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Griefers play online for one sole purpose: to annoy and anger the other players. It doesn't matter to the Griefer if he gets killed in the game, loses the match, or gets booted/banned from the server. As long as the Griefer pisses off someone, he has already won. Griefers enjoy seeking out new and interesting ways to ruin the games for others. Griefers cannot be stopped by countering their strategies on a case by case basis, joining a different game, or even reporting them to a moderator or adminstrator, because they don't care. They also love to be away from the keyboard during [[Player Versus Player]] games
Some Griefers have formed communities to improve their irritating strategies and induct new misanthropes to their circle of jerkhood. Occasionally, Griefers post their plans and "achievements" in forums where the acts are not looked upon with such favor, resulting, predictably, in [[Flame War|Flame Wars]]s and Bans all around.
Recently "vigilante" griefers have sprung up in some games, harassing other players for the sake of "justice" or "fairness". This type of player can be an extremist [[Scrub]] who, rather than complaining that a certain technique is unfair and cheap, decides that the easiest way to keep people from spamming the "cheap" technique is to attack only the players who are using the shunned spam attack.
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There exist videos of people griefing players and sometimes getting a funny reaction...which has sadly done ''exactly'' what the griefers get people ticked off and laughing at something. Because thanks to videos of griefing getting loads of positive comments on Youtube and forums internetwide...people now think they can grief to be ''funny'', when in reality, it was only funny the one or two times it was actually done in the video. After that, it's about as unfunny as [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny|Seinfeld is today.]]
Calling Griefer is a popular accusation in [[MMORPG|MMORPGs]]s that allow [[Player Versus Player]] combat, particularly in [[MMORPG|MMORPGs]]s that don't have separate PvP and [[Player Versus Environment]].
Note: This page is locked to prevent it from becoming a [[Self-Demonstrating Article]]. In-media examples only.
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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'''s ''New Phyrexia'' expansion was [[Intended Audience Reaction|intentionally designed with Griefing in mind]], and contains many cards that are intended to make your opponent feel bad. For example, [ Shattered Angel] takes something they normally feel happy about (getting more mana) and makes them feel bad about it (by making you gain life every time they play a land); there's a similar dynamic with cards like [ Consecrated Sphinx], [ Suture Priest], [ Invader Parasite], and so on.<br /><br />And while most sets have spells that kill or disable your opponent's stuff, in ''New Phyrexia'' they have added effects that rub your victory in their face, as with [ Numbing Dose], [ Victorious Destruction], [ Psychic Barrier], [ Glissa's Scorn], [ Enslave], [ Phyrexian Ingester], etc.<br /><br />Or, as development team member Tom LaPille [ puts it]:
{{quote|Our vision of ''New Phyrexia''--as created by Aaron Forsythe and Ken Nagle, the two players in R&D with the strongest griefing tendencies--is one of all-upside [[Griefer|griefing]] that leaves your opponent not knowing what they're supposed to do and feeling a little bit violated. Phyrexia doesn't destroy all the creatures on the battlefield; it destroys all the creatures on the battlefield and [{{=}}Life%27s%20Finale rips some out of your library to boot]. Phyrexia doesn't just exile a permanent. It [{{=}}Exclusion%20Ritual disallows the opponent from casting every other copy].}}
