Grimm (TV): Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Nick''': Adalind, I think it's time we settled our differences. Violently.}}
* [[Alien Catnip]]: Apparently mold that’s poisonous to us humans is “meth plus helium” to Wesen.
* [[An Arm and a Leg]]: A type 2 example in "Bears will be Bears" when Monroe was fighting the people sent to kill Marie, he literally dis-armed one of them.
* [[Ancient Conspiracy]]: Marie warns Nick of a secret organization dedicated to defeating the Grimms and their allies (known as the "Grimm Reapers", of course).
* [[Androcles' Lion]]: ''Last Grimm Standing'' seems to be setting up a situation similar to the aesop after Monroe helps pull a nail from the hand of a gladiator shortly before they are set to fight each other. But the gladiator shows no compunction about killing Monroe and probably would have done so had it not been for Nick's intervention.
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** Captain Renard, who protects Nick, even though he is putting himself at risk to do so, but is looking to take the key entrusted to Nick by Aunt Marie.
** Lena, a Spinnetod (spider Wesen) who has to consume the liquefied organs of three men every five years in order to not undergo rapid aging, who is clearly reluctant to do it.
* [[An Arm and a Leg]]: A type 2 example in "Bears will be Bears" when Monroe was fighting the people sent to kill Marie, he literally dis-armed one of them.
* [[Art Shift]]: Perhaps not an art shift per se, but the show definitely [[Doing It for the Art|makes the effort]] to use color, lighting, shadow and other subtle visual elements to create a quasi-fairy tale/story book appearance within context of realistic visuals.
* [[Asian and Nerdy]]: Sgt. Wu, who [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] the trope.
{{quote|'''Nick''': Can you see who he texted?
'''Wu''': Of course I can; I'm Asian. }}
* [[Assassin Outclassin']]: The Reapers {{spoiler|are killed by Nick.}}
* [[Asshole Victim]]: The ''fuchsbau'' Lena murders at the start of "Tarantella".
** This is the common trait of all the people killed by {{spoiler|Marty Burgess}}
* [[Assassin Outclassin']]: The Reapers {{spoiler|are killed by Nick.}}
* [[The Atoner]]: Monroe is implied to be one for his previous Big Bad Wolf days.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: The two Wesen junkies in “Island of Dreams”
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: Nick and Monroe in "Last Grimm Standing". Didn't last long when the police arrived to arrest everyone involved in the underground gladiator games.
* [[Badass Boast]]: Nick: "Next time, send your best." {{spoiler|It's sent to the leader of the Reapers, along with the heads of two of his underlings.}}
* [[Badass Family]]: Nick Burkhardt is the latest descendant of the Grimm family who have been hunting "storybook" monsters for generations. In "Tarantella", there's brief mention of a Grimm meeting an Asian doctor who shares their abilities so it may be that the Grimm family is simply the most well known or the name given to people like Nick.
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: Nick and Monroe in "Last Grimm Standing". Didn't last long when the police arrived to arrest everyone involved in the underground gladiator games.
* [[Bee-Bee Gun]] / [[Bee People]] / [[Everything's Worse with Bees]]: The Mellifers.
* [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]:
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** Monroe is pretty confident that Santa Claus is both real and not human; being a Gefrierengeber ([[Bilingual Bonus|German]] for "frozen giver", according to [[The Other Wiki]]) would make him capable of living "up there". Nick doesn't elaborate for the viewers but seems to take the suggestion seriously.
** Monroe also suggests that the mouse creatures introduced in "Of Mouse and Man" are behind Disney - though he doesn't say the company name, he does his usual [[Take That]] on the subject by bringing up "their cartoon thing".
** An old film reveals {{spoiler|Hitler}} was a Schakal.
** Steinadlers are described as being involved in the military; there is even a photo of a general included in the book, probably as an example.
** Monroe states in 'Big Feet' that Thoreau, Emerson, and (Edward) Abbey were {{spoiler|Wildermann.}}
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* [[Civilian Villain]]: This trope is played with in the case of Monroe the Clockmaker. He is actually a fairy tale creature—a "Wesen"—of the same type as The Big Bad Wolf, but with a careful regimen of "diet, drugs, and pilates", he has gone from a ravening beast to a mostly-regular guy leading a mostly-normal life in the 'burbs.
