Brittany for her ill-chosen words however, Brittany claims a [[Bait and Switch]] and insists that she was referring to Santana being on New Directions and no longer being part of the Cheerios. However, the fact that Mercedes and Tina already ''knew'' this piece of gossip and the fact that she had been pushing Santana to publicly embrace herself for a while ever since she confessed that she was in love with her more seems to suggest that Brittany was just trying to save face; she may be stupid, but she's not [[Too Dumb to Live]]. Nevertheless, this is framed as acceptable and romantic simply because Brittany is [[The Ditz]], and Santana doesn't hold it against her too much despite admitting that people have been treating her differently ever since the newspaper article was published ("I was just asked to join the golf team"). However, when Finn tells Santana to come out of the closet in the middle of a crowded hallway, this is framed as a total [[Kick the Dog]] moment for Finn and Santana blames him for outing her to the world... despite the fact that it was one of Sue's opponents in the election releasing an attack ad that criticized Sue for choosing a lesbian as head cheerleader that forced her out of the closet. Finn says that the whole school already knows about Santana's homosexuality and doesn't care, and things like Kurt being tormented by a homophobic bully reaching a climax that resulted in him transferring schools does make him come across as [[The Ditz]] for making such a claim, but this trait is ''not'' used to absolve him of blame and Santana even goes as far as [[Armour Piercing Slap|slap him right in the face]] after he tells her that.
** In "Hold onto Sixteen", Quinn is repeatedly told by Rachel that she would be doing the wrong thing by informing people of Shelby's sexual relationship with Puck, which would cause her to lose her job, prove her an unfit mother and allow Quinn to retake her child. Despite Quinn having selfish motives for wanting to reveal the affair, the fact remains that Shelby ''shouldn't'' have gotten involved with Puck, a student at the school she works at and if she had lost the job and the child as a result of this, it would have ultimately been her ''own'' fault.
** In "Jagged Little Tapestry", Santana finds Kurt and unleashes what is undoubtedly her most ''vicious'' [[The Reason You Suck Speech]] in the entire series after Kurt objects to her proposing marriage to Brittany, saying the two are too young. Kurt is framed as the wrong party since he is clearly enveloped in his bitterness over losing Blaine despite it being ''his'' choice, and he eventually apologizes to Brittany for his negativity, [[Straw Man Has a Point|but it's hard to argue that Kurt does kind of have a point]]. Numerous characters spoke out against Finn and Rachel's decision to get married during their senior year with the argument that they are too young to be making such a decision, and the end result is that Finn calls off the wedding because Rachel deciding to defer her admission into NYADA for a year to help Finn reapply for his dream school makes him realize that he loves her too much if it means she has to give up on her dreams. Blaine asks for Burt's permission to propose to Kurt during "Wonder-ful", to which Burt points out how he should know it's a wrong idea seeing how things turned out for Finn and Rachel. Blaine instead proposes to Kurt anyway by [[Grand Romantic Gesture|overwhelming him so much that he can't exactly be in the right frame to say anything else but yes]], and thereby pressures him into marriage, and the end result is that co-habitation does not turn out to be their strong suit and Kurt calls it off with Blaine specifically because they're kids. If other characters object to those couples getting married so young, they are portrayed as sensible people who are correctly predicting potential heartbreak, but those who object to Santana wanting to marry Brittany at such a young age are simply portrayed as jerks who need to be shown up. Go figure.
