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This happens outside of science fiction as well. Often, scientist characters in non-[[Science Fiction]] shows will disrespect the softer sciences when they have to deal with them. In real life, [[Acceptable Targets|common targets]] are Psychology (see below), Psychiatry (often portrayed as the medical equivalent of the [[Church of Happyology]]), Economics ("The Dismal Science"), and certain aspects of Linguistics. Some can have a grudging respect for economics and political science, the two that tell if they will get any money for rockets and particle accelerators, but psychology, sociology and the like are [[Acceptable Targets]].
Think of it as an interdisciplinary [[Take That]]. How much the rivalry is [[Serious Business]], and how much friendly banter, depends on the people involved. It's still an influential conflict that not only has spawned new theories and schools, but became a full blown [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_wars:Science wars|"war"]] during the 90's. The standard comeback from soft scientists is that their subject is more "applicable" or more relevant to life and society at large (e.g.: as hit and miss as psychology can be, we're a long way from seeing a neurological or even pharmacological solution to mood disorders). Another reason why science fiction writers love to return the favor by taking potshots at people in the humanities is because literary critics usually [[Sci Fi Ghetto|don't take science fiction seriously]].
A related phenomenon is "hard science" and business students criticizing subjects like Literary Criticism and Philosophy for being more [[Wild Mass Guessing]] and having little utility in careers outside the academic world. This overlooks actual, legitimate philosophies that adults can also make use of (like for example, studying logic and reasoning), and of course, how in [[Real Life]] businesses prefer candidates who bring different perspectives and ways of thinking to their jobs.
Also see [[All Psychology Is Freudian]], which also contributes to how psychology became such a target - psychoanalysis is ''blatantly'' unscientific navel-gazing, but because it was one of psychology's most [[Vocal Minority|vocal minorities]], the "psychologists sitting in couches charging 200 bucks to talk about your mom" stereotype became a [[Never Live It Down]]. Modern types of psychology, such as behaviourism, cognitive science and neuroscience, are a lot harder yet just as practical. In this case, calling Freudians quacks would work, but Skinner's experiments have been repeatedly verified. However, the history of scams, the possible lack of ethics - see [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment:Milgram experiment|these]] [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment:Stanford prison experiment|experiments]], the [[Bedlam House]], and [[A Clockwork Orange (Literaturenovel)|behaviourism's possibility of abuse]] - and "pop psychology" in general still haven't liberated it from being an acceptable target.
Can invoke a [[Romanticism Versus Enlightenment]]-like conflict (in this case, the hard sciences form the Enlightenment). For anti-intellectualism by non-intellectuals, see [[Science Is Bad]] and [[Science Is Wrong]]. See [[MD Envy]] and [[Not That Kind of Doctor]], which can be related.
Not related to [[I Thought It Meant|erections in any way]]. Well [[Author Appeal|almost]].
<!-- %%comment%% Actual science only. We're talking physics vs. sociology, that sort of thing. Alternative medicine, for example, has no place here, because regardless of whether or not it works, it's not generally located/tested scientifically. -->
== Humor ==
* There's an old joke where the dean of a college complains how much the various science departments are costing the college. The chemistry department needs test tubes and bunsen burners, the physics department needs particle accelerators and Tesla coils, the astronomy department needs telescopes, etc.. He says, "Why can't they be more like the Mathematics classes? They only need paper and a wastebasket. And the Philosophy department is even cheaper; they don't even need the wastebasket!"
* '''Q:''' What did the <insert choice of [[Butt Monkey]] field here> major say to the <insert any "practical" or "hard" science here> major? <br />'''A:''' "Would you like fries with that?"
== [[Literature]] ==
* In Neal Stephenson's ''[[Cryptonomicon]]'', a few intellectuals met by the computer scientist protagonist are insufferable idiots with little grip on reality. Then again, his grandfather had a very poor grip on reality, and he was also a computer scientist.
* The statistician narrator in Stanisław Lem's ''[[His MastersMaster's Voice]]'' pejoratively calls the group of linguists, psychologists, "pleiographers" etc. "[[Elves vs. Dwarves|elves]]".
* Inverted in [[Stephen King]]'s ''The Stand''. Not only is hard science [[Science Is Bad|bad]], but one of the heroes is a sociologist.