* [[Come with Me If You Want to Live]]: A very mild version of this happens in “Plumed Serpent”.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: When Nicks fighting a Daemonfeuer he grabs a sheet of Copper to shield himself from the flames. This works without any of the realistic ramifications.
* [[Cool Guns]]: The ogre-slaying Elephant Gun in "Game Ogre". Monroe practically [[squee]]s over it.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Aunt Marie was prepared with certain rare items and weapons for any supernatural threat.
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** Averted in {{spoiler|"Happily Ever Aftermath"}} so that {{spoiler|you can't tell which one is the murderer.}}
* [[Cycle of Revenge]]: This is depicted and discussed A LOT. Related to [[Feuding Families]] below.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: When Nicks fighting a Daemonfeuer he grabs a sheet of Copper to shield himself from the flames. This works without any of the realistic ramifications.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Angelina and Adalind
* [[Dark Fantasy]]: Hell yeah.
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* [[Destructive Romance]]: Monroe and Angelina's relationship was depicted as this in episode six.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: In episode 21 Juliet concludes that it is a hominid and possibly a primate, all hominids are primates. Particularly bad as she is a vet.
** However, not all primates are hominids. So it would seem her notes were meant to show she thought the hair was from something which is similar to either but not actually fitting in either at the same time.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything]]:
** In "Three Bad Wolves", Monroe's ex-girlfriend suggests that Monroe let his wild side out and [[The Alcoholic|offers him a drink.]]
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* [[Don't Go in The Woods]]: Ties into the entire mythos of Grimm fairytales that ominous activity happens in the woods. You can guess where [[Captain Obvious|most of the drama happens in this show.]]
* [[The Dragon]]: Juliette gets kidnapped by one. This is played with, however... {{spoiler|since it's an actual dragon and Nick has to fight it!}}
* [[Dramatic Irony]]: The spinnetod in "Tarantella" ends up getting caught by Nick because she becomes entangled in a web that's over water.
* [[The Dreaded]]: Grimms have a nasty reputation among the supernatural species and merely being in the presence of a Grimm can cause some of the meeker ones to go into panic mode. For the Grimms that have gone up against the more nastier aspects of Wesen society such as that featured in "Organ Grinder" on a regular basis, their cynical [[Kill'Em All]] mentality is perhaps justified/rationalized in their minds simply due to the infrequent instances of running into people like Hap and Monroe.
** Apparently the Grimms have become the monsters of ''their'' fairytales.
{{quote|'''Monroe''': ''You're'' the monster under the bed! [...] You're not ''real!'' You're a scary story we tell our kids! Be good or a Grimm will come and cut your head off...}}
* [[Dramatic Irony]]: The spinnetod in "Tarantella" ends up getting caught by Nick because she becomes entangled in a web that's over water.
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: Almost occurs when Monroe spies on the Ziegvolk, who can generate lust-inducing pheromones, for Nick.
{{quote|'''Monroe''': I can't be around that guy -- I almost bought him a drink!}}
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{{quote|'''Reginald''': You promise you won't hurt my family!
'''Edgar Waltz''': Of course not! You kept your end of the bargain. I wouldn't dream of torturing your ''family''. }}
* [[Expy]]: DJ Retched Kat in "Danse Macabre" is one of [ deadmau5].
* [[Eyeless Face]]: The hexenbiests display this trope.
* [[Eye Scream]]: A dead victim in ''Organ Grinder'' gets his eyes pecked out by a raven as he's floating down the river.
** And in "Happily Ever Aftermath" several victims get their eyeballs ruptured by the Murcialago's sonic scream. Very bloodily, at that.
* [[Expy]]: DJ Retched Kat in "Danse Macabre" is one of [ deadmau5].
* [[Fairy Tales]]: Each episode is at least partially based off of one.
** The Pilot's main plot is based on "[[Little Red Riding Hood]]".
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** Monroe suggests that non-Grimms/non-creatures can indeed see their [[Game Face]] if the creature in question wants them to. However, he also points out that doing so is usually a bad thing if only because humans generally aren't prepared for the sudden shock to their [[Weirdness Censor]].
** Interestingly enough, wesen don't have any innate capacity to detect other wesen unless they see the other's [[Game Face]]. This hasn't always turned out well for those that pick on the wrong wesen.
