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A 2007 double feature film by [[Robert Rodriguez]] and [[Quentin Tarantino]], intentionally sending up the 1970s [[B-Movie|B-Movies]] that played in theaters, complete with the cute little coming attraction and in-betweener cartoons.
''<s> Thunder Bolt</s> Death Proof'' - A stuntman plays on his small fame to hit on girls, then kills them with his car. Little did he realize that a few of his second bunch of victims are stuntwomen... and among them is [[Zoe Bell]] (playing herself), who also doubled for [[Uma Thurman]] in ''[[Kill Bill]]'' in real life. Boy, is Stuntman Mike in for a world of hurt...
''Planet Terror'' - A military transaction turns chaotic as a poison gas is released onto a rural town of Texas. There, the unknowing civilians turn into blood-thirsty zombies. The only people who can stop them is a Go-Go-Dancer with a gun for a leg, her expert gunman ex boyfriend, the crazy babysitter twins, a [[Heroic BSOD|shellshocked]] doctor, a [[Jerkass]] cop, a crusty sheriff, a scientist obsessed with balls, and a whole bunch of other trailer-park freaks deep in the Heart of Texas.
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* [[One-Scene Wonder]] - A few, such as [[Moe|Marcy]], and later [[Memetic Molester|Jasper]] in ''Death Proof''.
** And {{spoiler|[[Nicolas Cage]]}} as--[[Overused Running Gag|oh, forget it]].
* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]] - The films go to great lengths to give that authentic 1970s grindhouse feel, such as fake trailers, grainy footage, missing reels, jumping scenes, burned film, terrible synthesized music, an ad for a Tex-Mex restaurant which is supposedly next door to the theater you are watching the movie in, etc.
** In one scene of ''Planet Terror'', a large crane is clearly visible. Rodriguez considered removing it by computer, but then decided that leaving it visible would be much more grindhouse.
* [[Real Trailer, Fake Movie]]: Several of them!
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* [[Death by Sex]]: Inverted. The first girls, in spite of acting all wild, are actually pretty uptight about sex (especially Arlene/Butterfly), and they die. The second group, on the other hand, are very open about their sex lives, and they not only survive, they kill the bad guy!
* [[Decoy Protagonist]]: More like {{spoiler|an entire decoy cast!}}
* [[Developing Doomed Characters]]: The entire first half makes you ask when something, ''anything'' is actually going to happen.
* [[Five Second Foreshadowing]] - When Pam realizes that Stuntman Mike isn't actually going to give her a ride home, there's a super close up of her eyes. One second before Stuntman Mike hits the gas and speeds off... With Pam locked in the passenger side.
* [[Food Porn]] - Come on, admit it. If you didn't get a craving for nachos after watching the nacho scene in ''Death Proof'', you're '''lying'''.
* [[Foot Focus]] - Plenty of it, as usual in Tarantino films. It's even [[Lampshaded]].
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* [[Hot Amazon]] - [[Zoe Bell]], for starters.
* [[Jabba Table Manners]] - Watching Stuntman Mike [[Establishing Character Moment|noisily and messily slurping down his plate of nachos in his ''introduction'']] is enough to tell you that this guy is going to be a creep.
** Oh, c'mon, it's nachos. How do ''you'' eat them?
* [[Loud Gulp]] - Lee actually says "Gulp" when she realizes her friends have left her with mister Redneck Rapist.
* [[Market-Based Title]] - "Death Proof" was apparently released as "Thunder Bolt" in some markets, as suggested by the title card that appears for a split second before the "correct" title is superimposed.
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* [[Minor Injury Overreaction]]: Mike whines and cries and blubbers like a baby after being shot in the arm. Possibly [[Truth in Television]] as bullet wounds that merely graze the skin hurt more due to the higher concentration of nerve endings there.
* [[Sassy Black Woman]]: Tarantino said that he wrote Kim essentially as a [[Distaff Counterpart|female version]] of [[Samuel L. Jackson]].
* [[Soft -Spoken Sadist]]: Stuntman Mike.
* [[Stock Scream]]: [ The Wilhelm Scream] is heard in Death Proof after Stuntman Mike runs over the first car.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: Driving in the middle of the night, drunk, high out of their minds, blasting loud music, and sticking their legs out of the windows, they were practically begging for an accident.
* [[This Is a Sentence Bitch]]: Virtually all of Kim's dialogue.
* [[Trunk Shot]]: A Tarantino trademark, played with: it's a shot of Kim and Zoe from under the hood.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Lee is left behind with Jasper, the redneck who owns the Dodge. We never find out what happened to her, or what happened when the girls returned the ruined car.