Grandmaster of Theft/Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"The purpose of laws is to protect the people. If those laws fail to do so, I reject them. And I'll surpass them. Since scum like Deus and others have no issues making their own rules, neither shall I. If that makes me a criminal, so be it. I believe the saying goes 'It takes a thief to catch a thief.' If that's the case, I'll be that thief. And since I'll beat every single thief that comes my way, I'll claim the title of the world's greatest thief!"|Cassidy Cain}}
The protagonist and titular Grandmaster of Theft. Heiress to the [[Mega Corp|CAINternational]] fortune and granddaughter of legendary strategist, Cassidy uses said abilities as a vigilante thief. While she's against any forms of injustice, her primary objective is to reveal and capture Deus.
* [[A Mother to Her Men]]: Sees it as part of her responsibility as a leader.
* [[Alliterative Name]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type III
* [[The Apprentice (trope)|The Apprentice]]: To Edan.
* [[Awesomeness By Analysis]]: Uses this to develop her plans after studying the layout of locations in addition to stating that her Belladova style was built from observations of others.
* [[Badass]]
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** [[Badass Bookworm]]
** [[Lady of War]]: Whether in combat or not, she values refinement, sophistication, and generally well-mannered.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Mistreating others, especially those close to her, is an easy way to trigger her more [[Hot-Blooded]] moments.
* [[Celibate Heroine]]: Avoids relationships because she believes love would distract her from her responsibilities as heiress alongside threaten her secret identity as Grandmaster.
* [[Challenge Seeker]]: Seeks them as means to test her abilities and grow stronger.
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* [[Insufferable Genius]]: Not the least bit modest about her brilliance, though she's generally polite to people and mainly uses it as a weapon to irritate enemies.
* [[I Shall Taunt You]]: All for the sake of getting under adversaries skin.
* [[Lady of Adventure]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Of the hard-hitting speedster variety.
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]]: Admits to not having that many close to her because she spends far more time focusing on self-mastery. It is also for this reason she values those very few that are there and very protective of them.
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* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: The reason he's Cassidy's assistant.
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: Usually acts role of [[The Slacker]], but he is incredibly competent at his work when he actually does it. Cassidy's requests are one of few things that draws out his true skill.
* [[The Champion]]: Lampshaded by Cassidy with regards to him being her knight.
* [[The Confidant]]: Listens to any of Cassidy's issues, one of few people she'll share every single one of her thoughts, and helps ease her mind.
* [[The Consigliere]]: Cassidy's partner in crime, he generally acts as a calming influence in Cass more fiery moments, her confidant in handling situations & her assistant in all matters.
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* [[Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist]]: He chases after the Grandmaster of Theft
* [[Master Swordsman]]
* [[Named Weapons]]: Loria, named after Gale's grandmother. Doubles as [[Ancestral Weapon]].
* [[Supporting Leader]]: Serves this role to Grandmaster of Theft.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: To Grandmaster
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* [[All-Encompassing Mantle]]: Wears his cape as such.
* [[Always V. Sexy]]
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]: Though not yet proven whether or not to be evil, he is a pompous jerk.
* [[Brainless Beauty]]: Described as being far too pretty to be a guy, but also not having much sense.
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* [[Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense]]
* [[Spoiled Brat]]
* [[UpperclassUpper Class Twit]]
=== Julia Harte ===
The daughter of Sharpe Security's President and Vincent's personal assistant.
* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: Jules
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* [[Nervous Wreck]]: Assumes the very worst will happen and plans accordingly, just in case.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: Generally avoids speaking much and when she does, speaks in a small stutter.
* [[Simple Staff]]: Her weapon of choice is one which can compact
* [[Silk Hiding Steel]]: Delicate shrinking violet on the outside, the true brains between Vincent & her alongside an accomplished fighter on the inside.
* [[Woman in White]]: The same as Vincent because of Sharpe Security protocol.
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Do NOT interfere with anything he considers fun
* [[Blood Lust]]: Openly admits to finding tons of joy in seeing blood stained on white shirts
* [[Beware the Silly Ones]]: Either this or [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]
* [[Diabolical Mastermind]]: Is one as a hobby
* [[Evil Feels Good]]
* [[Evil Genius]]: Self-described one. His actions more than prove he's not bluffing.
* [[Evil Is Hammy]]:
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]
* [[For the Evulz]]: Knowingly acts out the role of evil villain because it's fun being the bad guy and can do whatever he wants.
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* [[Drama Queen]]
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: Cassidy easily defeats her without taking a single blow.
* [[Grave Robbing]]: How she obtained Undine's Tear.
* [[Lady of Adventure]]: Her claim to fame as a celebrity.
* [[Lean and Mean]]
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* [[Miles Gloriosus]]: She brags and boasts entire time, but when push comes to shove, she relies on others to do all the actual work while she takes the credit and draws attention.
* [[Narcissist]]: [[Sarcasm Mode|Bet you didn't see that one coming.]]
* [[Not So Harmless]]: [[spoiler: Tricked Grandmaster of Theft into a challenge that [[Xanatos Gambit|whether she won or lost, Narcisssa would be the real winner.]]
* [[Nouveau Riche]]: Worked her way up in status through her celebrity status, though generally obnoxious.
* [[Rich Bitch]]