Gorillaz/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| Voiced by: Nelson De Freitas (voice), Damon Albarn (vocals)}}
{{quote| ''I never really thought about anything as far as I can remember.''}}
The ambition-lacking, thick-headed but sweet vocalist, who also provides keyboards and minor instruments (like melodica and panpipes) for the band. 2D used to look up to Murdoc and believed he "saved his life", [[Too Dumb to Live|despite the fact that Murdoc also kidnapped him, stole his girlfriend, dented both of his eyeballs, put him into a coma, repeatedly beat him up, sold his belongings online, and stole most of his internal organs]]. As of ''Plastic Beach'', however, 2D seems to have finally smartened up, allowing him to openly express his resentment of Murdoc and to have frequent moments of cleverness and wisdom.
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* [[Genius Ditz]]: He can play a lot of instruments, he composed a lot of songs, and he even wrote some of the lyrics, despite his unimpressive mental capacity.
* [[Ho Yay]]: With Murdoc. Quite many moments that involve this, especially this one:
{{quote| '''Murdoc:''' I saved your life, you owe me your soul. <br />
'''2D:''' Awww, I love you, Murdoc. }}
* [[Idiot Savant]]
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* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Certainly in Phase 3. It did seem to make him a bit smarter, though.
* [[Stupid Sexy Flanders]]: 2D gets this interpretation from many male fans' point of view. And [[Depraved Bisexual|Murdoc]]'s.
{{quote| '''Murdoc:''' When he stood up...''wow''. What an image. [[Ho Yay|Tall, pretty, blue spikey hair...]] }}
* [[Took a Level In Dumbass]]: [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]].
** He seems to be sinking back into stupidity in [[Do Ya Thing]], where he doesn't appear to show any resentment to Murdoc after Phase 3 at all.
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{{quote| Voiced by: Phil Cornwell}}
{{quote| ''Kids, eh? Little treasures. I love them. Couldn't eat a whole one though.''}}
Murdoc himself states that if you Google his name, the first three words to pop up will be "sexy, edgy, dangerous". <ref> [[Captain Obvious|They won't.]]</ref> A more fitting choice would probably be "immoral, egoistical, hygiene-lacking". Murdoc has provoked both the birth and the demise of the band. While he hasn't been quite right in the head since the band's creation, Phase 3 has only been proving his derangement. In the band, he focuses on playing the bass guitar, but he has also contributed with minor instruments.
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{{quote| Voiced by: Haruka Kuroda (voice), Tina Weymouth, Rosie Wilson, Miho Hatori (vocals)}}
{{quote| ''Every great band is destroyed by their success. [[Medium Awareness|Cartoon bands]] [[No Fourth Wall|are no exception.]]''}}
A Japanese girl who arrived in a Fed Ex crate at age eight at Gorillaz' doorstep, not being able to speak a word in English <ref> Actually, she spoke just one word, and that word was "noodle".</ref>, [[Child Prodigy|but playing the guitar like a virtuoso.]] Before a certain [[A Worldwide Punomenon|Noodle]] [[Noodle Incident|Incident]], she was known for being very energetic and high-spirited. Most of the time, she was also the smartest and most down-to-earth member of the band. As of the "El Manana" video, {{spoiler|she has gone missing.}}. As of the "On Melancholy Hill" one, {{spoiler|she is certainly alive and heading towards Plastic Beach.}} In the fifth Pirate Radio, {{spoiler|she and Russell have at last made it to the island.}} As of February 2012, she is currently sharing 212 Wobble Street, London, with the rest of her band mates.
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{{quote| Voiced by: Remi Kabaka}}
{{quote| ''You can't go dressin' up as a goddamn Nazi! You cracker-ass...''}}
Russel comes from Brooklyn and is perhaps best known for being possesed by the souls of his dead friends, that he lost in a drive-by shooting. Ever since, he has been the most psychically unbalanced out of the group, what with the demons inside him taking advantage at times. Russel himself is a melancholic, well-spoken person (even if our character quote doesn't quite prove it) who deeply cares for Noodle. He provided drums for "Gorillaz" and "Demon Days", but he was not invited to play on "Plastic Beach" because nobody could find him. Of course, [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|he doesn't have this problem anymore.]]
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{{quote| No voice actor as of yet.<br />
''Beeeeeeep Beep;'' }}