Go, Ye Heroes, Go and Die: Difference between revisions

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== Film ==
* "Bravely, bold Sir Robin", from ''[[Monty Python and The Holy Grail]]'', is the song of a bard on how Sir Robin will suffer (his bowels unplugged, his nostrils raped, and his penis...) in his heroics. Robin's reply?
{{quote| "That's... quite enough music for now."}}
** From the same film, another famous line:
{{quote| '''Tim:''' "Follow. '''But!''' Follow only if you be men of valor, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by [[Killer Rabbit|a creature]] so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived! (...) so brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further! For '''death awaits you all''' with nasty big [[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family|pointy teeth]]."}}
** What an eccentric performance....
* Admiral Fred gives one of these in ''[[Yellow Submarine]]'' just before [[The Beatles]] board the submarine. Fortunately, the Beatles are not fazed for more than a few moments.
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* Kermit rallies the Happiness Hotel together to foil a robbery in ''[[The Great Muppet Caper]]'', only to ruin everything by warning them of the probability of violence. ''Fozzy'', of all people, is the one to get them all back on the band wagon.
* An intentional version from the [[Marx Brothers]] movie ''[[Duck Soup]]'' as Harpo is "volunteered" to break through enemy lines in the final battle between Freedonia and Sylvania:
{{quote| '''Rufus T. Firefly''': You're a brave man. Go and break through the lines. And remember, while you're out there risking your life and limb through shot and shell, we'll be in be in here thinking what a sucker you are. }}
* In ''[[Erik the Viking]]'', Erik makes a dramatic speech about the quest he and his men are going on, mentioning the dangers they might face. He only succeeds in making the families of his crew start mourning their deaths before they even clear the dock.
* When Linguini of ''[[Ratatouille]]'' gives his "inspiring" speech in preparation for the arrival of food critic Anton Ego, he depresses his kitchen staff so much that by the end only Colette can muster the energy to stand up straight.
{{quote| '''Lalo:''' Dis is very bad juju right here...}}
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== Live Action TV ==
* Subverted in the [[Musical Episode]] of ''[[Lexx]]'', where the tale of a noble but doomed last stand genuinely inspires the heroes to do the same. The rousing finale:
{{quote| '''All:'''<br />
We will honor the past<br />
And fight to the last<br />
It will be a good way to die }}
** In this case they know that if they do not fight now, they will still suffer the same nasty death a short time later. If they fight now they at least have a chance at hurting the enemy.
* An amusing example on British panel show ''[[Mock the Week]]'', on the subject of "Worst things to say before going into battle":
{{quote| '''Frankie Boyle:''' Just remember, soon you will all be back home with your families. In a jar... on the mantelpiece...}}
* [[Buffy]] gives one in the final episode of season 5:
{{quote| '''Buffy''': Everybody knows their jobs. Remember, the ritual starts, we all die. And I'll kill anyone who comes near Dawn.<br />
...<br />
'''Spike''': Well, not exactly the Saint Crispin's Day speech, was it?<br />
'''Giles''': We few. We happy few.<br />
'''Spike''': We band of buggered. }}
* An ITV [[Panto]] had a song in which Jack (played by Neil Morrisey) declares his intent to climb the beanstalk, while a chorus of villagers sung how brave he was for risking certain death. In the second verse he starts explaining why he ''can't'' climb the beanstalk right at the moment...
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* In ''[[The Marriage of Figaro]]'', the melody of the Count's remarks to Cherubino, "Non più andrai" can be considered as this.
* "When the Foeman Bares his Steel", from ''[[The Pirates of Penzance]]'', is the [[Trope Namer]]. The policemen sing about how they could use some incentive. Then the women sing about how heroic they are to be facing certain death. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] by the leader of the policemen:
{{quote| "We observe too great a stress<br />
on the risks that on us press,<br />
and of reference a lack<br />
to our chance of coming back.<br />
Still, perhaps it would be wise<br />
not to carp or criticize,<br />
for it's very evident<br />
these attentions are well meant." }}
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** If your Persuade or Speech skills are too low, the most you can tell them is "Try not to get shot".
* During a ''[[Serious Sam]] 2'' cutscene, the hero tries to give a rousing speech, but an enemy mook messing with the microphone cable manages to time his disruptions of the speech so that it turns into one of these. It still works.
{{quote| '''Sam''': "If we go now [...] we'll never have a chance [...] to defeat Mental. [...] go now [...] enter those starships [...] that fate awaits you.}}
* In ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', if Javik goes to the Citadel, he'll attract attention from some civilians due to being a [[Precursors|Prothean]]. When asked if whether or not they'll have a chance to defeat the Reapers, he'll bluntly tell them that if his people were wiped out then this generation has absolutely no shot at beating them. However if Shepard steps in, he'll turn the speech around and make a [[Rousing Speech]] instead.
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== Western Animation ==
* "La Resistance" from ''[[South Park]]: [[The Movie|Bigger, Longer, and Uncut]]''. It's very inspiring for everyone except the three people it's ''supposed'' to be inspiring.
{{quote| You may get stabbed in the head<br />
with a dagger or a sword<br />
you may be burned to death<br />
or skinned alive or worse<br />
but when they torture you<br />
you will not feel the need to run<br />
for though you die, La Resistance lives on<br />
[...] They may cut your dick in half<br />
and serve it to a pig<br />
and though it hurts you'll laugh<br />
and dance a dickless jig<br />
but that's the way it goes<br />
in war you're shat upon<br />
though you die La Resistance lives on }}
* Invoked in the ''[[Sandokan]]'' cartoon. In his speech to the [[Mooks]] occupying the goodies' island stronghold and awaiting a counterattack, 'Admiral Zenay' delivers such inspiring lines as "the pirates outnumber us ten to one" (leading the Major to add, in his follow-up speech, "the pirates will be overwhelming us at any moment"). Since '[[Sdrawkcab Name|Zenay]]' is actually Yanez, Sandokan's second-in-command, in disguise, demoralizing them is all part of the plan.
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** Fluttershy is kind of a magnet for these, since Rarity delivers one to her in "Hearth's Warming Eve". There are many ways to stop Fluttershy worrying about going on stage; talking about how many ponies are coming to watch ''is not one of them''.
* In the ''[[Animaniacs]]'' episode "King Yakko", Yakko addresses his army with "I'm not going to lie to you. Some of you might not come back from this battle. And the rest of you? Definitely won't." Naturally, as he goes on about potential horrible death, the army abandons him.
{{quote| '''Dot:''' Maybe you should have lied just a little.}}