* [[Ghostapo]]: The coins in "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau" are stated to be responsible for this.
* [[Genre Blind]]: Nick. He doesn't understand the purpose of wolfsbane or walking through water when trying to track down {{spoiler|a Big Bad Wolf in human clothing}}.
** Justified in he is new and used to only going after human suspects. Or not, in that he seems never to have read fairy tales or seen a horror movie. Those are also pop culture references.
** In the first episode the killer Blutbad preyed on girls in red (á la Little Red Riding Hood). Why in the second episode is Nick's girlfriend seen wearing nothing but red clothes?
*** Well, let's see how that would work. “Hey Juliette, I want you to never wear red again, because it will attract human-looking monsters that are really wolves that eat people.” That would surely go over well.
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** Plus, Monroe constantly relates the investigation in "Beeware" to a horror movie.
{{quote|'''Monroe:''' Oh, don't tell me we are going upstairs... Oh my God, we are going upstairs!}}
* [[Ghostapo]]: The coins in "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau" are stated to be responsible for this.
* [[Gladiator Games]]: The Lowen, a lion-like species of Wesen, enjoy running them to the modern day. {{spoiler|Captain Renard sanctioned the event with a list of approved targets to snatch and fight. He is not happy when they deviate from the list.}}
* [[Go Mad From the Revelation]]: Based on Monroe's testimony and {{spoiler|Hank's freak-out upon seeing two wesen in their game faces,}} most normal humans tend to go mad from seeing a wesen in their other form as their minds cannot handle such a break from reality. A really good example can be seen in the first murder of "Happily Ever Aftermath", though in that case, the darkness and the fact that said wesen was trying to kill the victim didn't help matters.
* [[Good Is Dumb]]: Hap is easily the nicest Blutbad encountered so far, and also the dumbest.
* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: Nick demonstrates this more and more as the series progresses. Monroe gets several instances of this as well.
* [[Gratuitous Foreign Language]]: The names of Wesen are usually [[Gratuitous German|German]], which is to be expected since they were discovered and classified by a pair of German authors. Some are normal pre-existing words re-applied as a monster name, while new word creations usually end as [[Blind Idiot Translation]]s.
** Some Wesen names have roots in other languages, such as Greek.
** There's also some [[Gratuitous French]], as Renard talks to his cohorts/superiors in French occasionally.
* [[The Grim Reaper]]: Played with. In this continuity, it isn't the ''Grim'' Reaper, but Reapers of the ''Grimms'', an organization of as-yet-unidentified Wesen that has dedicated themselves to wiping out the Grimms and use scythes as weapons. According to [[The Other Wiki]] the Reapers of Grimms are an organization of trolls with strong evidence from the name of the first to appear (Hulda).
* [[Good Is Dumb]]: Hap is easily the nicest Blutbad encountered so far, and also the dumbest.
* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: Nick demonstrates this more and more as the series progresses. Monroe gets several instances of this as well.
* [[Go Mad From the Revelation]]: Based on Monroe's testimony and {{spoiler|Hank's freak-out upon seeing two wesen in their game faces,}} most normal humans tend to go mad from seeing a wesen in their other form as their minds cannot handle such a break from reality. A really good example can be seen in the first murder of "Happily Ever Aftermath", though in that case, the darkness and the fact that said wesen was trying to kill the victim didn't help matters.
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: Reinigen. Suddenly the ability to control rats with music doesn't seem so harmless anymore...
* [[Held Gaze]]: Naturally occurs between Nick and Juliet.
** Also a variation of this trope is played with between Rosalee and Monroe in "Island of Dreams". To confirm that Monroe did in fact know Freddy, Rosalee grabs onto his arm and looks him square in the eye before revealing herself to be a fuchsbau. Monroe's gaze does not falter when he reveals himself to be a blutbad.
* [[Heroic Bystander]]: {{spoiler|[[The Nose Knows|Monroe]] helps Nick track down the rogue Blutbad and the little girl}}.
* [[Hero-Killer]]: Stark from "Game Ogre" is about as close as a one-shot character can get without actually killing anyone.
* [[Heroic Bystander]]: {{spoiler|[[The Nose Knows|Monroe]] helps Nick track down the rogue Blutbad and the little girl}}.
