Grimm (TV): Difference between revisions

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Now Nick must cope with his new abilities, the knowledge that comes with them, and still do his job as a police officer.
Over the course of the first season, the series has moved away from [[Monsters of the Week]] and [[Police Procedural]] elements wrapped up in self-contained episodes into a more of a ongoing drama with various subplots all running concurrently that happens to be centered around police work and wesenWesen life. At the same time, the show has branched off from focusing on Nick as the central character into more of a ensemble feel by giving other characters more screen time and involvement in various plots.
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: The Blutbad have a weak spot at the lower right part of their back. If hit there it will stun them for a few seconds.
* [[Aggressive Negotiations]]: Nick invokes this with Adalind.
{{quote|'''Nick''': Adalind, I think it's time we settled our differences. Violently.}}.
* [[Alien Catnip]]: Apparently mold that’s poisonous to us humans is “meth plus helium” to Wesen.
* [[An Arm and a Leg]]: A type 2 example in "Bears willWill beBe Bears" when Monroe was fighting the people sent to kill Marie, he literally dis-armed one of them.
* [[Ancient Conspiracy]]: Marie warns Nick of a secret organization dedicated to defeating the Grimms and their allies (known as the "Grimm Reapers", of course).
* [[Androcles' Lion]]: ''"Last Grimm Standing''" seems to be setting up a situation similar to the aesop after Monroe helps pull a nail from the hand of a gladiator shortly before they are set to fight each other. But the gladiator shows no compunction about killing Monroe and probably would have done so had it not been for Nick's intervention.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Every Wesen seen so far has had one except for Hexenbiests (eyeless hag-like creatures), Siegbarstes (ogres), Haage and Hässlich (grimm reapers and/or trolls) and well, if you consider the Dämonfeuer as based on dragons that are not really animals but mythical creatures.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: {{spoiler|Marty Burgess}}, arguably, given that he's a [[Serial Killer]] with a very good [[Freudian Excuse]] who only kills [[Jerkass|assholes]]. Although your mileage may vary on that. The people he killed may have been assholes, but they didn't seem to be in any way evil. And he was terrorizing the girl he loved at the end in a big way. Also he killed people when they saw him as harmless and were about to let him go.
** Captain Renard, who protects Nick, even though he is putting himself at risk to do so, but is looking to take the key entrusted to Nick by Aunt Marie.
** Lena, a Spinnetod (spider Wesen) who has to consume the liquefied organs of three men every five years in order to not undergo rapid aging, who is clearly reluctant to do it.
* [[Art Shift]]: Perhaps not an art shift per sesee, but the show definitely [[Doing It for the Art|makes the effort]] to use color, lighting, shadow and other subtle visual elements to create a quasi-fairy tale/story book appearance within context of realistic visuals.
* [[Asian and Nerdy]]: Sgt. Wu, who [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] the trope.
{{quote|'''Nick''': Can you see who he texted?
'''Wu''': Of course I can; I'm Asian. }}
* [[Assassin Outclassin']]: The Reapers {{spoiler|are killed by Nick.}}.
* [[Asshole Victim]]: The ''fuchsbau'' Lena murders at the start of "Tarantella".
** This is the common trait of all the people killed by {{spoiler|Marty Burgess}}.
* [[The Atoner]]: Monroe is implied to be one for his previous Big Bad Wolf days.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: The two Wesen junkies in “Island"Island of Dreams”Dreams".
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: Nick and Monroe in "Last Grimm Standing". Didn't last long when the police arrived to arrest everyone involved in the underground gladiator games.
* [[Badass Boast]]: Nick: "Next time, send your best." {{spoiler|It's sent to the leader of the Reapers, along with the heads of two of his underlings.}}.
* [[Badass Family]]: Nick Burkhardt is the latest descendant of the Grimm family who have been hunting "storybook" monsters for generations. In "Tarantella", there's brief mention of a Grimm meeting an Asian doctor who shares their abilities so it may be that the Grimm family is simply the most well known or the name given to people like Nick.
* [[Bee-Bee Gun]] / [[Bee People]] / [[Everything's Worse with Bees]]: The Mellifers.
* [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]:
** Monroe implies that several Hollywood actors are Ziegvolk. NBC's website for the show outright states that Casanova, Frank Sinatra, and JFK were.
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** An old film reveals {{spoiler|Hitler}} was a Schakal.
** Steinadlers are described as being involved in the military; there is even a photo of a general included in the book, probably as an example.
** Monroe states in '"Big Feet'" that Thoreau, Emerson, and (Edward) Abbey were {{spoiler|Wildermann.}}.
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]: Inverted, as Ariel Enerhart's plan for her father is for him to be honorably killed in combat rather than die of old age.
