Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (novel): Difference between revisions

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** {{spoiler|Pius Thicknesse}} got cursed in the face and fell off a battlement in the book, but survived the battle and was forgiven because of the Imperius Curse he was under (courtesy of Yaxley). In the film, {{spoiler|Pius}} was killed by Voldemort in a bout of rage when {{spoiler|Ravenclaw's diadem was destroyed}}.
* [[Artifact of Death]]: The Elder Wand.
* [[As Long Asas There Is One Man]]: {{spoiler|Neville, of all people. And man did he [[Take a Level In Badass]].}}
* [[Asshole Victim]]: {{spoiler|The Carrows. It's probably not a good thing what Harry does to them, but it's hard to feel bad about it.}}
* [[The Atoner]]: {{spoiler|Snape, Dumbledore, and Grindelwald}}. Regulus Black was also [[The Atoner]], although he is dead before the book begins.
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* [[Circling Monologue]]: Between Harry and Voldemort during their final showdown.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The series [[Chekhov's Gun/Harry Potter|has its own page.]]
* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]/[[You Fail Biology Forever]]: In-universe; the [[A Nazi Byby Any Other Name|Muggle-born Registration Commission]] exploits the fact that, basically, ''no-one'' is sure where Muggle-borns get their magical abilities from in the first place to have them trialled for "stealing" magic. Had they known, they probably wouldn't have cared.
* [[Contemptible Cover]]: [[Your Mileage May Vary]], but for many the British/Canadian children's cover (pictured in the article) was one of these.
* [[Continuity Cavalcade]]: Name just about any character from the previous books who isn't dead or in St. Mungo's insanity ward -- ten to one that he/she will appear ''somewhere'' in this book.
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* [[Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You]]: Lupin tries to use this as an excuse to abandon Tonks and her unborn child and join Harry, Ron, and Hermione on their search for Horcruxes, but [[What the Hell, Hero?|Harry calls him out on it.]]
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: Subverted. Voldemort's trap for Harry hinges on exploiting the latter's [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]], but {{spoiler|Voldemort seems to have forgotten the last time a person made a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to protect others from him....}}
* [[The Dark Side Will Make You Forget]]: Severus Snape. {{spoiler|When he started out he was [[Used to Be Aa Sweet Kid|a troubled neglected boy]] who just wanted Lily to like him. Then he got into Slytherin and things slowly turned rather dark at the influence of his friends. Then he got into the Death Eaters and completely forgot that blood-lines didn't used to matter to him, and things got worse to the point where he was trying to bargain with Voldemort to exchange Lily's own son's and husband's lives in order to save hers. Then he came back under ''Dumbledore's'' influence and ended up putting his life on the line to save other people, including Harry}}. So he wavered across the "Evil" line for a fair while there, obviously.
* [[The Day of Reckoning]]: Harry's return to Hogwarts marks the beginning of this for Voldemort.
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]: {{spoiler|Harry's children are named James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna, and Remus names his son Ted after his father-in-law who was killed. [[Word of God]] says George names his son Fred.}}
* [[Dead Little Sister]]: Ariana Dumbledore.
* [[Deal Withwith the Devil]]: Or rather, with a goblin.
* [[Death Byby Adaptation]]:
** {{spoiler|Scabior, Griphook, Gregory Goyle and Pius Thicknesse. Possibly Fenrir Greyback; it's really unclear}}.
** {{spoiler|Lavender's}} death, confirmed by [[Word of God]].
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** The second Peverell brother, Cadmus, does this as well after bringing his dead lover back to life, kind of, but realizing he can never really be with her in this form.
** As Hermione points out, this trope is also the potential side effect of feeling remorse on the Horcrux-maker's part in the process of getting his/her soul fragments back together into one whole piece.
* [[Due to Thethe Dead]]: Harry sees {{spoiler|Moody's magical eye on Umbridge's office door and is so enraged that he steals it back, which ends up helping blow their cover}}. He later insists on digging {{spoiler|Dobby's}} grave by hand, rather than using magic.
* [[The Dutiful Son]]: Aberforth Dumbledore.
* [[Dying Moment of Awesome]]: {{spoiler|Dobby in the book and movie, after he was stabbed by Bellatrix. "Such a beautiful place, to be with friends..." *sobsob*}}
* [[Earn Your Happy Ending]]: Many people do die, but in the end the [[Big Bad]] Voldemort is defeated once and for all, and the world is finally a better place.
* [[Enemies Withwith Death]]: In ''The Tales of Beedle the Bard''. Subverted, in the end, by the third and final brother. With several philosophical ties to the over arching themes of the story.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Both Lestrange and Riddle discount [[The Power of Love]] to their cost.
** Averted with the Malfoys who, despite their beliefs and actions, [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones|care more about their family than anything else]].
* [[Face Death Withwith Dignity]]: Grindelwald, who lied to Voldemort about the Elder Wand, and laughed in his face (though annoyingly this is completely reversed in the film). The Third Brother from the “Tale Of The Three Brothers” has this in spades, welcoming death as an “old friend”. Harry, when he faces Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Taken [[Up to Eleven]] with the Muggle-born show trials. And then surpassing even that and [[This Is Wrong Onon So Many Levels]] with the sculpture of a giant throne made of dead/dying Muggles that is horrifically reminiscent of the gas chambers of the Holocaust.