* [[He's Dead, Jim]]: Aunt Marie fights off another would-be assassin, then delivers [[Last Words]] to Nick: "Follow your instincts, believe nothing else" before the scene changes to Nick and his girlfriend at the cemetery.
* [[Hive Mind Testimonial]]: The interviews with the "flash mob" come out like this. Nick even comments on it, asking the last suspect why it sounds like there's an echo in the room. (Of course, they're bees. It IS a hive.)
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* [[Horrible Camping Trip]]: The couple at the beginning of "Let Your Hair Down" had no idea what was coming... and it wasn't even [[Humans Are Bastards|a supernatural threat.]]
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: Monroe knows way more about the supernatural than Nick does, and is way more physically capable if he goes wolfy, which admittedly isn't his favorite thing.
* [[Non-Idle Rich]]: Though not exactly rich, Monroe is affluent enough to indulge in fairly niche hobbies and has enough spare time to help Nick out on a regular basis. Given his occupation though, it's perhaps justified as people of his skill and talent are few and far between so he can charge a premium.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Nick asked, almost immediately after realizing his abilities as a Grimm, how to stop it.
* [[I Am Not Left-Handed]]: “I didn’t call a fuchsbau”—cue Blutbad attack.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Nick asked, almost immediately after realizing his abilities as a Grimm, how to stop it.
* [[Immune to Bullets]]: Some wesen are highly resistant to Muggle tactics to taking them down. Nick even referenced he tried macing a teenage wesen who just enjoyed it.
* [[Informed Ability]]: Averted with Monroe, whose day-job occupation as a clockmaker (which he is evidently very good at) comes up in the 8th episode of the 1st season when he is called upon to identify and provide information about an antique watch. In the next episode, he is called out to fix a clock. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, it turns out to be a ploy to send a message about his work with Nick. He takes it about as well as you'd expect from a [[Retired Monster]]--defiantly.}}
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: The episode title "Game Ogre" (game over).
* [[Informed Ability]]: Averted with Monroe, whose day-job occupation as a clockmaker (which he is evidently very good at) comes up in the 8th episode of the 1st season when he is called upon to identify and provide information about an antique watch. In the next episode, he is called out to fix a clock. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, it turns out to be a ploy to send a message about his work with Nick. He takes it about as well as you'd expect from a [[Retired Monster]]--defiantly.}}
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Zaubertrank are magic potions, but are almost always referred to as Zaubertrank. When Nick asks Monroe why they aren't just referred to as potions, the answer is basically "because Zaubertrank sounds cooler".
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: While it isn't known how taboo it is, the ziegevolk in "Lonelyhearts" was able to reproduce with humans, so humans and Wesen are genetically compatible. {{spoiler|While it isn't known how human-Wesen lovers are seen, to the Old Land wesen wedding outside their species is a big no-no and will result in being hunted down and killed.}}
* [[It's Not You, It's My Enemies]]: Aunt Marie's reason for being an old maid; she suggests it to Nick when she reveals the truth to him about his lineage.
* [[It's All My Fault]]: Monroe (mostly) and Angelina in "The Three Bad Wolves" {{spoiler|after Hap was assassinated by Orson while the two were away}}.
* [[It's Not You, It's My Enemies]]: Aunt Marie's reason for being an old maid; she suggests it to Nick when she reveals the truth to him about his lineage.
* [[Kavorka Man]]: How ''ziegevolk'' appear to the world: unattractive (or at least, not handsome) men with a knack for landing incredibly attractive women.
* [[Kink Meme]]: [ Yeah, the show has one].
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* [[Lady in Red]]: Blutbaden are provoked by the color red. Which is worrying, since Nick's girlfriend Juliette often wears red.
* [[The Lancer]]: Hank Griffin in law-enforcement matters and Monroe regarding Grimms and the supernatural.
* [[La Résistance]]: There is a resistance movement among wesen that opposes a powerful wesen conspiracy that has been infiltrating human governments and advocates racial purity.
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: In "Beeware", {{spoiler|Nick guns down a Mellifer queen. At the end of the episode, he's stung by a bee. What makes this look a lot like direct payback is the fact that the bee first lands gently on the back of his right hand, ambles around harmlessly for a moment, and then ''stings his trigger finger''}}.
* [[Loners Are Freaks]]: The ostracized teenager in "Danse Macabre" was treated like this. In the same episode, Nick empathizes with the teen and implies that he was once a loner, too.
