Great Lakes Avengers: Difference between revisions

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* '''Dr. Val "Flatman" Ventura''': Team deputy leader. Very flat, and [[Rubber Man|stretchy]]. Often mistaken for the [[Fantastic Four|Fantastic Four's Dr. Reed Richards]]. Recently came out of the closet. [[Mutant]].
* '''Ashley "Big Bertha" Crawford''': The team's original source of funding, she's [[Overly Narrow Superlative|the greatest swimsuit model in all of Wisconsin]]. Her powers allow her to shape the fat on her body as she pleases ([[Most Common Superpower|explaining her supermodeling]]), and the ability to add "superbulk" to her body, though she has to [[Unfortunate Implications|throw it up to get rid of it]]. Mutant.
* '''Demarr "Doorman" Davis''': Originally a mutant with the power to teleport things [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|through his body]] ([[Arbitrary Maximum Range|but only to the next room]]), he eventually took over [[Grim Reaper|Deathurge's job]] when [[Anthropomorphic Personification|Oblivion]] noticed his powers tapped into the ''Darkforce Dimension.'' [[Token Minority|Token black member]].
* '''Dinah Soar''': Member of an otherwise unknown race of pink flying reptiles. She is able to speak to only one person at a time; she chose [[Interspecies Romance|Mr. Immortal]]. She communicated with the other members of the team via a whistle. Killed in ''GLA #1''.
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* '''Wade [[Deadpool]] Willson''': Technically still a member of the team, he origionally joined out of boredum and to chase after Big Bertha. Caused more conflicts than he helped with. And yes, at one point Deadpool was technically an Avenger.
Since then, the team has appeared sporadically in a wide variety of titles. At the end of the GLA series, they were forced to change their name for in universe [[HilaritySued Suesfor Superheroics|legal reasons]]. They first settled on the Great Lakes X-Men, then became the Great Lakes Champions after winning a poker game. They registered during the [[Marvel Civil War]] event and became the official Initiative team for the state of Wisconsin, and changed their name once again to the Great Lakes Initiative, momentarily taking on [[Deadpool]] as a reserve member. Some time after the [[Secret Invasion]], Nevada team leader Gravity was [[Reassigned to Antarctica|transferred as punishment]] to head up the Avengers in his home state. Squirrel Girl has recently joined the [[The Avengers (Comic Book)|New Avengers]] in [[Big Applesauce|New York]] as official nanny for Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.
Flatman and Squirrel Girl did make a guest appearance on ''[[Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes]]'' as part of a [[Terrible Interviewees Montage]]. Both were rejected. Flatman also appeared in ''[[The Superhero Squad Show]]''.
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* [[Armed with Canon]] - "That happened in a story by Steve-freakin'-Ditko, so it is ''so'' in canon!"
* [[Ascended Fanboy|Ascended Fan Girl]] - Squirrel Girl
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] - Doorman
* [[The Beast Master]] - [[Squirrel Girl]]
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]] - [[Squirrel Girl]], though only if you're a [[Super Villain]].
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* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]] - Squirrel Girl.
* [[Distaff Counterpart]] - Tippy Toe for Monkey Joe.
** Big Bertha has the same power as [[X-Men]] enemy [[The Brute|The Blob]], the difference being that she can revert back to normal body build (if you consider a swimsuit model's body build "normal")
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]] - Mr. Immortal and the others actually once saved the universe from complete annihilation all on their own. Did they get any recognition for doing so? Nope. In fact, they were forced to drop the Avengers name because of it.
* [[Family-Unfriendly Death]] - Well, all of them, but Monkey Joe's especially.
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* [[Guardian Entity]] - Deathurge to Mr. Immortal.
* [[A Half Dozen Guys in A Basement]]
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]] - While Squirrel Girl is the queen of this trope, the other team members get their own moments.
* [[Imaginary Friend]] - Mr. Immortal's imaginary childhood friend turns out to be Deathurge.
* [[Interspecies Romance]] - Mr. Immortal and Dinah Soar.
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* [[Non-Human Sidekick]] - Monkey Joe and Tippy Toe.
* [[Not Blood Siblings]] - Mr. Immortal once had a romantic relationship with a stepsister. Now, if he could just hook up with some sort of undead, he'd have the near [[Squick]] trifecta.
* [[Overused Running Gag]] - Squirrel Girl defeating major villains.
* [[Petting Zoo People]] - Squirrel Girl.
* [[The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything]] - They are superheroes on paper, but in reality they just play card games. Then they attempt to do something heroic, they are upstaged by the real [[The Avengers (Comic Book)|Avengers]].
* [[Powered Armor]] - Grasshopper.
* [[Rage Against the Author]] - Squirrel Girl at Monkey Joe's death.
* [[Random Power Ranking]] - Mr. Immortal is an Omega Level mutant.
** Which makes a little bit of sense as he litterally ''cannot'' die. ''Ever''.
* [[Red Shirt]] - Mr. Immortal is essentially a full red shirt army by himself. He even got a red shirt during Glx-Mas.
* [[Resurrective Immortality]]/[[Complete Immortality]] - Mr. Immortal's only superpower is the ability to resurrect in perfect health immediately after dying, regardless of the method of death. It is implied that he is ''homo s. supreme'', having evolved beyond death, and will survive to see the end of the universe. Not really an attractive prospect. He can take advantage of it by killing himself to heal any persistent injuries, so it's not entirely a bad thing.
* [[Running Gag]] - Grasshoppers getting killed, each with less screen time.
* [[Shout-Out]] - {{spoiler|Monkey Joe}}'s death is a very intricate shout-out to that of {{spoiler|Sue Dibny}} in [[Infinite Crisis]], with details down to the scorching to death, the off-panel killing, the [[Makes Just as Much Sense in Context|footprints on the brain]], and the fact that {{spoiler|the murderer being a forgotten friend}}. Plus, #3 of the 4-issue-special is called "Mistaken Identity Crisis".
** Issue #2 of that series had an extended sequence with the GLA reaching out to every superhero they could think of to join their team - and all of them saying no. This was a reference to the then-recent first issue of DC's ''Villains United'', where Lex Luthor's villain squad contacted every baddie imaginable to join up, most of them saying yes.