* [[Feed the Mole]]
* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]]: The Elder Wand (Fighter), the Resurrection Stone (Mage), and the Invisibility Cloak (Thief).
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{{quote| [[He's Back|"Hello, Minister! Did I tell you I'm resigning?"]] Unfortunately, this distracts Fred, who promptly dies. Boo.}}
** {{spoiler|Snape, back when he first joined the Death Eaters and found out about Trelawney's prophecy concerning Harry.}}
* [[Heroism Incentive]]: Harry secures the goblin's help by promising him the Sword of Gryffindor. The fact that Harry and Ron meant to sort of double deal the goblin [[Playing Withwith Wiki|plays]] with the trope a bit.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: two in this book. {{spoiler|One, obviously, by Harry at the end when he has to face Voldemort so he could kill him. Second, Snape, really deserves a mention in that he gave his entire life to Dumbledore in return for helping to keep Lily safe, and then later to protect Harry, even infiltrating Voldemort's inner circle to do so, which eventually resulted in his death}}.
* [[Heroic Suicide]]: {{spoiler|Harry.}} {{spoiler|[[Unexplained Recovery|He got better.]]}}
* [[High Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|Narcissa Malfoy}}
* [[Hoist Byby His Own Petard]]:
** {{spoiler|Voldemort is killed by his own reflected killing curse. Again}}.
** Remember how Voldemort got so evil that {{spoiler|he created an accidental Horcrux in Harry's scar}}? Hell, remember the Schrodinger's Prophecy he could've chosen to ''ignore'', but didn't, and in doing so, created his own worst enemy? You-Know-Who is practically the king of this trope.
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* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]:
** The Elder Wand.
** The Sword of Gryffindor, [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|appropriately enough]]. Shame no one uses it for legitimate sword fights to demonstrate its true potential.
* [[Ironic Echo]]: In [[Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone|Book One]], Ron yells "Are you mad? Are you a witch or not?" to Hermione. In this one, she yells at him, "Are you mad? Are you a wizard or what?"
* [[It Is Not Your Time]]: {{spoiler|Harry's [[Near-Death Experience]] at the end of the book. He meets Dumbledore and during this time they discuss his going back to the living}}.
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* [[Karmic Death]]:
** Voldemort. Try to act surprised. The movie one-upped it though, where he was not only killed by the Avada Kedavra backfiring on him from the Elder Wand, but he also ended up disintegrated as well, not even leaving his body behind.
** {{spoiler|Peter Pettigrew, literally betrayed and choked by the hand he sacrificed to let Voldemort return}}. [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?|Well, at least in the books]].
** {{spoiler|Crabbe with his own [[Kill It Withwith Fire|Fiendfyre.]]}} In the movies, it's {{spoiler|Goyle}}, with his other half simply written out.
** Bellatrix Lestrange at the hands of Molly Weasley after the former attempted to murder Ginny. The movie one-upped by having Molly hit her with another spell, causing her to shatter and exonerating Molly from actually killing her.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire|Kill It With Fiendfyre]]
* [[La Résistance]]:
** The Order of the Phoenix in the world at large.
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* [[My New Gift Is Lame]]: Pointed out by Ron when [[Bookworm|Hermione]] gets a book of fairy tales, Ron gets an item which can ''manipulate light'', and Harry gets... an old snitch. Harry, however, [[Genre Savvy|knows]] that with it coming from Dumbledore there must be a secret involved, though - and there is. Also the Snitch was the very one that Harry caught in his first ever Quidditch match, which if anything gave it some sentimental value, which in fact was useful to conceal even more its true purpose from the Ministry.
* [[Naked People Are Funny]]: Mad-Eye's plan to sneak Harry out of his house involves everyone transforming to look like him and flying off in all directions. When they change clothes, Harry is annoyed that no one is particularly bashful about getting naked while disguised as him.
* [[Needle in Aa Stack of Needles]]: A couple of times: the opening, with the many Harrys, then again with the multiplying Horcruxes.
* [[Negate Your Own Sacrifice]]: Harry has to die, since he's a [[Soul Jar]] for Voldemort. Fortunately Voldemort's new body was made with Harry's blood, which anchors him to the living world. Harry didn't actually know this would happen and fully expected it to be a [[Heroic Sacrifice]].
** The blood wasn't enough in itself; according to Dumbledore, Harry's decision to let Voldemort kill him rather than keep fighting was what "made all the difference".
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]: Subverted. It can seem as though the Deluminator is only there to enable {{spoiler|Ron's [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment}}. This is rationalized through both [[The Power of Love]] and [[The Power of Friendship]].
** Also, for some reason, Voldemort can fly. There was some [[Foreshadowing]] though: his name means "Flight of Death" in French.
* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: Thanks to a combination of his [[Pride]], [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|incomprehension of certain aspects of base human nature]], and incomplete knowledge of the prophecy which causes it to become [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy|self-fulfilling]], Voldemort in many ways directly contributes to his own downfall.