* [[Love Is in the Air]]: Ziegevolks have the power to charm anyone with their touch.
* [[Masquerade]]: The fight between the Grimms (and their allies) against the creatures who aren't as concerned with humans, which continues to the 21st century as ordinary persons do not know about this fight. The two factions want it that way.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Ogres are ridiculously hard to kill, but they're not immortal. The simple way to kill them is with an extremely rare poison that calcifies their bones and makes them brittle enough to shatter from the inside out; or, simple overwhelming force can be applied. Both of these approaches get combined when {{spoiler|Monroe poisons the rounds he fires through Marie's antique triple-barrel elephant rifle, taking Stark down in one shot}}. Presumably, anything invoking the [[Chunky Salsa]] Rule would also work.
** Grimms are also this to a degree. That Nick was capable of taking a beating from a Skalenzahne in "Last Grimm Standing" and ''still'' manage to easily best it, heavily implies that Grimms have far superior strength and stamina than most ''Wesen''. The aforementioned Ogre however, is something clearly beyond even their limits.
* [[Magical Security Cam]]: [[Implied Trope|Implied]] in 'Beeware' when Nick asks if they can "do anything" (answer: "no, the camera's stationary") with recorded footage of a [[Flash Mob Coverup|flash mob murder]].
* [[Masquerade]]: The fight between the Grimms (and their allies) against the creatures who aren't as concerned with humans, which continues to the 21st century as ordinary persons do not know about this fight. The two factions want it that way.
* [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane]]: It is never said for sure if the coins in "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau" are really magical or the people holding them are suffering from delusions caused by arsenic and mercury poisoning. The irony of the situation is that this is a universe with dragons who can breathe fire, trolls who are almost impervious to normal weapons, and satyrs that can charm you with their touch. Given instances of wesen activities (human organs as herbal remedies) and Adalind's special cookies, it may be quasi-magical by our perception but mundane chemistry with a wesen touch in the Grimm universe.
** Although, if you look carefully, Hank, who was affected by the coins, never came into skin contact with them...
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** The wesen mentor in "Happily Ever Aftermath" ends up like this too {{spoiler|at the hands of his mentee, no less.}}
* [[Mind Screw]]: In-universe this happens to Hank. Warning to the wary, never eat cookies from a hexenbiest
* [[Monsters Anonymous]]: Monroe.
* [[Monster of the Week]]: Looks like that's going to be the format here. That said, the show does seem to make an effort to have recurring creatures outside of the [[Myth Arc]] creatures like blutbaden. As the series has progressed and matured to the point where much of the initial world building has already taken place, it has become less about new monsters and more about the drama. To a certain extent, the [[Police Procedural]] aspects have been toned down as well, serving more as an excuse for Nick to get involved/informed about the situation than as an actual story line where someone gets arrested.
* [[Monsters Anonymous]]: Monroe.
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Human criminals going after creatures are going to be in a world of hurt. Even the peaceful Monroe is capable of ripping a man's arm off without much effort. In "Bears Will Be Bears", this happens to three different groups of human criminals. Even those species that aren't gifted with physical capabilities or supernatural abilities tend to have quirks that make them hard to deal with. The mouse creature in "Of Mouse and Man" is shown crawling through small spaces far faster and better than a human could.
** Played with when Wesen attempt to fight Nick, as ''he'' is the monster that ''they'' fear. Given that he's been revealed to be stronger than Monroe, (who can rip a man's arm off), this starts to make sense.
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* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]] : If you know German (and can get past the [[Blind Idiot Translation]] pain/giggles), then names like Blutbad and Daemonfeuer are this in spades. (Means “Blood Bath” and “Demon Fire” respectively). Some of the other Wesen names are none to cuddly sounding as well.
* [[Never Mess with Granny|Never Mess with Auntie]]: Aunt Marie really puts the English on the trope given she's ''dying of a terminal illness'' and still takes on Hulda with only a knife and her [[Bald of Awesome]]. We find out later she was a [[Badass Bookworm]], having been a librarian by trade. A knife concealed in the handle of [[Sword Cane|her cane]], that is. She also stares down Monroe while she's clinging to life in a hospital bed. Considering we see Monroe rip off a man's arm a few scenes later, that took no small amount of guts.
