Guilt-Free Extermination War: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"Either we spread and wipe out the Bugs, or they spread and wipe us out - because both races are tough and smart and want the same real estate."''|'''Juan "Johnny" Rico''', ''[[Starship Troopers (novel)|Starship Troopers]]''}}
|'''Juan "Johnny" Rico''', ''[[Starship Troopers (novel)|Starship Troopers]]''}}
You know how most wars end when one side gets what they want, or stops caring, or the other side surrenders? This is not that kind of war. This is a war where the only possible outcome is the utter annihilation of the other side. This isn't [[Good Versus Evil]] either, where one side wins forever and there's sugar and gumdrops for the rest of eternity,<ref>(Or [[Evil Only Has to Win Once]] and you get a Crapsack [[Villain World]])</ref> this is two sides fighting to the death for reasons [[Blue and Orange Morality|that cannot be summed up]]. Other options are neither explored nor put forth as viable in any way. Don't expect either side to feel guilty either.
This is when ''both sides'' have '''no issues''' in trying to destroy the other side, and the only way that the war will end is with one side's destruction. Peace is not an option, and the only end is when the other side is destroyed entirely and there are no survivors. It may not even be a war: it may just be a natural enemy that is a constant danger to the [[Heroes]], like the [[Zombie Apocalypse]]. Don't expect [[An Aesop]] or musing about how war is terrible or [[The Hero]] is [[He Who Fights Monsters|becoming like their enemies]]. There won't be an [[Genocide Dilemma|agonizing decision about whether or not it's okay]] to [[Curb Stomp Battle|decimate enemy forces if the chance arises]]. These enemies aren't just okay to kill individually like [[What Measure Is a Mook?|Mooks]], these enemies are okay to '''exterminate''' in their entirety. However, one side keeping the other around as [[I'm a Humanitarian|food]] or [[Face Full of Alien Wingwong|nurseries]] fits in as well.
Frequent users include: [[Zombie Apocalypse]], [[Bug War]], [[Robot War]], [[Horde of Alien Locusts]]. Compare [[Exclusively Evil]] for when [[The Hero]] consider the enemy to be guilt free, but don't engage in a protracted war. Compare [[Final Solution]], which isn't necessarily a war or an instance of [[Blue and Orange Morality]] or one side does it but the other side is unwilling to. May eventually wind up with [[Would Be Rude to Say Genocide]].
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Mushishi]]'', while Ginko is normally a [[Friend to All Living Things]] and incredibly forgiving to even the most violent or dangerous mushi, his response when confronted with a species of Mushi that exists solely by preying on people is to explain calmly that humans and that breed of mushi cannot coexist, and humans are stronger.
* In ''[[Gunbuster]]'', the space monsters are described as a galactic "immune system" trying to wipe out the "disease" of humanity. Humanity is aware that their winning may carry consequences for the galaxy, but decides "Fuck that, we're gonna try to survive anyway."
* ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED]]'': The war devolved into this after the destruction of the Eurasian military forces at JOSH-A, the Earth Alliance was quick to adopt extremely dubious policies like using drugged up biological computers for their own bidding and ZAFT used Genesis to gruesomely wipe out the enemy. The Veigans and Earth Federation Forces also apply in [[Gundam AGE]], all of the Veigans are fanatically loyal to Elzecant and the Earth Federation knows nothing short of the extermination of the Veigan will stop them.
== Comics[[Comic Books]] ==
* In the ''[[Metabarons Universe]]'', humanity is threatened by an alien invasion. Rather than waste resources fighting a war, they agree to a battle between two champions. The loser commits "immediate racial suicide.". This is perfectly in keeping with the ''Metabarons'' storyline, where everything is cranked [[Up to Eleven]].
== [[Fan Works]] ==
* ''[[Kimi no Na Iowa]]'': The abyssals want nothing less than the total annihilation of Japan and the USA. They have made unambiguously clear that any other country involved in World War Two must either do a [[Face Heel Turn]] and join them in destroying Japan, or else face the same fate, no other peace talks or surrenders accepted. Even historically-unaligned nations have had their maritime industry destroyed. Mankind naturally has no qualms with fighting back with extreme prejudice.
== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[Terminator]]'': in the future [[Robot War|humans vs the robots]].
