Grimm (TV): Difference between revisions

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* [[Bee-Bee Gun]]/[[Bee People]]/[[Everything's Worse with Bees]]: The Mellifers.
* [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]:
** Monroe implies that several Hollywood actors are ZiegvolkZiegevolk. NBC's website for the show outright states that Casanova, Frank Sinatra, and JFK were.
** Monroe is pretty confident that Santa Claus is both real and not human; being a Gefrierengeber ([[Bilingual Bonus|German]] for "frozen giver", according to [[The Other Wiki]]) would make him capable of living "up there". Nick doesn't elaborate for the viewers but seems to take the suggestion seriously.
** Monroe also suggests that the mouse creatures introduced in "Of Mouse and Man" are behind Disney - though he doesn't say the company name, he does his usual [[Take That]] on the subject by bringing up "their cartoon thing".
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* [[Betty and Veronica]]: Rosalee (Betty) and Angelina (Veronica) seem to be this to Monroe.
* [[BFG]]: Among Aunt Marie's many weapons is a triple-barrel elephant gun. Its purpose is to kill Ogres. Interestingly, it's relatively realistic (the third, under-slung barrel is far smaller than the other two).
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Nearly all of the Wesen names are ([[Blind Idiot Translation|at least supposedly]]) meaningful in German (Jägerbär, ZiegvolkZiegevolk, etc). The Mellifer, as an exception, is derived from the Greek word for "honey bee". Other Wesen have names in multiple languages as noted in "Happily Ever Aftermath" where the name written in the Grimm book is in Spanish while Monroe knows the creature by it's German name.
* [[Birds of a Feather]]: Rosalee and Monroe. Rosalee is a rehabilitated drug addict who's cleaned up her act. Monroe himself is also a rehabilitated Blutbad. Both seem to have mellow subdued personalities whilst remaining fiercely loyal to their kind. They both even decorate in a warmly antique style.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: {{spoiler|Lucinda}} in "Happily Ever Aftermath" is also [[The Sociopath]] according to Spencer.
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* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Hank falls victim to this {{spoiler|thanks to evil mind control cookies from Adalind}}.
** The Coins of Zakynthos do this, giving the person who holds them delusions of grandeur, charismatic influence over others and an obsessive need to possess them. They are explicitly mentioned as being the reason for it the rise of several tyrannical Roman Emperors as well as [[Ghostapo|the Third Reich]]. We even get a glimpse of this in action when Hank and Renard briefly come into contact with them and begin [[Putting on the Reich]].
** Also the power of a frog eating ZiegvolkZiegevolk can have this effect on people, especially women. So far we haven’t seen anyone do anything violent at a ZiegvolkZiegevolk request, but they where certainly doing things they never would have done otherwise.
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]: {{spoiler|Apparently a Grimm’s blood has the power to do this to Hexenbiest, turning them completely human. Adalind ends up learning this the hard way}}.
* [[Buddy Cop Show]]: Twice over, no less. Hank is Nick's partner on the Muggle side, while Monroe helps with the creature stuff.
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** Apparently, the Grimms have become the monsters of ''their'' fairy tales.
{{quote|'''Monroe''': ''You're'' the monster under the bed! [...] You're not ''real!'' You're a scary story we tell our kids! Be good or a Grimm will come and cut your head off...}}
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: Almost occurs when Monroe spies on the ZiegvolkZiegevolk, who can generate lust-inducing pheromones, for Nick.
{{quote|'''Monroe''': I can't be around that guy -- I almost bought him a drink!}}
* [[Every Man Has His Price]]: Monroe disliked being used by Nick for tracking... until Nick offered him a bottle of 1978 Bordeaux for helping out. Monroe had no complaints from there on.
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* [[Informed Ability]]: Averted with Monroe, whose day-job occupation as a clockmaker (which he is evidently very good at) comes up in the eighth episode of the first season when he is called upon to identify and provide information about an antique watch. In the next episode, he is called out to fix a clock. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, it turns out to be a ploy to send a message about his work with Nick. He takes it about as well as you'd expect from a [[Retired Monster]]--defiantly}}.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Zaubertrank are magic potions, but are almost always referred to as Zaubertrank. When Nick asks Monroe why they aren't just referred to as potions, the answer is basically "because Zaubertrank sounds cooler".
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: While it isn't known how taboo it is, the ziegevolkZiegevolk in "Lonelyhearts" was able to reproduce with humans, so humans and Wesen are genetically compatible. {{spoiler|While it isn't known how human-Wesen lovers are seen, to the Old Land Wesen wedding outside their species is a big no-no and will result in being hunted down and killed}}.
* [[It's All My Fault]]: Monroe (mostly) and Angelina in "The Three Bad Wolves" {{spoiler|after Hap was assassinated by Orson while the two were away}}.
* [[It's Not You, It's My Enemies]]: Aunt Marie's reason for being an old maid; she suggests it to Nick when she reveals the truth to him about his lineage.
* [[Kavorka Man]]: How ''ziegevolkZiegevolk'' appear to the world: unattractive (or at least, not handsome) men with a knack for landing incredibly attractive women.
* [[Kink Meme]]: [ Yeah, the show has one.]
* [[Knight Templar]]: While we don't know how Grimms operate in the modern world, previous generations are possibly implied to have fallen under this category, judging from [[Oh Crap|the reaction]] of many creatures when they realize what Nick is. Monroe's description of what [[Van Helsing Hate Crime|they did]] to his grandfather certainly paints a vivid description of their form of justice. Although we know that grandpa deserved it. As we know that nearly all Blutbaden are killers, or at least dangerous. Even Monroe admits to having killed before he became reformed, its very hard to say if it was or wasn't justified. So far all the creatures recorded in the Grimm books that Grimms killed deserved it. So mileage may vary on this.
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* [[Ship Tease]]: From the moment she showed up, this has been happening between Rosalee and Monroe.
* [[Shout Out]]: In Season 1 Episode 6, a Blutbad, in other words a werewolf of sorts, by the name of [[Mercy Thompson|Adam Hauptmann]] is mentioned.
** In Episode 11, they meet a friend of Monroe's, a [[Black Widow|spinnetodSpinnetod]], named [[Charlotte's Web|Charlotte]].
** Ariel Eberhart claims she got her dragon tattoo "long before [[The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo|that book]] came out."
** Episode 19 episode is titled "[[Leave It to Beaver|Leave It to Beavers]]".