* [[The Nose Knows]]: Stated by line by the one who embodies the trope: Monroe.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]: Monroe.
* [[Non-Idle Rich]]: Though not exactly rich, Monroe is affluent enough to indulge in fairly niche hobbies and has enough spare time to help Nick out on a regular basis. Given his occupation though, it's perhaps justified as people of his skill and talent are few and far between so he can charge a premium.
* [[The Nose Knows]]: Stated by line by the one who embodies the trope: Monroe.
* [[Not So Different]]: Orson confronting Nick when the latter knows that he's of Bauerschwein origin. The former believes that they should work together as police officers and not in the Grimm—Monster hunting view. Nick doesn't agree,{{spoiler|considering Orson's involvement in Hap's death}}.
* [[No Swastikas]]: Subverted. Renard goes into detail about the history of the Swastika, and what it originally meant.
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{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Nick}}:''' {{spoiler|Next time. Send your best.}}}}
* [[Once an Episode]]: Each episode begins with a quote from a story or fairytale relevant to the episode in question. Nick also ends up calling on Monroe for ''something'' in every episode, whether Monroe likes it or not.
* [[One Dialogue, Two Conversations]]: Nick and Adalind, since he knows she's a Hexenbiest, and she knows he's a Grimm. When he has to question her for his case, they discuss it but take subtextual shots at each other with their word choice.
* [[One-Gender Race]]: The satyr-like Ziegevolk, who impregnate human women. Also, all Hexenbiests seen so far are female. The Spinnetods are not a one gender race, but only the females have the degenerative condition that makes them prey on young men, and the males are, as a rule, killed by their mates (the husband Spinnetod in "Tarantella" being an exception).
* [[One Dialogue, Two Conversations]]: Nick and Adalind, since he knows she's a Hexenbiest, and she knows he's a Grimm. When he has to question her for his case, they discuss it but take subtextual shots at each other with their word choice.
* [[Opening Narration]]: In this case, it seems, as of the first episode, to be a quote from the fairy tale the villain of the week comes from.
* [[Opium Den]]: Nick and Monroe track a couple of wesen junkies into one specifically for wesen (if a human were to smoke the stuff, they’d die). The smoke messes with Monroe’s nose.
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* [[Out with a Bang]]: {{spoiler|Adalind’s potion was intended to cause this in Hank}}.
* [[Playing With Fire]]: The Wesen in “Plumed Serpent”, known as Daemonfeuer, have [[Breath Weapon|fire breath]]. They apparently do this by vaporizing their fat, “vomiting” that vapor into the air, then somehow igniting it through static electricity. The family includes two flamethrower operators, a welder, and a fire dancer, so they obviously quite like fire.
* [[Poisoned Weapons]]: The {{spoiler|bullets}} in Game Ogre were poisoned.
* [[The Power of Blood]]: There are several kinds of potion that include blood of the maker and blood of the target as ingredients; these potions can only be cured by killing the person who made it. Futhermore, {{spoiler|if a hexenbiest ingests the blood of a Grimm they [[Brought Down to Normal|become human]].}}
* [[Product Placement]]:
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** There’s also product placement for obscure products you’ll only find in Oregon. In one episode you see a box of Voodoo Doughnuts, a shop that’s only in Portland, Eugene, and Seattle (and rather famous locally) and in "Lonelyhearts" the beer Monroe orders, Double Dead Guy, is brewed in Bandon OR.
* [[Professor Guinea Pig]]: the psychiatrist in "Big Feet"
* [[Poisoned Weapons]]: The {{spoiler|bullets}} in Game Ogre were poisoned.
* [[Rape as Drama]]: The entire episode of "Lonelyhearts" was about a satyresque monster, making him a serial rapist by human standards.
* [[Record Needle Scratch]]: A modern version but in "Leave It To Beaver", Juliette cozies up to Nick and the background music begins to play romantic music. When she reveals she actually just wants to invite Monroe over for dinner, the music stops abruptly.
* [[La Résistance]]: There is a resistance movement among wesen that opposes a powerful wesen conspiracy that has been infiltrating human governments and advocates racial purity.
* [[Rewind, Replay, Repeat]]: "Beeware" has Nick repeatedly rewatching the [[Flashmob]] videos taken by various security cams in hopes of finding the person killing people at each [[Flashmob]] event.
