Grimm (TV): Difference between revisions

Missed redlinks, Fixing style/layout errors
(fixed numerous redlinks, fixed trope alphabetization, quote cleanup)
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* [[Achilles Heel]]: The Blutbad have a weak spot at the lower right part of their back. If hit there it will stun them for a few seconds.
* [[Aggressive Negotiations]]: Nick invokes this with Adalind.
{{quote| '''Nick''': Adalind, I think it's time we settled our differences. Violently.}}
* [[Alien Catnip]]: Apparently mold that’s poisonous to us humans is “meth plus helium” to Wesen.
* [[Ancient Conspiracy]]: Marie warns Nick of a secret organization dedicated to defeating the Grimms and their allies (known as the "Grimm Reapers", of course).
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** Lena, a Spinnetod (spider Wesen) who has to consume the liquefied organs of three men every five years in order to not undergo rapid aging, who is clearly reluctant to do it.
* [[An Arm and a Leg]]: A type 2 example in "Bears will be Bears" when Monroe was fighting the people sent to kill Marie, he literally dis-armed one of them.
* [[Art Shift]]: Perhaps not an art shift per se, but the show definitely [[Doing It for Thethe Art|takesmakes effortsthe effort]] to use color, lighting, shadow and other subtle visual elements to create a quasi-fairy tale/story book appearance within context of realistic visuals.
* [[Asian and Nerdy]]: Sgt. Wu, who [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] the trope.
{{quote| '''Nick''': Can you see who he texted?
'''Wu''': Of course I can; I'm Asian. }}
* [[Asshole Victim]]: The ''fuchsbau'' Lena murders at the start of "Tarantella".
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** Monroe, the first creature Nick suspects of attacking girls in the woods. He ends up helping Nick find the actual creature in question, another of his kind.
** Nick does so a little bit near the end of the second episode.
{{quote| '''Frank Rabe''': It isn't easy to give up your history. You haven't had to give up yours.
'''Nick''': Yeah, it's been lots of fun. }}
** Captain Renard gets a chance too.
{{quote| '''Caller''': Did you get your present?
'''Renard''': Where should I send a thank-you note? }}
* [[Destructive Romance]]: Monroe and Angelina's relationship was depicted as this in episode six.
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* [[Dueling Shows]]: Against ''[[Once Upon a Time (TV series)|Once Upon a Time]]'' and ''[[Supernatural]]''. It shares the same time slot but is on a different channel.
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: Almost occurs when Monroe spies on the Ziegvolk, who can generate lust-inducing pheromones, for Nick.
{{quote| '''Monroe''': I can't be around that guy -- I almost bought him a drink!}}
* [[Every Man Has His Price]]: Monroe disliked being used by Nick for tracking ... until Nick offered him a bottle of 1978 Bordeaux for helping out. Monroe had no complaints from there on.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: The villains of "The Thing With Feathers" just can't get that Nick is trying to protect the seltenvogel from them, not trying to steal her golden egg for himself.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Though you can't exactly call her "evil", [[Fiery Redhead|Angelina]] is this to [[Heroes Want Redheads|Juliette.]]
* [[Exact Words]]: Reginald really should have been careful of how he worded his bargain with Edgar Waltz.
{{quote| '''Reginald''': You promise you won't hurt my family!
'''Edgar Waltz''': Of course not! You kept your end of the bargain. I wouldn't dream of torturing your ''family''. }}
* [[Eyeless Face]]: The hexenbiests display this trope.
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* [[Flashmob]]: "Beeware".
** [[Flash Mob Coverup]]: One of the participants used it as a way to cover up the murders of Hexenbiests.
* [[Friendship Moment]]: When Monroe is beaten up in "Of Mouse and Man" for "messing with the status quo" by helping a Grimm, Nick says [[ItsIt's Not You, ItsIt's My Enemies|he won't ask Monroe for help again]]. Monroe declares that [[Neutral No Longer|Nick can ask him for all the help Nick needs]], and they toast the moment with a beer.
{{quote| '''Monroe:''' I've never been much of a status quo guy. And next time, we'll be ready for them.}}
* [[Game Face]]: All Wesen have one, though only Nick and the other Grimms can see it.
** Marie says that the creatures can be seen for what they are when they "lose control", although it appears that they can also make a deliberate effort to show their inhuman aspect, or suffer momentary [[Glamour Failure]] that reveals their true nature to Nick. Unlike other instances though, the various creatures don't seem to actually transform physically--if they do, then their morph form remains hidden even for non-Grimms/non-creatures and they don't seem to have any real physical benefits for showing their [[Game Face]]; their strength and other abilities are as natural to them as breathing.
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*** Well, let's see how that would work. “Hey Juliette, I want you to never wear red again, because it will attract human-looking monsters that are really wolves that eat people.” That would surely go over well.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Monroe.
{{quote| '''Monroe:''' Oh, this is usually the part in the movie where the sidekick gets it.}}
** Plus, Monroe constantly relates the investigation in "Beeware" to a horror movie.
{{quote| '''Monroe:''' Oh, don't tell me we are going upstairs... Oh my God, we are going upstairs!}}
* [[Gladiator Games]]: The Lowen, a lion-like species of Wesen, enjoy running them to the modern day. {{spoiler|Captain Renard sanctioned the event with a list of approved targets to snatch and fight. He is not happy when they deviate from the list.}}
* [[Gratuitous Foreign Language]]: The names of Wesen are usually [[Gratuitous German|German]], which is to be expected since they were discovered and classified by a pair of German authors. Some are normal pre-existing words re-applied as a monster name, while new word creations usually end as [[Blind Idiot Translation|Blind Idiot Translations]].