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{{quote| '''Lily''': I'm sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, he's creepy! D'you know what he tried to do to Mary [[Mac Donald]] the other day?}}
* [[Nostalgia Heaven]]: A certain spoileriffic scene taking place in what appears to be King's Cross Station.
* [[Nothing Is the Same Anymore]]: ''Deathly Hallows'' is notable in that it breaks from the [[Strictly Formula|standard story structure]]. The [[Power Trio]] does not go back to Hogwarts until the [[Final Battle]]. Instead they are on the run because the Death Eaters pulled a coup d'etat on the Ministry of Magic and started [[Putting Onon the Reich]].
* [[Now or Never Kiss]]: Two, both before the final battle.
** Ron even [[Lampshades]] this.
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** "You shouldn't have done that."
** "You're lying, Dolores. You mustn't tell lies."
* [[The Problem Withwith Fighting Death]]: In the Three Brothers' tale.
* [[Prodigal Hero]]: Harry had to flee an hide all over England to stay a step ahead of Voldemort, but when the last Horcrux was hidden in Hogwarts and he found that out, he rushed to Hogwarts to find it, which sparked the [[Final Battle]].
* [[Protagonist-Centered Morality]]: Subverted. Harry uses the Cruciatus curse, but this was so that the audience would recognize his flaws, not change their mind about the appropriateness of Dark Magic.
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* [[The Purge]]: The Ministry's show trials of Muggle-borns
* [[Put Down Your Gun and Step Away|Put Down Your Wand And Step Away]]: Bellatrix holding Hermione hostage asks for Harry's and his friends' wands.
* [[Putting Onon the Reich]]: The Ministry of Magic under Voldemort. The Death Eaters' skull is even similar to the ''totenkopf'' of the SS.
** Nurmengard, Grindelwald's prison for his enemies, is a thinly-veiled Auschwitz, right down to the slogan written over the gates. Considering Grindelwald himself was later imprisoned there, it might double as a reference to Nuremberg.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Ron receives one of these from some spiritual hallucinations of Harry and Hermione ([[It Makes Sense in Context]]).
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* [[Rousing Speech]]: Neville gets one in the movie version, in place of his [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|"I'll join you when hell freezes over! Dumbledore's Army!" line]].
* [[Rule of Three]]: Three Hallows, the [[Youngest Child Wins|third Peverell brother doesn't meet an untimely death]]. This book also features the third time that Voldemort tries the killing curse on Harry.
* [[Rules Lawyer]]: Harry [[Talking the Monster Toto Death|rules-lawyers Voldemort to death]].
* [[Sadist Teacher]]: The Carrows, a pair of ruthless Death Eater siblings, take over disciplinary matters and Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts this year. You know they're bad when Neville says they make even Umbridge look good by comparison.
* [[Save the Villain]]: Harry saves Draco. Twice. [[Because You Were Nice to Me|It turns out to help him in the end, though.]]
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* [[Ship Tease]]: The Horcrux taunts Ron Weasley with the sight of Harry and Hermione kissing.
* [[Shoot the Messenger]]: And everyone else in the room.
* [[Sleep Cute]]: In the book and [[Harry Potter (Filmfilm)|the film]] Ron and Hermione are asleep next to each other, with their hands lying so they appear to be reaching out for each other. Given a horrifying echo in Part II when {{spoiler|[[Together in Death]] Remus and Tonks' bodies are laid out in the exact same way.}}
* [[So Proud of You]]: {{spoiler|Lily, and later Dumbledore, to Harry.}}
* [[Soul Jar]]: Horcruxes, although each one only contains a fraction of his soul.
* [[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: The Malfoys, more specifically Draco (unknowingly) and Narcissa (deliberately).
* [[Spared Byby the Adaptation]]: {{spoiler|Peter Pettigrew, annoyingly enough.}}
* [[Spotting the Thread]]: Luna Lovegood sees through Harry's disguise at Bill and Fleur's wedding simply from the expression on Harry's face.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: a variation. This time, instead of seeing Voldemort's transition from cute, troubled kid to full-on genocidal maniac we get to see Snape's transition from cute, troubled kid to troubled heartbroken adult, and Dumbledore's transition from cute, troubled kid to wise manipulative [[The Chessmaster|Chessmaster]] - both of them dabbling considerably in the Dark Arts for a while. Apparently coming from a broken home is a pre-requisite for this kind of thing. Interestingly, all three of them were [[Insufferable Genius|Insufferable Geniuses]] as teenagers.
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* [[They Do]]: {{spoiler|Ron and Hermione}}.
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!".
* [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror]]: {{spoiler|"Harry is a Horcrux."}}
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Virtually everyone, but particular standouts include Mrs. Weasely, Prof. Slughorn, and above all Neville Longbottom, who in some ways really is the biggest hero in the story.
* [[Tracking Device]] - A running quirk in the first book, revealed by Ron in the last: there's a reason why {{spoiler|wizards won't dare speak Lord's Voldemort's name}}.