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* [[Ascend to A Higher Plane of Existence]]: Implied in {{spoiler|Norman's}} ending if he should die during the course of the investigation. Note the ending's title: {{spoiler|[[Virtual Ghost|"Uploaded."]]}}
* [[Asshole Victim]]: Kramer when he has his heart attack, not too long after having tried to {{spoiler|kill Shelby and Lauren}}. You can choose to save him.
* [[Bad Cop, Incompetent Cop]]: Other than Jayden, just about every cop in the game is either corrupt or worthless.
* [[The Bad Guy Wins]]: If you let all of the characters die, {{spoiler|except for Scott Shelby}}.
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]]: There are a few shots where it's painfully obvious that the male character models have no penises.
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* [[Brand X]]: ASTHMA brand inhalers and FRIDGE brand refrigerators, among other things.
* [[Burn, Baby, Burn]]: {{spoiler|What Scott Shelby does with the evidence linking him to the Origami Murders.}}
* [[But Thou Must!]]: Happens a few times when there appears to be a choice what to do, but fairly egregiously before the Bear Trial. Ethan is given a few choices of things to think, including the standard "that's crazy"-type evaluations of the trial as well as "Refuse" and "Accept." Even if you choose "Refuse," and Ethan reflects on how many innocent people will die if he drives the wrong way on the highway, ''nothing at all happens'' and you still have to accept.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Goes to Madison. "It's a painkiller, it'll help ease the pain."
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: The golden watch Jayden finds on the secretary's desk near the beginning of the game. Talking to her reveals that the station traditionally awards cops with this brand and type. That becomes a vital piece of the puzzle to figuring out the identity of the Origami Killer when Norman is later attacked by a man wearing that same kind of watch. {{spoiler|This can also throw you off track, making you think that Blake is the killer.}}
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* [[Coat, Hat, Mask]]: Used by the Origami Killer when "visiting" Paco.
* [[Contrived Coincidence]]: When the Origami Killer kills Manfred in the latter's clock store, somehow Lauren gets distracted by a music box and Manfred ducks out of her line of sight ''just'' at the top of the hour, allowing the cacophony of all the clocks chiming to cover the sound of the murder.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: Technically Conduction Smonduction. During The Lizard Episode, Ethan can heat an iron rod to cauterise his wounded finger; not only does he grip a hot metal rod with his bare hands, but he puts said metal rod on a wooden desk. He neither burns his hand nor does the desk ignite. This trope is played straight by Madison in the burning building.
* [[Controllable Helplessness]]: In "The Doctor", if Madison gets tied to the table, you can struggle against the restraints and scream, but it will be in vain, as you won't actually be able to free yourself until the doc leaves the room.
** To a lesser extent, {{spoiler|Scott's flashback scenes}}. ''Especially'' when {{spoiler|you can't pull John out to save him from drowning}}.
* [[Conveyor Belt O' Doom]]: At the end of the game, during a fight between {{spoiler|Jayden, if he survives, and Scott.}}
* [[CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable]]: {{spoiler|Reviving Shaun in the finale.}}
* [[Credits Montage]]
* [[Crucified Hero Shot]]: {{spoiler|If Ethan is killed by snipers in The Old Warehouse.}}
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* [[Disappeared Dad]]: As Shelby goes around visiting the families of the victims of the Origami Killer, the husbands of both Lauren Winters and Mrs. Susan Bowles have disappeared soon after their sons did. As much as this would seem as a standard case of [[Disappeared Dad]], you find out later that one father actually went out as Ethan Mars did to complete the trials to save his own son, but ended up dying in the power plant in the Butterfly chapter. This is similarly implied for the rest of the fathers... except for Reza's father, the shopkeeper. He didn't dare open the box. {{spoiler|Or he did, but ''didn't realize he was supposed to unfold the origami.'' In-Game [[Guide Damn It]]!}}
* [[Disney Villain Death]]: {{spoiler|Shelby is killed this way when he falls off a conveyor belt in a fight with Norman, complete with a gory discretion shot before we see him fall into a garbage compactor (though we see the blood-stains on the spinning machine a moment later)}}.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: Lauren with Shelby.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: {{spoiler|Ethan will have this if his son, Shaun, dies}} in three of the bad endings.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: The Bear trial requires Ethan to drive at 60 MPH on a rain-slicked freeway on ''the wrong side of the road''.
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* [[Game Breaking Bug]]: If a player sets the mode to "Easy", the mode means there is more reaction time for the QTEs and less of them to begin with. However, some of them, although not appearing, still register in the game and will count as a failed press, leading to inevitable mission failures if you play on Easy mode.
* [[Gangsta Style]]: Ethan uses this on the drug dealer briefly.
* [[Go -Karting With Bowser]]: The golf match between Scott and Kramer.
