Has Two Thumbs And: Difference between revisions

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* A Travelocity commercial had the [[Positive Discrimination|virtuous-yet-put-upon female worker forced into a plane trip with the boorish male co-worker]], who at one point is seen doing the "this guy" move, though the entire joke isn't portrayed.
* Expedia had at least one commercial showing [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBDw5bZOSQc an imagine spot of a Jerkass using this routine].
* Gamestop advertised an upcoming game with the quote [[God of War (Video Gameseries)|"Who has two thumbs and loves killing Greek gods?"]]
* A radio ad for [[Geico]] has a man tell how he saves money by sending mail via pidgeon. After admitting that his mail usually doesnt end up at its assigned destination he says "...but who has two thumbs and isn't buying stamps? This guy!"
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{{quote| '''Jim''': "Who has two thumbs and hates Todd Packer?"}}
* ''[[That 70s Show]]'': In the first episode of season 2, "Garage Sale", Hyde bakes a batch of ''special'' brownies, prompting Kelso to say "You know what's got two thumbs and really likes brownies?" (''points thumbs at himself'') ''This guy''!"
* ''[[30 Rock (TV)|30 Rock]]'': "Who has two thumbs, speaks limited French, and hasn't cried once today? This moi!"
* A ''[[Castle]]'' outtake involved Nathan Fillion ad-libbing the following:
{{quote| '''Castle''': "What has two thumbs and a date with a prostitute? ''This guy!''"}}
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* [[Kid Icarus: Uprising]] has one.
{{quote| '''Pit:''' Who has two thumbs and loves hot springs? EVERYONE WITH TWO THUMBS!}}
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* In ''[[A Girl and Her Fed]]'', [http://www.agirlandherfed.com/1.468.html Speedy tries this], but is foiled by [[Talking Animal|not having thumbs]]. (This is unintentionally hilarious for a completely different reason: [[Did Not Do the Research|real Koalas actually have]] ''[[Did Not Do the Research|four]]'' [[Did Not Do the Research|thumbs.]])
* In ''[[Tweep]]'', Lily is [http://tweep.com/comic/?date=06-03-09 full of awesome].
* In ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (Webcomic)|The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]'', The Abs Man attempts this [http://drmcninja.com/archives/comic/3p37 but fails due to him omitting too much of the setup line].
{{quote| "What has two thumbs and is like a tool shed?" "This guy."<br />
"You're a tool shed. What does that have to do with the girl?"<br />