* ''[[Independence Day]]'': the aliens, in keeping with their [[Horde of Alien Locusts]], have no issues wiping out entire cities full of people. {{spoiler|Humanity has no issues returning the favor for the alien mother ship.}}
** The US President actually does probe for peace even after they destroy every major city on Earth, with an alien that had just slaughtered a team of scientists no less; the response was a [[Mind Rape]] that would have killed him if the alien wasn't shot, and it showed him that their entire civilization is based upon this, moving from one world to another, wiping out the natives, using up all the resources, and then moving on to the next planet to repeat.
== [[Literature]] ==
== Literature ==
* ''[[Pandora's Star]]'' includes an implacable hive mind whose only motivation is to be the last sentient being in the universe and has no problem wiping out humanity. Given that its entire species consists of a single individual, victory for humanity would by definition leave it extinct.
* ''[[Lensman]]'' stories by E.E. "Doc" Smith: The conflict between Civilization and Boskone was a fight to the death. Neither the Galactic Patrol nor the pirates of Boskone ever surrendered to the other, and entire planets were destroyed in the conflict.
* ''[[Starship Troopers (novel)|Starship Troopers]]'' by [[Robert Heinlein]]: The war between the Terran Federation and the [[Bug War|Bugs (Arachnids)]].
** [[Adaptation Distillation|Retained in the adaptations]], though they turned the Bugs into [[Organic Technology|non-technological]] [[Horde of Alien Locusts|alien locusts]], as opposed to the tool-using [[Hive Mind]] in the book that even had allies.
* ''[[Old MansMan's War]]'' by John Scalzi initially presents humanity in a constant state of war with other species for colonies, using a similar justification to that of [[Starship Troopers (novel)|Starship Troopers]] (one of Scalzi's inspirations) in that "this galaxy ain't big enough for the two of us". But {{spoiler|it is subverted in later books by the Conclave}}.
* ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'': the humans and elves vs the armies of Mordor. The closing section of ''[[The Hobbit]]'' talks quite pleasantly about the goblins being hunted into extinction in the Misty Mountains, without any hint that anyone ''could'' have a problem with this.
* The [[Doctor Who Expanded Universe]] novel ''Sky Pirates!'' revealed that the Timelords had a couple of wars like this in the distant past, where the opponents were just so utterly different each side regarded the other as an [[Eldritch Abomination]] to be utterly eliminated. [[Captain Obvious|The Timelords won]].
* [[The Bible]] is the [[Ur Example]], as the Hebrews are ordered by [[God]] to displace and destroy the Canaanite people. This is supposed to be okay because they practice child sacrifice and temple prostitution, and also [[Because Destiny Says So|because the '"curse of Canaan'"]] [[Fate and Prophecy Tropes|says it will happen]]. It's up to the reader whether this is [[Values Dissonance]] or not.
* In the ''[[Codex Alera]]'', the conflict between the Alerans and [[Horde of Alien Locusts|the Vord]]. Most of the Vord are mindless beasts under the control of their Queens, which have a genetic imperative to wipe out any other species and expand to consume all. There is also the war between the Vord and {{spoiler|the Canim}}, which ultimately ended with {{spoiler|the Canim being almost exterminated}}, save for the ones that {{spoiler|Tavi and Varg were able to evacuate}}.
* Related to the [[Starfire]] example in Tabletop Games is the novels based off it by [[David Weber]] and Steve White. In addition to the war with the Rigellians as part of the back story there is the war with the Arachnids or Bugs. No attempt at communication succeeds and they view other sentient species as nothing more than food. The only world that is not subjected to massive orbital bombardment is the homeworld of one member of the Crucian Alliance which is liberated the hard way.
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** The Bothans have this as a little-used<ref>exactly three times in their entire recorded history</ref> cultural practice called ''ar'krai''. Every able Bothan is required to volunteer for military service in order to not only slay every last member of the offending group or species, but [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|grind their homeworld to dust]]. They declare ''ar'krai'' against the [[New Jedi Order|Yuuzhan Vong]] after perennial [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]] Borsk Fey'lya pulls a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] during the fall of Coruscant.
* In ''[[Last and First Men]]'' the Fifth Men kill off the native Venusians without a second thought. Of course, by then earth was dying and Venus had to be [[Terraforming|terraformed]] to be inhabitable.
* The Martians in ''[[The War of the Worlds (novel)|The War of the Worlds]]'' have this attitude toward humanity; the humans are too busy being terrified and/or dying to return the sentiment.
