Grimm (TV): Difference between revisions

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* [[Cats Are Mean]]: Klaustreich are alley cat-like Wesen with a reputation for being dangerous jerks
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics is playing on the iPod of the first victim in the pilot. Later, {{spoiler|the killer begins absentmindedly humming it front of the cops, tipping them off}}. [[Marilyn Manson|Marilyn Manson's cover]] of the song later plays during the pilot's [[Cliff Hanger]].
** JulietJuliette asks Nick to boil some water she'd set on the stove. {{spoiler|When she gets home and finds Nick beaten by Stark the Siegbarste, she runs into the kitchen to get a weapon to defend herself and Nick, and the only thing she can get her hands on is the water that Nick had set to boil, so she scalds Stark by throwing the water over him}}.
** Occasionally, a throwaway line by Monroe will be referenced later in the episode as a way to beat the creature of the week.
** In the episode "Lonelyhearts", Nick's partner is shown carefully placing a tracker on the monster of the week's car, only for it to go for a walk instead. Originally this seems to be played for laughs, but then in the end when the monster tries to escape by driving to another state, as he has every other time he is close to being caught, they can track him.
** Rosalee's box cutter. Just before Freddy's murderers return to the apothecary she is shown using it to sift through boxes attempting to find herbs Wesen will kill to get their hands on. When one of the murderers grab her she frees herself by jamming the box cutter into his arm.
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{{quote|'''Caller''': Did you get your present?
'''Renard''': Where should I send a thank-you note?}}
* [[Destructive Romance]]: Monroe and Angelina's relationship was depicted as this in episodeEpisode six6.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: In Episode 21, Juliette concludes that it is a hominid and possibly a primate, all hominids are primates. Particularly bad as she is a vet.
** However, not all primates are hominids. So it would seem her notes were meant to show she thought the hair was from something which is similar to either but not actually fitting in either at the same time.
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* [[The Grim Reaper]]: Played with. In this continuity, it isn't the ''Grim'' Reaper, but Reapers of the ''Grimms'', an organization of as-yet-unidentified Wesen that has dedicated themselves to wiping out the Grimms and use scythes as weapons. According to [[The Other Wiki]], the Reapers of Grimms are an organization of trolls with strong evidence from the name of the first to appear (Hulda).
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: Reinigen. Suddenly the ability to control rats with music doesn't seem so harmless anymore...
* [[Held Gaze]]: Naturally occurs between Nick and JulietJuliette.
** Also a variation of this trope is played with between Rosalee and Monroe in "Island of Dreams". To confirm that Monroe did in fact know Freddy, Rosalee grabs onto his arm and looks him square in the eye before revealing herself to be a fuchsbau. Monroe's gaze does not falter when he reveals himself to be a blutbad.
* [[Hero-Killer]]: Stark from "Game Ogre" is about as close as a one-shot character can get without actually killing anyone.