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: Rosalee (Betty) and Angelina (Veronica) seem to be this to Monroe.
* [[BFG]]: Among Aunt Marie's many weapons is a triple-barrel elephant gun. Its purpose is to kill Ogres. Interestingly, it's relatively realistic (the third, underslungunder-slung barrel is far smaller than the other two).
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Nearly all of the Wesen names are ([[Blind Idiot Translation|at least supposedly]]) meaningful in German (Jägerbär, Ziegvolk, etc.). The Mellifer, as an exception, is derived from the Greek word for "honey bee". Other wesenWesen have names in multiple languages as noted in "Happily Ever Aftermath" where the name written in the Grimm book is in Spanish while Monroe knows the creature by it's German name.
* [[Birds of a Feather]]: Rosalee and Monroe. Rosalee is a rehabilitated drug addict who's cleaned up her act. Monroe himself is also a rehabilitated blutbad. Both seem to have mellow subdued personalities whilst remaingremaining fiercely loyal to their kind. They both even decorate in a warmly antique style.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: {{spoiler|Lucinda}} in "Happily Ever Aftermath" is also [[The Sociopath]] according to Spencer.
* [[Bizarre Alien Biology]]: Some of the Wesen. "The Thing Withwith Feathers" features a bird-like woman that makes a gold "stone/egg" in her neck that shatters like glass with impact.
* [[Black Best Friend]]: Hank.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: Spinnetods. Spider-like beings who are super-strong, super-agile and capable of regenerating any severed limb or appendage. Oh, and they must feed on three human or wesenWesen males every five years, or they suffer massive rapid-aging. Charlotte, a Spinnetod who refuses to feed, appears to be around seventy years old, when in fact, she's actually ''twenty-six''. The two mature female Spinnetods we see seem very reluctant to perform their kills—while being required to kill in one of the most grotesque ways we've seen all season.
* [[Blind Idiot Translation]]: Much pain and unintended hilarity for [[German Language|German speakers]]. Starts with simple grammar fail like using adjectives as nouns or wrongly cobbled-together compound words, and ends with completely nonsensical/unintelligible words or horrible dictionary slips (e.g. the supposed 'bee queen' is called "bee gay [person]").
** One could attribute it to 200 years of other non-German Grimms [[Fridge Brilliance|messing up the pronounciationpronunciation.]] Although you do [[Fridge Logic|have to wonder]] why the ''Wesen'' even call themselves by it, since they existed ''before'' the Grimm brothers labelled them, so its clearly aren't what they were ''originally'' called.
** Probably non-German usage crossed with time in the same way an Asian-American may refer to themselves as Chinese or Japanese when the equivalent word in said language doesn't really have a translation.
* [[Blood Magic]]: Just so you're sure she’s evil, Adalind is shown using this in a cookie of all things.
* [[Bloody Murder]]: {{spoiler|The blood of a Grimm is poisonous to Hexenbiests.This is an odd case though, seeing as it doesn’t so much kill the victim so much as it kills their power.}}.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: A borderline case. While Wesen typically do a good job of masking their presence by living according to human society's rules, many of them have deeply ingrained instincts and traditions which are at odds with human laws. This sometimes crosses over with simple [[Gray and Gray Morality]].
* [[Bodyguard Betrayal]]: Averted. When the cops were no longer watching Marie, Nick asked Monroe to keep an eye on Marie, despite knowing Monroe's dislike, hatred, and fear of Marie for what she and the previous Grimms did to his kind and other Wesen. When pointing this out to Nick, Nick replies Monroe is the only person Nick can trust with this. So despite his deep anger at the old woman and the fact that he could have killed her in the hospital bed, he did keep his word to protect her from two thugs.
* [[Body Horror]]:
** The murders in "Beeware.". Being injected with fifty milligrams of bee venom does ''not'' make for a pretty corpse. Also, the [[Game Face|half-transformed creatures]] often aren't nice looking.
** Sgt. Wu eats some cookies that weren't meant for him... and his face breaks out in huge boils. Even worse are his hallucinations, where he sees Nick, Eddie, and Rosalee's faces melt off.
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Hank falls victim to this {{spoiler|thanks to evil mind control cookies from Adalind.}}.
** The ''Coins of Zakynthos'' do this, giving the person who holds them delusions of grandeur, charismatic influence over others and an obsessive need to possess them. They are explicityexplicitly mentioned as being the reason for it the rise of several tyrannical Roman Emperors as well as [[Ghostapo|the Third Reich]]. We even get a glimpse of this in action when Hank and Renard briefly come into contact with them and begin [[Putting on the Reich]].
** Also the power of a frog eating Ziegvolk can have this effect on people, especially women. So far we haven’t seen anyone do anything violent at a Ziegvolk request, but they where certainly doing things they never would have done otherwise.