** In Garrett P. Serviss's unauthorized sequel ''Edison's Conquest of Mars'' the humans fly to Mars and cheerfully wipe out the Martians who tried invading Earth. Technically it's an accident, but nobody's really bothered by the extermination of a whole species.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
== Live Action TV ==
* In ''[[Doctor Who]]'', the war between the Thals and the Kaleds would only end with one destroying the other. The Thals "won" by destroying the Kaled bunker thanks to information leaked to them by Kaled scientist Davros - who then turned his creation, the Daleks, on the Thals, thus destroying them as well.
** The Daleks themselves are utterly convinced that every single non-Dalek lifeform in the universe must be exterminated; they are also genetically engineered to feel "no emotion but hate", and once engaged in a mutual civil war of annihilation when Davros made a new breed with only trivial, aesthetic differences between them. The Doctor himself varies on the issue; on rare occasions he will try diplomacy or some more peaceful tactic, but on plenty of others he's more than ready to literally [[Kill'Em All]], and is horrified when [[Joker Immunity]] kicks in and a handful, or even a lone, Dalek survives.
*** As was said in the new series episode where the Cult of Skaro first encountered the Cybermen: "THIS IS NOT WAR! THIS IS PEST CON-TROL!"
** The Last Great Time War seems to be this as well, from what little we know of it. The Time Lords and Daleks seemed to be out to simply destroy each other, and at some point the Doctor decided that both sides had to be destroyed.
* The humans on [[Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series)|the ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]'']], for the most part, believe this since the Cylons wiped out 99.99999% in the pilot. They will frequently torture and kill captured Cylons because they're "[[Ridiculously-Human Robots|just machines]]" and don't really feel pain. People who object are typically just written off as incredibly naive or crazy. {{spoiler|During the series, however, this attitude decreases to the point where the humans and some rebel Cylons form an alliance against the rest of the Cylons}}.
* ''[[Stargate Verse]]'':
** ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'': the replicators will consume anything and everything to replicate, and the only way to stop them for good is to wipe them out, so the war with them inevitably becomes this. A different type of replicators appear in ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'', and this applies to them as well.
** ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'': the fight against the Wraith is generally seen as an us-or-them game as well—the Wraith might not be out to kill ''all'' humans, but that's only because they need to keep them as a food supply. Later on, Dr. Beckett develops a virus that turns Wraith into humans, but it wears off without regular boosters and is nigh-impossible to deliver. Even later the Replicators and renegade Asgard force the Atlantis expedition into multiple [[Enemy Mine]] situations with one Wraith faction and at one point offer them an experimental treatment that would allow them to live without feeding on humans.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* In ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'', nearly every single race has reasons and plans to exterminate every other race.
== Tabletop Games ==
* In ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'', nearly every single race has reasons and plans to exterminate every other race.
** This is quite literally the Imperium's standard colonization protocol: drop a few [[Badass Army|Imperial Guard]] regiments, exterminate all sentient life on the new planet, ship colonists in.
** The [[The Federation|Tau]] don't automatically exterminate every species they come across, preferring to integrate and "adopt" other species as they discover them. Still, when they do encounter a species that they determine unfit or unable to peacefully coexist, they will ruthlessly exterminate them. Considering [[Crapsack World|the]] [[Sick Sad World|galaxy]] they live in, this proabably happens pretty frequently.
** [[Our Elves Are Different|Eldar]] will usually avert this trope, since they tend to work more subtly, [[The Chessmaster|through subtly manipulating the galactic stage]] to keep themselves as far out of harm's way as they can manage. Played with, with the [[Evil Counterpart|Dark Eldar]], who [[Complete Monster|legitimately enjoy murder]] but actually prefer to abduct populations and capture their enemies. One of the taglines for their army list was "[[Fate Worse Than Death|Pray they don't take you alive]]."
** Tyranids exist to eat, breed and absorb the best characteristics of every species that they can get their claws on—only characteristics that facilitate those three imperatives, of course.
** The Necrons serve beings that wish to annihilate everything related to the Warp. The Warp is sustained in part by the emotions of living beings. Nothing more needs to be said.
* ''[[Starfire]]'' by Task Force Games: The Third Interstellar War between the Alliance (Terrans and Khanate of Orion) vs. the fanatically racist and warlike Rigelian Protectorate. The Rigelians were determined to wipe out the Alliance, and the Alliance was forced to destroy the Rigelians completely to eliminate them as a threat.
* ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' deals with this whenever [[The Virus|Ph]][[Zombie Apocalypse|yre]][[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul|xi]][[From a Single Cell|ans]] get involved, especially in ''Invasion'' and ''Scars of Mirrodin'' blocks.
