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***** Although there have been periods in US military history where a sufficiently large critical mass of senior officers who were CYA jackhats all got together, thus producing a corrupt institutional culture that lasts until a sufficiently shocking event finally breaks the logjam and forces drastic reforms. 'Surprisingly' these periods in history just happen to all coincide with the US' worst military defeats, such as Vietnam.
**** If more than one person participates in the cover-up, and they coordinate their actions in any way, then it is, by definition, a conspiracy.
****Colloquially the phrase [[Conspiracy Theory]] implies "Spectacular conspiracy of mythical proportions." That is if two thugs collaborate to mug an old lady that is indeed a "conspiracy" but saying somewhere sometime two thugs have collaborated to mug an old lady is not a [[Conspiracy Theory]].
** This [http://www.cracked.com/article_15740_was-911-inside-job.html cracked article] says it best, and even invokes this trope.
{{quote|"Just as it's wrong to find complicated conspiracy where simple incompetence will explain everything, it's also wrong to presume evil motives where simple mental retardation may be the explanation."}}