* [[Recurring Extra]]: The beaver creature plumber and his buddies seem to be setting up this way as they reappear in "Let Your Hair Down." As a twist/inversion of a monster movie, he's trying to convince his friends that Grimms are real and they proceed to watch Nick before running away when they are noticed.
* [[Red Eyes Take Warning]]: When Blutbaden get pissed, their eyes turn red.
* [[Retired Monster]]: Implied to be the majority of the creatures, at least among the more predatorial species. In the second episode, when one of the Jägerbärs is told that his family is performing the traditional manhood ritual (which involves hunting down and killing someone), the first words out of his mouth are, "What? No one does that anymore." It also explains why Blutbaden, whose hungry urges are triggered by the color red, haven't eaten everyone. For other wesen like spinnetods, they're rare enough that either they're retired like Charlotte or dead because of the particular demands of their biology aren't compatible with a normal life.
* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Nick and Hank's superior in the force is in cahoots with one of the creature assassins, who was a Hexenbiest, in the pilot.}}
* [[Rewind, Replay, Repeat]]: "Beeware" has Nick repeatedly rewatching the [[Flashmob]] videos taken by various security cams in hopes of finding the person killing people at each [[Flashmob]] event.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Rescue]]: Nick goes on one of these in “Plumed Serpent."
* [[Running Gag]]: Monroe's introduction in each episode seems to always revolve around him doing a very normal, very mundane activity and trying very very hard to ignore Nick and the inevitable creature-related problem. In "Organ Grinder", he brings this fact up and tries to have a normal conversation—it rapidly and awkward devolves into Monroe's favorite color (red), how human organs are like homeopathic remedies for wesen, and Nick and Monroe talking about human testicles as the wesen equivalent of Viagra.
{{quote|'''Monroe''': Maybe I should just get you your own key.}}
* [[Roaring Rampage of Rescue]]: Nick goes on one of these in “Plumed Serpent."
* [[Save the Princess]]: Invoked and Conversed when {{spoiler|Juliette is kidnapped by a Daemonfeuer.}}
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: Monroe is breaking all kinds of taboos by helping Nick, but he is not going to let that stop him from doing what he thinks is right. This point is made clear when, in Episode 9 ("Of Mouse and Man"), he's {{spoiler|ambushed by a group of creatures who beat him bloody and unconscious, then scrawl a Reaper scythe emblem on his car; Nick says he won't ask for any more help, but Monroe refuses to knuckle under to threats}}.
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* [[Swarm of Rats]]: An unlucky music teacher becomes a meal for a pack of hungry rats, and a ''reinigen'' can actually control them.
* [[Television Geography]]: Portland is divided into five geographic sectors—North, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest. Every street name is preceded by one of these sector names (i.e., Northeast Tenth Avenue) except for Burnside Street which is labeled "East" or "West." East-west streets can run through two sectors of the city; the names of north-south avenues (which are numbered) can exist in up to four sectors of the city. Therefore, it's important to not only say the name of the street, but also the sector where it exists. In ''Grimm'', names of streets are given without their corresponding sectors. (Probably to keep viewers from visiting [[Real Life]] addresses.)
* [[Title Drop]]: in the episode "Island of Dreams" the title turns out to be a term for wesen [[Opium Den]] s featured in the episode.
* [[There Should Be a Law]]: Hap is surprised that it's legal for a Grimm to be a police officer. He is not the brightest guy.
{{quote|'''Hap''': He's a cop ''and'' a Grimm? Is that even legal?}}
Line 327 ⟶ 326:
* [[Things That Go Bump in the Night]]
* [[Those Wacky Nazis]]: Because, of course, Hitler was a [[Eats Babies|Schakal]]!
* [[Title Drop]]: in the episode "Island of Dreams" the title turns out to be a term for wesen [[Opium Den]] s featured in the episode.
* [[To Be Lawful or Good]]:
** Nick runs up on this trope in "Beeware" when he has to protect Adalind from Melissa. In the eyes of the law, Melissa is a murderer, and he's a cop. In the eyes of the supernatural, Adalind is a Hexenbiest and Melissa a Mellifer, messenger and helper to Grimms. This time, Nick chooses the law.