* [[Dungeons and& Dragons]] has the [[Evil vs. Evil|Blood War]] between the Lawful Evil devils/baatezu and the Chaotic Evil demons/tanar'ri, it's been raging for milleniamillennia and is unlikely to end until and unless one or both sides gets totally exterminated. Which is fortunate for everybody else because the fiends could probably wipe out the celestials and everybody else in the multiverse if they weren't so busy fighting each other.
* Frequent in ''3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars''. Because it's [[Omnicidal Maniac|us]] [[Bug War|or them]].
== [[Video Games]] ==
== Video Games ==
* ''[[Total Annihilation]]'': Both factions use this and ''have'' to be sure they've wiped the other side out or they'll just rebuild with [[Nanotechnology]].
* In ''[[Mass Effect]]'', the battles against the Reapers' indoctrinated servants, played a few different ways.
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** [[Player Character|Shepard]] is personally responsible for wiping out the Collectors. ( {{spoiler|[[Reconstruction]]; they were sentient once, but [[Cybernetics Eat Your Soul|are now mindless]]}})
** Shepard is forced to choose [[Heel Face Brainwashing]] or destroying the {{spoiler|heretic}} geth. ( {{spoiler|Zig-zagged, [[Played for Drama]]}})
** In general, there's a standing order in [[The Federation|Council Space]] that all [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|AIs are to be terminated on sight]]. The exceptions are those which are authorized by controversial research companies such as Synthetic Insights. Knowing that every organic in the galaxy is united to kill them without a second thought, many synthetic creatures (such as the geth) shoot first and ask questions later.
* The only option (other than Assimilation Plague) in [[Sword of the Stars]] before the second expansion added psychology techs that allow a player to force a planet to surrender after just one or two nukes.
* In ''[[Star Fox (series)|Star Fox]] Assault'' the [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Aparoids]] are exterminated without a second thought. And in at least some of the possible endings to ''Command'' the Anglar are presumably wiped out as well (considering their homeworld is terraformed in a couple endings).
* In ''[[Ratchet and Clank]]: Tools Of Destruction'', pretty much everyone who brings up the subject considers the Lombaxes the "Saviors of the Universe" for completely wiping out the Cragmites. {{spoiler|Granted, it turns out they actually sent them to another universe, but no one else ''knew'' that.}}
* ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'': the [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Zerg]] are a race burdened with a hard-coded biological imperative, instilled by the Xel'Naga, to assimilate and destroy other species. The absolute best that could possibly be done short of true extermination is destroying the Overmind to reduce them to merely ''very'' dangerous animals. {{spoiler|Turned on its head when it turns out the Overmind [[Thanatos Gambit|intentionally got itself killed]] to place Kerrigan as its successor and finally relieve the Zerg of this compulsion, and on top of that they may be the ''only'' thing standing between the other races and an unknown party that will otherwise destroy all life in the galaxy -- the Overmind executed this gambit because otherwise the Zerg would destroy all other life, then be destroyed in turn by this new threat.}}
* The Human-Covenant war starts out this way in [[Halo]], the covenant goes to far as to [[Apocalypse How|completely destroy]] each Human planet they encounter. That is, until the Elites get {{spoiler|betrayed by the prophets. And it later gets revealed the war was a cover up.}} Played thoroughly straight with [[Zombie Apocalypse|the Flood.]]
* In ''[[Perfect Dark]]'', [[Action Girl|Joanna]] teams up with the [[The Greys|Maians]] in the last two levels to exterminate all the [[The Reptilians|Skedar fanatics]]. This is not remotely depicted as a bad thing, because they have a [[Hive Mind]] and can't be reasoned with.
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* In ''[[Wing Commander (video game)|Wing Commander]]'', the war between the Kilrathi and humans was this for the Kilrathi from the start, and for the humans it became so after [[I Surrender, Suckers|faking a desire for peace to build up a massive fleet that was used to completely sterilize several planets]], with Earth on the list for the same treatment before being interrupted as shown in the novel ''[[Wing Commander (novel)|Fleet Action]]''.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* Germs vs. humans, formore theor most partless. For the most part, this constitutes a "humans vs. creatures-motivated-by-wanting-to-eat-them".
== Real Life ==
* Germs vs. humans for the most part. For the most part, this constitutes a "humans vs. creatures-motivated-by-wanting-to-eat-them".
** The first disease we've been able to exterminate so far was smallpox. The only surviving samples are around for research.
** On 8 August 2011, the United Nations held a ceremony declaring rinderpest eradicated - the second disease to be fully wiped out.