Grimm (TV): Difference between revisions

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* [[Civilian Villain]]: This trope is played with in the case of Monroe the Clockmaker. He is actually a fairy tale creature—a "Wesen"—of the same type as The Big Bad Wolf, but with a careful regimen of "diet, drugs, and Pilates", he has gone from a ravening beast to a mostly-regular guy leading a mostly-normal life in the 'burbs.
* [[Come with Me If You Want to Live]]: A very mild version of this happens in "Plumed Serpent".
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: When Nicks fighting a DaemonfeuerDämonfeuer, he grabs a sheet of Copper to shield himself from the flames. This works without any of the realistic ramifications.
* [[Cool Guns]]: The ogre-slaying Elephant Gun in "Game Ogre". Monroe practically [[squee]]s over it.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Aunt Marie was prepared with certain rare items and weapons for any supernatural threat.
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* [[Cultured Badass]]: Captain Renard.
** Monroe can be called this too, given some of his hobbies.
* [[Cute Monster Girl]]: Female Blutbaden get fangs and red eyes when they put on their [[Game Face]]s, but are otherwise much more human-looking than male Blutbaden. Same applies when we see a female fuschbau. Hexenbiests on the other hand, not so much. YMMV on mellifers, spinnetods, and daemonfeuerDämonfeuer.
** Special mention goes to Rosalee, who is by far the cutest female Wesen seen.
*** Bree Turner the actress who portrays Rosalee is recognized for her big [[Brown Eyes]].
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* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: Reinigen. Suddenly the ability to control rats with music doesn't seem so harmless anymore...
* [[Held Gaze]]: Naturally occurs between Nick and Juliette.
** Also a variation of this trope is played with between Rosalee and Monroe in "Island of Dreams". To confirm that Monroe did in fact know Freddy, Rosalee grabs onto his arm and looks him square in the eye before revealing herself to be a fuchsbau. Monroe's gaze does not falter when he reveals himself to be a blutbadBlutbad.
* [[Hero-Killer]]: Stark from "Game Ogre" is about as close as a one-shot character can get without actually killing anyone.
* [[Heroic Bystander]]: {{spoiler|[[The Nose Knows|Monroe]] helps Nick track down the rogue Blutbad and the little girl}}.
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* [[Muggles]]: Anyone who isn't a Grimm or one of the creatures he hunts. Nick has to deal with weird reactions from his partner because his partner is a regular mortal human.
* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]]: Goes right along with Ariel's [[Stalker with a Crush]] antics.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]] : If you know German (and can get past the [[Blind Idiot Translation]] pain/giggles), then names like Blutbad and DaemonfeuerDämonfeuer are this in spades (means "Blood Bath" and "Demon Fire" respectively). Some of the other Wesen names are none to cuddly sounding as well.
* [[Never Mess with Granny|Never Mess with Auntie]]: Aunt Marie really puts the English on the trope given she's ''dying of a terminal illness'' and still takes on Hulda with only a knife and her [[Bald of Awesome]]. We find out later she was a [[Badass Bookworm]], having been a librarian by trade. A knife concealed in the handle of [[Sword Cane|her cane]], that is. She also stares down Monroe while she's clinging to life in a hospital bed. Considering we see Monroe rip off a man's arm a few scenes later, that took no small amount of guts.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]: Monroe.
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* [[Opium Den]]: Nick and Monroe track a couple of Wesen junkies into one specifically for Wesen (if a human were to smoke the stuff, they’d die). The smoke messes with Monroe’s nose.
* [[The Other Rainforest]]: Set and filmed in Portland, Oregon. There are a lot of little in jokes that are funnier if you're a Portlander or an Oregonian (two eisbibers being really big OSU fans, for instance).
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: DaemonfeurDämonfeuer, Wesen descendent from a dragon-like lineage. They can breath fire by vaporizing their body fat and igniting it, seem to hoard copper, and are {{spoiler|fireproof}}. As with the werewolf entry below, Monroe makes the important distinction that dragons are a myth while the Wesen that inspired them are real.
* [[Our Monsters Are Different]]: Called 'Wesen' in-universe. [[The Other Wiki]] has a more complete list.
** Judging by the medical records of the ogre Nick encounters, it seems that a lot of the monster's abilities are natural and can be detected through mundane means. It's when they get excited, frightened, aroused, or other natural biological triggers that they demonstrate greater than human abilities.
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* [[Outrun the Fireball]]: Nick does this in "Plumed Serpent".
* [[Out with a Bang]]: {{spoiler|Adalind’s potion was intended to cause this in Hank}}.
* [[Playing With Fire]]: The Wesen in "Plumed Serpent", known as DaemonfeuerDämonfeuer, have [[Breath Weapon|fire breath]]. They apparently do this by vaporizing their fat, "vomiting" that vapor into the air, then somehow igniting it through static electricity. The family includes two flamethrower operators, a welder, and a fire dancer, so they obviously quite like fire.
* [[Poisoned Weapons]]: The {{spoiler|bullets}} in "Game Ogre" were poisoned.
* [[The Power of Blood]]: There are several kinds of potion that include blood of the maker and blood of the target as ingredients; these potions can only be cured by killing the person who made it. Furthermore, {{spoiler|if a Hexenbiest ingests the blood of a Grimm they [[Brought Down to Normal|become human]]}}.
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* [[Running Gag]]: Monroe's introduction in each episode seems to always revolve around him doing a very normal, very mundane activity and trying very very hard to ignore Nick and the inevitable creature-related problem. In "Organ Grinder", he brings this fact up and tries to have a normal conversation—it rapidly and awkward devolves into Monroe's favorite color (red), how human organs are like homeopathic remedies for Wesen, and Nick and Monroe talking about human testicles as the Wesen equivalent of Viagra.
{{quote|'''Monroe''': Maybe I should just get you your own key.}}
* [[Save the Princess]]: Invoked and Conversed when {{spoiler|Juliette is kidnapped by a DaemonfeuerDämonfeuer}}.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: Monroe is breaking all kinds of taboos by helping Nick, but he is not going to let that stop him from doing what he thinks is right. This point is made clear when, in Episode 9 ("Of Mouse and Man"), he's {{spoiler|ambushed by a group of creatures who beat him bloody and unconscious, then scrawl a Reaper scythe emblem on his car; Nick says he won't ask for any more help, but Monroe refuses to knuckle under to threats}}.
{{quote|'''Monroe:''' I'm not really a status quo kind of guy.}}