Gold Digger (Comic Book): Difference between revisions

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* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: Frequently averted. For instance, Brianna, the lab accident composite clone trying to kill the Diggers sisters, now their gung-ho sister. Or Charlotte, the instant-grown harpy girl accidentally freed from the control of the time-travelling dog who fired her at our heroes, now co-headliner of a [[WAFF|WAFFy]] spinoff.
** Immediately after the dog's control was broken, Gina and company discovered that bubble of reality was about to collapse, so they ran for the way out ... taking Charlotte along, even though she was in a stupor and slowed them down. '''None''' of them were willing to just leave her behind.
* [[Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?]]: A little girl claiming to be Brianna's daughter from the future showed up. Her name? Roquette -- pronounced "Rocket." Someone else said, "What kind of mother would name their--" and Brianna interrupted, "Whoa! Whatta '''cute name'''!"
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Stripe. Just...Stripe. Despite a massive-power up halfway through the B&W series making him one of the two most powerful good guys, he is infamous for being hit by surprise, dropping his guard, and so on. Outside his first battles post-power up, it's rare he doesn't end up knocked out at least for a while during a fight. No wonder Agent M thought he needed training despite his skill and strength.