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* In ''[[Animal Crossing]]'' random items appear in trees but more to this trope you can grow a money tree.
* One of the playable races in [[Guild Wars 2]]. They're [[Plant People]].
* ''[[FarmvilleFarmVille]]'' takes this to some pretty wild extremes. Not only is there a money tree, there are also bubble gum trees, cookie trees, jewel trees, candy heart trees, paper lantern trees, ''rainbow trees'' (that is, not simply a multicolored tree, but a tree that ''grows tiny rainbows as fruit'') and countless others... basically, if you can think of it, there's probably a tree version of it.
* In ''Money Tree'', leaves fall down out of the sky and you attach them to the formerly-bare tree. While most grow only mundane fruit, now and again you'll get one that grows paper money.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda Oracle Games]]'' feature Gasha trees, which sprout from Gasha seeds you plant and their nuts bear various useful items.
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== Web Original ==
* ''[[Orion's Arm]]'': [ Deliplants] are genetically-engineered plants that grow animal products, which is more efficient and ethical than using animals.
* [ This video] (an animation of [[Cyanide and& Happiness]]) features a bacon tree. (You have to climb high enough to reach the crispy ones!)
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[[Category:Fruit and Vegetable Tropes]]
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