Going Through the Motions: Difference between revisions

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** This was also used for the advertisement for the recently released Mac version, which parodied the Mac VS PC ads.
* ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'' is very guilty of this. From Colette's arm pump, Lloyd's wild arm gesture, Zelos waving his arm up and down as he speaks, to Kratos' quickdraw sword slashes, you see each motion SEVERAL times during the game.
** The [[Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World|sequel]] does as well, though it is avoided during major cutscenes, which use motion-capture.
* ''[[Guild Wars]]'' uses the built in emote system in order to make the animations in their cutscenes. Cutscenes for the later installments did have arguably better animation, and ''Nightfall's'' release ''did'' allow for basic lip-synching for all cutscenes, even those of the previous installments.
* ''[[Grandia (video game)|Grandia]] I'', ''[[Grandia II]]'', ''[[Grandia III]]'' and ''[[Grandia Xtreme]]'', i.e. every single [[Grandia]] game has been full of this.
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** He doesn't just impale the other guy, he does a perfect parry and side step first, then stabs him. That 2 seconds is the most realistic fight scene in all of Final Fantasy.
** Orange Fluffy Sheep's LP actually notes this. He realized that Tactics had a separate sprite for grabbing a bottle of wine, pouring it into a glass, and downing the glass in one gulp, while Final Fantasy VI used the "downcast" look for nodding, looking at one's shoes, and ''suicidal depression.''
** ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics Advance]]'' didn't have the same luxury as the first Tactics did. There were custom sprites for some situations like a few characters shaking their head to say no, but the rest were just recycled animations used from battles. ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics a 2A2]]'' improved it a bit; one character's sprite shakes when he is freezing and he also spins in circles when panicking.
* ''[[Drakengard]]'' averted this, surprisingly. Every cutscene is scripted, including the facial gestures and the characters talking. It was surprising for some to play the sequel and learn they had removed ''all motion'', going with select character portraits for the facial animation and stilled 3D shots for what used to be the cutscenes. They must have lost money or something.
** The facial expressions in the first game are actually pretty minor, and the in-game movements are rather undetailed. ''Drakengard'' doesn't have the best visuals in the world (and makes up for it with how ''twisted'' the script is).
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* [[Sprite Comic|Sprite Comics]] are bound by this limitation as well; ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'' gets good mileage out of its "arms up" and "head down" poses.
* Not only is it averted in the usual cases in ''[[Half-Life 2]]'', the dev team goes out of their way to avoid this effect. At one point in Episode 2, the player can see squads of Combine infantry and support moving across a distant bridge. Apparently the effect of these half-inch-tall figures moving in lockstep was too "robotic" for the Combine (which is quite a trick for the transhuman troops, but okay), so they coded them to switch randomly between several walk cycles as they crossed. Details...
* [[Super Mario RPG]] had hardly any additional frames for the characters. However, during cutscenes they use the standard walking, jumping, waving, etc. motions combined with sound effects to great effect. Usually, this was in the form of [[Heroic Mime|re-enacting what had just happened, in an effort to explain it to someone else.]] Its [[Spiritual Successor|spiritual sequels]], the [[Paper Mario (franchise)|Paper Mario]] and [[Mario and Luigi|Mario & Luigi]] series, do the same thing.
** One creative bit is when the "mute" pose of a bowed head is used to show {{spoiler|Mario bowing to Mallow when he's revealed to be a prince.}}
* Every character in ''[[World Destruction|Sands of Destruction]]'' has one specific gesture to themselves which they go through when they speak. Yes, (nearly) every time they speak.