* In ''[[Starship Troopers (Literaturenovel)|Starship Troopers]]'', [[Robert A. Heinlein|Heinlein]] goes on at length about how flawed 20th century psychology was/is. However [[Characterization Tags|Future!]]Psychology teaches nothing but "hard truths"... by the ''math department''.
** Another Robert Heinlein example, from the "Notebooks of Lazarus Long" in ''[[Time Enough for Love]]''.
{{quote| If it can't be expressed in figures, it is not science; it is opinion.}}
* Discussed and subverted in [[Michael Crichton]]'s [[Sphere]]. One of the [[Jerkass]] physicists asks what somebody from such a useless field as psychology is doing on the mission. The psychologist protagonist points out (perhaps only to himself, it's been a while) what terrible people skills the average physicist has. It turns out the psychologist is {{spoiler|the only one mentally stable enough to handle the nigh-omnipotence the title sphere gives without killing everyone.}}
** Also discussed in another Crichton novel, ''Timeline'', where there is an even starker contrast as it's between a physicist and a ''historian''. Perhaps deconstructed, since the physicist protagonist solves problems in the present, while the historians solve problems in the past.
** For an MD and a Scientist, Crichton spent an awful lot of time writing [[Science Is Bad|against type.]] e.g. [[Jurassic Park]].
* Shows up repeatedly in the works of [[Greg Egan]]; most notably in [[Schilds Ladder|Schild's Ladder]]
* This is played straight as a central trope of ''[[The Space Trilogy|That Hideous Strength]]'' by [[CSC. S. Lewis (Creator)|CS Lewis]] -- one—one of the protagonists and most of our villains are sociologist-types. It goes so far that [[Values Dissonance]] rams this book into [[Poe's Law]].
** One minor character is an eminent chemist. He has a brief conversation with the (currently bamboozled) sociologist protagonist: Sociologist: "I can quite understand that it [the villains' scheme] doesn't fit in with your work as it does with sciences like Sociology, but--" Chemist: "There are no sciences like Sociology." The chemist is then murdered by the villains, the sociologist framed for the murder, and blackmailed into running propaganda for them. Lewis's objection to sociology (within the book, at least) was that it, like the other soft sciences, invites the scientist to treat people as specimens, without compassion. His chemist says, "I happen to believe that you can't study men; you can only get to know them, which is quite a different thing."
* Averted with [[Isaac Asimov]]'s [[Foundation]] series. Hari Seldon is (posthumously) considered to be one of the most brilliant scientists in the history of the Galaxy, and his work in psychohistory is considered not only seminal but absolutely necessary for the survival of civilization. While psychohistory is presented as a mathematical science, it is still considered to be a branch of psychology, a "soft" science.
== [[Live -Action TelevisionTV]] ==
* In ''[[Bones]]'', Temperance Brennan takes constant digs at psychology, saying it's unscientific...this despite constantly being proven wrong, or using principles from it herself (with bizarre justifications about how it's not psychology), or even the obvious effectiveness of [[The Profiler|psychological profiler]] Dr. Sweets. This is frequently lampshaded by other characters.
** This behavior was actually the subject of a [[Take That]] in an episode where Booth and Bones head to a mental hospital where Bones makes pointed [[Take That|remarks]] to the head psychologist there. Eventually after a while of this the psychologist finally gets sick of this and points out that while her expertise in the dead is all well and dandy, he's using his training to help 'living people' who desperately need it, soft science or not.
*** In the same episode, Bones mistakes a delusional patient for an actual doctor. It's unclear as to whether this supports her view (psychiatry minus the pharmacology degree can be perfectly emulated by any reasonably bright [[Sophisticated As Hell|basket case]]) or not (Bones was [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Like|Complaining About Sciences She Doesn't Like]] ''and'' [[Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch|Complaining About Sciences She Doesn't Study Enough To Understand]]).
* On ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]'', Sheldon (a theoretical physicist) is often belittling engineers (like Howard) even calling them "the [[Charlie and Thethe Chocolate Factory|Oompah-Loompahs]] of science" once. Of course, Sheldon tends to belittle anyone who doesn't live up to his lofty standards (i.e., everyone else), including his other friends Raj (an astrophysicist) and Leonard (a particle physicist).
