Gratuitous Japanese: Difference between revisions

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** Drift's toy makes it all the funnier, though, thanks to the addition of gratuitous Japanese on his totally badass plus one sword. This sword is an ancient Cybertronian weapon passed down through the mysterious third faction of Knights Of Cybertron, and the implication is that Drift basically defiled it with the kanji for "peerless" to be more gratuitously Japanese.
* In a case of back-engineered Gratuitous Japanese, Ben Dunn's ''[[Ninja High School]]'' started off a Japanese character with an almost offensively fake "Asian-like" name -- "Itchy-koo"—and eventually hamhandedly backformed a real Japanese name around it ("Ichi-kun", from "Ichinohei Hitomi") with the implied explanation that it had been mispronounced all this time. ''Even by her parents.''
* In Uncanny X-Men issue 205, Wolverine is severally injured and, while his healing factor tries to put his brain back together, he starts speaking Japanese. By the second line his speech is [[Translation Convention|in bracketed English]] even though the only other character present can't understand it. Strangely Wolverine uses "[[Japanese Pronouns|Boku]]". While correct, it comes off pretty mild given Wolverine's personality.
== ファン・フィクション <small>(Fanfic)</small> ==