** He faces this again in "Cat and Mouse" when {{spoiler|he let Ian, the head of the Resistance, go after Ian killed a defenseless man in front of Nick and had Monroe dump the body away from Rosalee's shop all to protect his friends. So in sum, he picked Good.}}
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Nick in "Organ Grinder" where, for the first time, we see him intentionally threaten creatures with his status as a Grimm and exactly why that means they should be treading ''very'' carefully around him.
** He also pointedly warns the Geier in the clinic that he's ''NOT'' being a cop at that moment.
Line 346:
* [[Wall of Weapons]]: Nick has one in his trailer. Monroe finds it—and the rest of the Grimm 'lair'--to be appropriately cool and scary from his perspective as a blutbad.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Melissa and her minions, killing Hexenbiests because they're evil.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: In "Let Your Hair Down", the last we see of the doggie-wash guy, he's tied up in a basement.
** So, as of the end of "Tarantella", there's a prematurely aged young woman in jail who is missing no fingers, but the cops have a detached finger that matches her DNA. How did the law process this one?
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]/[[Van Helsing Hate Crimes]]: Subverted. Unlike some of [[Supernatural|its brethren]] in the genre, Nick is fine with letting supernatural creatures live their own lives as long as they're not breaking the law, and so far has treated them as he would human beings in comparative situations. This has come to shock some of them as this approach seems unheard of for a Grimm (on the other hand, Marie very specifically said "Hunt down the bad ones"). Conversely, it turns out that some of the supernatural creatures are either (usually) harmless and not involved in any real trouble or are allies of the Grimms. The former still tend to be wary of Nick while the latter tend to be surprised that Nick seems to ignore the traditional feuds. Nevertheless, the reputation of the Grimms is enough that most creatures that recognize Nick instantly expect him to kill them on the spot.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau." {{spoiler|Aunt Marie was once engaged to a Wesen, but had to break it off when her sister (also a Grimm) was killed by another Wesen, who had stolen coins she was protecting--coins responsible for Nero, Caligula, and the Third Reich}}. Also, [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy|Hitler was a Wesen.]]
** "Woman in Black." {{spoiler|Adalind has afflicted Juliette with some unknown poison. To get her to seek medical treatment, Nick tells her everything, but she falls unconscious before he can show her definitive proof. Hank is starting to [[Go Mad From the Revelation]] after seeing both Monroe in his Blutbad form and a Wildermann turn back to human when he died. Oh yeah, and Nick's mother is alive.}}
Line 358 ⟶ 355:
{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Woman In Black}}:''' {{spoiler|Nick. Nicky, it's me.}}
'''{{spoiler|Nick}}:''' {{spoiler|Mom?}} }}
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: In "Let Your Hair Down", the last we see of the doggie-wash guy, he's tied up in a basement.
** So, as of the end of "Tarantella", there's a prematurely aged young woman in jail who is missing no fingers, but the cops have a detached finger that matches her DNA. How did the law process this one?
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]/[[Van Helsing Hate Crimes]]: Subverted. Unlike some of [[Supernatural|its brethren]] in the genre, Nick is fine with letting supernatural creatures live their own lives as long as they're not breaking the law, and so far has treated them as he would human beings in comparative situations. This has come to shock some of them as this approach seems unheard of for a Grimm (on the other hand, Marie very specifically said "Hunt down the bad ones"). Conversely, it turns out that some of the supernatural creatures are either (usually) harmless and not involved in any real trouble or are allies of the Grimms. The former still tend to be wary of Nick while the latter tend to be surprised that Nick seems to ignore the traditional feuds. Nevertheless, the reputation of the Grimms is enough that most creatures that recognize Nick instantly expect him to kill them on the spot.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have to Be Rats?]]: "Danse Macabre."
* [[Woman in Black]]: the titular character of, well, "The Woman In Black"
Line 363:
{{quote|'''Monroe''': What, are you an ''idiot''?}}
* [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]]: Ariel Eberhart from "Plumed Serpent" quickly demonstrates an intense obsession with Nick.
* [[Youkai]]: Spinnetods are the inspiration for Japanese Jorogumo, or spider-demons.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: {{spoiler|Renard}} to Leo in "Last Grimm Standing".
** Renard once again to {{spoiler|Adalind}} sort of.
* [[Youkai]]: Spinnetods are the inspiration for Japanese Jorogumo, or spider-demons.
* [[You Killed My Father|You Killed My Parents!]]