** Sheldon also fell victim to a more literal version of this trope when he briefly comments on the inaccuracy of the social sciences in the episode "The Friendship Algorithm", while he presents Penny with his "friendship questionnaire". He wasn't happy about doing one, as in his view the social sciences are 'largely hokum', but saw no alternative. Sheldon even botches the methodology: no social scientist in his or her right mind would expect a respondent to handle a ''200-question'' exam.
** Leonard's parents (a neurologist and an anthropologist) apparently only used sex in their relationship for reproduction, and both wrote papers on it. His mother visits and discusses this with Sheldon, pointing out that because her paper was from a neurological standpoint means it was the only one worth reading, to which Sheldon promptly agrees.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Professor Layton and Thethe Unwound Future]]'', the Prime Minister (a former scientist) it talked into taking part in a scientific demonstration after the demonstrator brings up how he abandoned the hard sciences for politics.
== [[Web Comic]] ==
* ''[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]]'', [http://xkcd.com/451/ here], as well as [http://xkcd.com/435/ here]. [[Rule of Three|And finally]], the [[Alt Text]] [http://xkcd.com/764/ here]. (Social scientists tend to share Munroe's view of literary criticism.)
** Some of these are more serious than others. The one against anthropologists was intended to be in jest, but came across harsher than Munroe intended; the following day, he [[Incredibly Lame Pun|anthropologized]].
** ''[[Precision F-Strike|Fuck]]'' [[Running Gag|Computational Linguistics]]
* ''[[Skin Horse]]'', [http://www.webcomicsnation.com/shaenongarrity/skinhorse/series.php?view=archive&chapter=33564#strip5 here].
* Heartily mocked [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20050924.html in the commentary of] one ''[[Schlock Mercenary (Webcomic)|Schlock Mercenary]]'' strip.
** Played straight in [https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2013-05-27 this strip].
* Inverted in [http://harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=231 this] [[Hark! aA Vagrant]] strip. [[HGH. G. Wells]] seems a little hard on ''hard'' science.
* One ''[[Girl Genius]]'' strip involves a mad social scientist griping about the fact that the Sparks who go into the hard sciences get all the funding.
{{quote| '''Scientist''': I told the Baron, give me a thousand orphans, a hedge maze, and enough cheese, and I can...}}
== [[Web Original]] ==
* [[Bastard Operator From Hell|BOFH]] and his assistant got some ''analyst'' estimating them for ''security'' purpose. Using [[Inkblot Test]] and [[Word Association Test]]. [http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/11/07/bofh_and_the_government_contract/ Guess who was a butt of the joke]?
* Gordon Freeman of ''[[FreemansFreeman's Mind]]'' feels indignant toward psychology.
** Although, this may have less to do with scientific elitism than the fact that Gordon is a ''[[Heroic Comedic Sociopath|friggin' loon]]'', and as such not enamored of what they probably have to say about him.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* The [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokal_affair:Sokal affair|Sokal hoax]] was a [[Take That]] from a physics professor to postmodernist social studies academics. Sokal sent a paper of pure drivel which would embarrass a second year physics students, but wrote it so it agreed with the political and social views of the journal Social Text. Sokal's paper (in brief - the real paper contains more nonsense than can be discussed here) argued that a properly free mathematics would free us from the social constructs which are implied by our rigid, unyielding, dogmatic, anti-feminist, capitalist, and unjust theory of ''gravity''. Of course, they ''did'' publish it of their own free will...
* Real scientists engage in this to varying degrees, though mostly it tends to be light natured ribbing between colleagues. Especially given that actually annoying the other fields means they won't be able to ask that department for help when something comes up in their work that they can't answer on their own.
** Played very straight by the same scientists, physicians, and skeptics towards a great deal of New Age beliefs, which the scientifically-minded do not consider legitimate fields at all. To draw the distinction: a historian or a philosopher does not necessarily follow the scientific method at all, but they are still held to very rigorous scrutiny by their peers and academic honesty is demanded of them. Most scientists respect such academics and it's all well-meaning ribbing between colleagues. An astrologer, however, cannot and does not seek peer review, academic appraisal, or to test their beliefs against evidence in a controlled experiment. Whatever one's personal beliefs, the reason so many scientists are active in the skeptical movement is obvious.
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