Harry Potter/Characters/Ghosts: Difference between revisions

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=== Nearly Headless Nick ([[John Cleese]]) ===
The resident ghost of Gryffindor House. Known in life as Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, he was beheaded (well, nearly) on Halloween in the year 1492. As per [[Jacob Marley Apparel]], he is now stuck spending eternity with his head just barely connected to his body by a thin strip of flesh. This makes him ineligible for the Headless Hunt, much to his chagrin.
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* [[Torso with a View]]
=== Moaning Myrtle ([[Shirley Henderson]]) ===
The ghost of a Muggle-born girl who attended Hogwarts at the same time as Tom Riddle and Rubeus Hagrid. She was murdered by Riddle, via the basilisk, and he used her death to create the diary Horcrux. After spending some time haunting the [[Alpha Bitch]] who tormented her when she was alive, the Ministry of Magic forced Myrtle to go haunt the place of her death instead. This was the bathroom containing the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets and she has remained there ever since.
She is, as Hermione tactfully observes in the second movie, "[[Understatement|a little sensitive]]". "A little sensitive" means that she is an insane [[Large Ham]] with a [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]. In Myrtle's mind, everyone is constantly making fun of her and talking about her behind her back. Of course, this behavior [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy|causes people to make fun of her and talk about her behind her back]]. She also develops a humorous crush on Harry, although he generally finds her annoying.
In the books, Myrtle appears in ''[[Chamber of Secrets]]'', ''[[Goblet of Fire]]'', and ''[[Half -Blood Prince]]''. In the films, she appears in just ''Chamber'' and ''Goblet''.
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: To Harry.
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* [[Dawson Casting]]: Being in her thirties both times she played the role, Shirley Henderson is the oldest person to play a Hogwarts student in any of the movies.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[The Peeping Tom]]: A past timepastime of hers, as revealed in ''Goblet''.
* [[Mood Swinger]]: When introduced, she started out as swinging from sad and distraught over her death to angry and temperamental when one becomes insensitive to her plight as a ghost. Ron learned that the hard way. Later on in the series, she develops a new mood to swing. Whenever Harry or another boy she fancies is around, she's swooning and mischievous.
{{Quote| '''Moaning Myrtle''':Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me.
'''Ron:'' But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean it would just go right through you.
* [[Nerd Glasses]]
* [[Really 700 Years Old]]: Being a ghost, she has remained physically (well, metaphysically) a teenager for over fifty years.
* [[Wangst]]: [[Played for Laughs]]
=== Helena Ravenclaw ([[Kelly Macdonald]]) ===
The daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw herself. Jealous of her mother, Helena stole her mother's diadem and was subsequently killed by the man who would become the Bloody Baron. Centuries later, she was effectively manipulated by the charms of one Tom Riddle. She revealed the location of her mother's diadem to him and he turned it into a Horcrux.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: Prior to ''[[Deathly Hallows]]'', [[Word of God]] provided the only indication that she existed. She does have a cameo in the first book, but this was only identified by [[Word of God]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Mention of Tom Riddle using her mother's diadem as a Horcrux has her go from withdrawn yet dignified to screaming rage about how Voldemort defiled it with Dark magic.
* [[Brainy Brunette]]
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* [[Woman in White]]
=== The Bloody Baron (Terence Bayler) ===
The resident ghost of Slytherin House. In life, he was infatuated with Helena Ravenclaw. Some time after Helena had run away with her mother's diadem, Rowena was dying and sent the baron to find her daughter. He found her, but killed her in the struggle to bring her back. [[My God, What Have I Done?|Realizing what he'd done]], he then killed himself. As per [[Jacob Marley Apparel]], he will spend eternity covered in blood, hence the nickname.
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* [[Yandere]]
=== The Fat Friar (Simon Fisher-Becker) ===
The resident ghost of Hufflepuff House. He seems to be cheerful and comical in personality, but nothing else is known about him other than the fact that he was evidently a friar when he was alive. Well, it ''is'' [[Hufflepuff House]], after all.
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* [[The Pollyanna]]: He believes in giving Peeves second chances. And third chances. And fourth chances.
=== Peeves =([[Rik Mayall]]) ==
A poltergeist who haunts Hogwarts, making mischief wherever he can. He's not considered a ghost by the "other" ghosts, but he's often classified as one for convenience. However, it's worth noting that Peeves is not white or transparent, but is rather solid-looking and often dressed in loudly-colored clothes. Rowling defines Peeves as "an indestructible spirit of chaos".
Peeves has no agenda, no motivation, no goals other than to create as much chaos as possible [[For the Lulz]]. He is rude, crude, fond of practical jokes, and takes orders from no one other than the Bloody Baron, though he also shows some respect to Dumbledore. Peeves and Filch are constantly at war with each other, a conflict Harry and his friends generally do not involve themselves in.
Although Peeves has a sizable role in all the books and some of the video games, he neveronly appears in the moviesfirst movie.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: To Argus Filch.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: While Peeves is very much [[For the Evulz]], he does take his pranking [[Up to Eleven]] during ''[[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (novel)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]'', wreaking complete havoc during Umbridge's reign. During DH, he causes havoc among the Death Eaters, and [[Crosses the Line Twice|composes a rude song to commemorate the defeat of Voldemort.]]
* [[Goldfish Poop Gang]]: His role in the video games.
* [[Jerkass]]
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* [[Trickster Archetype]]
* [[Troll]]
* [[What Could Have Been]]: A scene with Rik Mayall of ''[[Drop Dead Fred]]'' fame as Peeves was shot for the first film, but was left on the cutting room floor and has never even been featured as a bonus feature on the DVDs. As is, Peeves never makes any appearances in the films.
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