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* [[Oh Crap]]: The reaction of various creatures upon learning that Nick is a Grimm has basically been "oh god oh god please don't kill me." Nick has used this to get information, but other times he's clearly getting exasperated at having to explain that he's not the indescriminately beheading type.
** In "Leave it to Beavers", the look the Reaper in Germany has when {{spoiler|he discovers his parcel contains the severed heads of the two Reapers tasked with eliminating Nick. As well as a note from him.}}
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Nick}}:''' {{spoiler|Next time. Send your best.}}}}
* [[Once an Episode]]: Each episode begins with a quote from a story or fairytale relevant to the episode in question. Nick also ends up calling on Monroe for ''something'' in every episode, whether Monroe likes it or not.
* [[One Dialogue, Two Conversations]]: Nick and Adalind, since he knows she's a Hexenbiest, and she knows he's a Grimm. When he has to question her for his case, they discuss it but take subtextual shots at each other with their word choice.
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* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Nick and Hank's superior in the force is in cahoots with one of the creature assassins, who was a Hexenbiest, in the pilot.}}
* [[Running Gag]]: Monroe's introduction in each episode seems to always revolve around him doing a very normal, very mundane activity and trying very very hard to ignore Nick and the inevitable creature-related problem. In "Organ Grinder", he brings this fact up and tries to have a normal conversation--it rapidly and awkward devolves into Monroe's favorite color (red), how human organs are like homeopathic remedies for wesen, and Nick and Monroe talking about human testicles as the wesen equivalent of Viagra.
{{quote| '''Monroe''': Maybe I should just get you your own key.}}
* [[Roaring Rampage of Rescue]]: Nick goes on one of these in “Plumed Serpent."
* [[Save the Princess]]: Invoked and Conversed when {{spoiler|Juliette is kidnapped by a Daemonfeuer.}}
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: Monroe is breaking all kinds of taboos by helping Nick, but he is not going to let that stop him from doing what he thinks is right. This point is made clear when, in Episode 9 ("Of Mouse and Man"), he's {{spoiler|ambushed by a group of creatures who beat him bloody and unconscious, then scrawl a Reaper scythe emblem on his car; Nick says he won't ask for any more help, but Monroe refuses to knuckle under to threats}}.
{{quote| '''Monroe:''' I'm not really a status quo kind of guy.}}
* [[Secret War]]: See Masquerade.
* [[Ship Tease]]: From the moment she showed up, this has been happening between Rosalee and Monroe.
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* [[Title Drop]]: in the episode "Island of Dreams" the title turns out to be a term for wesen [[Opium Den]] s featured in the episode.
* [[There Should Be a Law]]: Hap is surprised that it's legal for a Grimm to be a police officer. He is not the brightest guy.
{{quote| '''Hap''': He's a cop ''and'' a Grimm? Is that even legal?}}
* [[They Look Just Like Everyone Else]]
* [[Things That Go Bump in the Night]]
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** In "Last Grimm Standing" its revealed that Grimms have superior strength to that of ordinary humans, allowing Nick to easily defeat an adversary that several well-trained Wesen failed to do. Monroe's comment about digging down deep and channeling previous generations of Grimms could indicate that they might potentially have more abilities.
** In "Leave it to Beavers", Nick ends up {{spoiler|killing ''two'' Reapers tasked with eliminating him. He sends a parcel containing their severed heads back to their handler in Germany, along with a note}}.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Nick}}:''' {{spoiler|Next time, send your best.}}}}
* [[Trigger Happy]]: The bad guys in “Island Of Dreams” only meet the ‘shoot at the slightest provocation’ part of the trope description.
* [[Underground Railroad]]: For Wesen who are trying to escape the Old World controlled by [[Evil Aristocracy|The Seven Families]], there is this as a means of escape in United States.
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** "Woman in Black." {{spoiler|Adalind has afflicted Juliette with some unknown poison. To get her to seek medical treatment, Nick tells her everything, but she falls unconscious before he can show her definitive proof. Hank is starting to [[Go Mad From the Revelation]] after seeing both Monroe in his Blutbad form and a Wildermann turn back to human when he died. Oh yeah, and Nick's mother is alive.}}
* [[Wham! Line]]: From "Love Sick".
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Adalind}}:''' {{spoiler|You killed me.}}
'''{{spoiler|Nick}}:''' {{spoiler|You don't look very dead.}}
''{{spoiler|Adalind}}:''' {{spoiler|I'm human.}} }}
** From "Woman in Black".
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Woman In Black}}:''' {{spoiler|Nick. Nicky, it's me.}}
'''{{spoiler|Nick}}:''' {{spoiler|Mom?}} }}
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have to Be Rats?]]: "Danse Macabre."
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* [[The Wiki Rule]]: [ Check it out here.]
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Nick mixes Blutbaden with werewolves, and asks if he might need silver bullets.
{{quote| '''Monroe''': What, are you an ''idiot''?}}
* [[Yandere]]: Ariel Eberhart from "Plumed Serpent" quickly demonstrates an intense obsession with Nick.
* [[Youkai]]: Spinnetods are the inspiration for Japanese Jorogumo, or spider-demons.