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]: {{spoiler|Apparently a Grimm’s blood has the power to do this to Hexenbiest, turning them completely human. Adalind ends up learning this the hard way.}}.
* [[Buddy Cop Show]]: Twice over, no less. Hank is Nick's partner on the muggle side, while Monroe helps with the creature stuff.
* [[Can't Get Away with Nuthin']]: Nick was warned by Adalind in "Beeware" that he needs to protect her or else his reputation will be called into question if Nick allows her to die on his watch.
* [[Cats Are Mean]]: Klaustreich are alley cat-like wesenWesen with a reputation for being dangerous jerks
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics is playing on the iPod of the first victim in the pilot. Later, {{spoiler|the killer begins absentmindedly humming it front of the cops, tipping them off}}. [[Marilyn Manson|Marilyn Manson's cover]] of the song later plays during the pilot's [[Cliff Hanger]].
** Juliet asks Nick to boil some water she'd set on the stove. {{spoiler|When she gets home and finds Nick beaten by Stark the Siegbarste, she runs into the kitchen to get a weapon to defend herself and Nick, and the only thing she can get her hands on is the water that Nick had set to boil, so she scalds Stark by throwing the water over him.}}.
** Occasionally a throwaway line by Monroe will be referenced later in the episode as a way to beat the creature of the week.
** In the episode "Lonelyhearts", Nick's partner is shown carefully placing a tracker on the monster of the week's car, only for it to go for a walk instead. Originally this seems to be played for laughs, but then in the end when the monster tries to escape by driving to another state, as he has every other time he is close to being caught, they can track him.
** Rosalee's box cutter. Just before Freddy's murderers return to the apothecary she is shown using it to sift through boxes attempting to find herbs wesenWesen will kill to get their hands on. When one of the murderers grab her she frees herself by jamming the box cutter into his arm.
** In "Leave it to Beavers", there is a [[Chekov's Gun|Chekhov's Crossbow]] that Nick uses {{spoiler|to kill a Reaper.}}.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: The first Wesen Nick sees, Adalind, {{spoiler|is working with the forces attempting to kill off Marie, and almost succeeds at the end of the pilot}}.
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Ariel's {{spoiler|fire breathing act which ends with her eating fire. It hints at the fact that she's actually fireproof which comes into play at the end of the episode when she fakes her death.}}.
* [[Civilian Villain]]: This trope is played with in the case of Monroe the Clockmaker. He is actually a fairy tale creature—a "Wesen"—of the same type as The Big Bad Wolf, but with a careful regimen of "diet, drugs, and pilates", he has gone from a ravening beast to a mostly-regular guy leading a mostly-normal life in the 'burbs.
* [[Come with Me If You Want to Live]]: A very mild version of this happens in “Plumed"Plumed Serpent”Serpent".
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: When Nicks fighting a Daemonfeuer, he grabs a sheet of Copper to shield himself from the flames. This works without any of the realistic ramifications.
* [[Cool Guns]]: The ogre-slaying Elephant Gun in "Game Ogre". Monroe practically [[squee]]s over it.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Aunt Marie was prepared with certain rare items and weapons for any supernatural threat.
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: Which would you prefer: having a gavel crammed down your throat or dying of an ''ugly'' anaphylactic shock via bee sting overdose?
* [[Cultured Badass]]: Captain Renard.
** Monroe can be called this too, given some of his hobbies.
* [[Cute Monster Girl]]: Female Blutbaden get fangs and red eyes when they put on their [[Game Face]]s, but are otherwise much more human-looking than male Blutbaden. Same applies when we see a female fuschbau. Hexenbeiste on the other hand, not so much. YMMV on mellifers, spinnetods, and daemonfeuer.
** Special mention goes to Rosalee, who is by far the cutest female wesenWesen seen.
*** Bree Turner the actress who portrays Rosalee is recognized for her big [[Brown Eyes]].
** Adalind fits the bill perfectly. Especially when the would be mugger threatened her thinking she was just a teeny blond.
** Angelina fits the bill too, being very tough, but very cute, and very easy to underestimate.
** Averted in {{spoiler|"Happily Ever Aftermath"}} so that {{spoiler|you can't tell which one is the murderer.}}.
* [[Cycle of Revenge]]: This is depicted and discussed A LOT. Related to [[Feuding Families]] below.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Angelina and Adalind.
* [[Dark Fantasy]]: Hell yeah.
** [[Urban Fantasy]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Its quickly becoming a [[World of Snark]].
** Monroe, the first creature Nick suspects of attacking girls in the woods. He ends up helping Nick find the actual creature in question, another of his kind.
** Nick does so a little bit near the end of the second episode.