• Alien Scrappy: Subverted. The Mother Thing is a frightened human's best friend.
  • Values Dissonance: The above mentioned Dexidrine that helps Kip jog forty miles across the Lunar surface? It's mentioned that Kip asked a doctor to write prescriptions for dexidrine and other drugs so Kip can legally make his hobby space suit just like the real thing. And the pharmacist fills the prescriptions. A modern doctor and pharmacist caught doing that would lose their licenses and face jail time.
    • Then again, Kip also was going to sell his suit. He likely pitched his request in that light, as a fully-refurbished and stocked suit would sell better than the condition he got the thing in.
    • It is also mentioned that Kip uses his home chemistry lab to make explosives, For Science! When he accidentally sets fire to the barn, his father just warns him to be more careful. While it is understandable that his father couldn't care less about what society thought, there is no feeling that he needs to keep this secret from the authorities. Of course, in modern times he would be branded a terrorist.