• Fake Nationality: About one million times. Basically, this would show up in any movie set outside England, and even some set inside it.
  • Hey, It's That Guy: As mentioned above, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. Often together. There's also bit player Michael Ripper, who appears in so many there's probably a drinking game about him.
    • There's also a lot of crossover between Hammer girls and Bond girls.
    • The second Doctor was in several Hammer films; word is he got the part while working on The Viking Queen. And Romana showed up in Vampire Circus.
  • Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying: Dinosaurs and man alongside each other in One Million Years BC and When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth. Creatures the World Forgot shows why the trope is necessary -- if you think being slightly more realistic makes it better than the others, seek medication.