* [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]]: The ARI.
* [[Golden Ending]]: The game's numerous [[Multiple Endings]] depend on what happens to each character, and there are a few variations concerning their ultimate fate. Typically, the [[Golden Ending]] will include: {{spoiler|A New Life, Case Closed, and Origami's Grave with Lauren alive}}.
* [[Good Guns, Bad Guns]]: Played around with a lot throughout the game. Almost all of the characters that have guns in this game have handguns, with the sole exception of the drug lord that Ethan has to kill in his fourth trial, who uses a shotgun. Subverting the trope is actually what ends up helping Norman figure out who the Origami Killer is, if you get all of the clues with ARI.
* [[Good Morning, Crono]]: An adult example, where the very first mission as Ethan has ''the player'' waking him up.
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]: Varies. Power drill to the chest? No cutaway. {{spoiler|Man falls into gigantic, spiked trash compactor?}} Cutaway.
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* [[Informed Flaw]]: Shelby's asthma. It debilitates him a grand total of once in the whole game. {{spoiler|Even when swimming up from the bottom of a lake while holding a full-grown woman or fist-fighting an FBI agent.}}
** Many asthma treatments can prevent attacks. Corticosteroids, for example. Additionally, swimming is considered a good thing for asthma, and Shelby says at one point that he considered returning to swimming (implying he has done it before). Thus, only having one asthma attack is at least somewhat plausible.
* [[In -Game TV]]: Some TVs in the game show cartoons you can watch from beginning to end, before they loop over back to the start.
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]: The four main characters basically look like their voice/mocap actors.
* [[Interface Screw]]: The least and most common is how, during particularly tense moments, the displayed buttons will shake wildly, with more shaking the more nervous your character is. After the car chase, the button displays will be upside down. Also, when squeezing through the electrical wires, if you choose the wrong path, the button holds will be a truly tortuous sequence.
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* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]]: Very apparent with Jayden and Lauren, and many minor characters.
* [[Ominous Save Prompt]]: Inverted with an ominous load screen; the final level's load screen, rather than show any of the four playable characters, shows Shaun's face.
* [[Once More, With Clarity]]: Appears when {{spoiler|Scott Shelby}} destroys the evidence.
* [[Open the Door And See All The People]]: After Ethan's son is kidnapped by the Origami Killer, a mob of reporters shows up outside his door almost immediately.
* [[Optional Sexual Encounter]]: Between Ethan and Madison.
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* [[Race Against the Clock]]: Race against inches of rainfall.
* [[Red Herring]]: Played straight and subverted. While the characters themselves might follow what they later think are wrong leads, it is revealed that all the clues are pointing at the killer, it's just that both the characters and the player can't see the big picture until later on.
* [[Relationship -Salvaging Disaster]]: {{spoiler|One of Ethan's possible epilogues suggests that he's going to reconcile with his estranged wife despite the fact she's responsible for getting Blake to think he's the Origami Killer.}}
* [[The Reveal]]: When {{spoiler|Shelby destroys the evidence, revealing that he is the Origami Killer}}.
* [[Rewind, Replay, Repeat]]: It's up to the player whether Ethan does this to discover Sean's location or gets it the first time around.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: "Face to Face". Shelby goes through Kramer's mansion, picking off every guard that aims a gun at him.
* [[Room Full of Crazy]]: Nathaniel's flat.
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* [[Serial Killer]]: The Origami Killer and Leland White, the serial killer in the [[Downloadable Content|Heavy Rain Chronicles]].
* [[Ship Sinking]]: Ethan and Madison, if Ethan doesn't forgive her. {{spoiler|Shelby and Lauren, after [[The Reveal]]}}.
* [[Shoot Him! He Has a Wallet!]]: When the player has the choice to shoot Nathaniel. Nathaniel spins around in a complete ''stab like'' manner, but just reveals a crucifix.
** {{spoiler|It's possible to have Ethan held up by the police in the end. He turns around, holding his wounded arm, and the snipers open fire.}}
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: One of Ethan's trials involves killing somebody. The guy turns out to be a drug dealer, which might sap him of sympathy, but when Ethan finally gets the chance to shoot him, he's on the floor begging not to be killed, especially in his young daughter's bedroom. It's up to the player to go through with it.
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: See [[Downer Ending]] and [[Kill'Em All]] under [[Multiple Endy]] ings.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The bartender that gives Jayden advice is practically identical, down to the outfit, to the bartender in ''[[The Shining]]''. His existence as a living being is also just as ambiguous.
** Also, Shelby shares a name to a [[Memento (Film)|similarly conflicted protagonist.]]
** Madison can hide in a refrigerator to save herself from an explosion, much like a [[Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull (Film)|certain archaeologist]] did to hide from a nuke.
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* [[The Other Darrin]]: In the DLC ''The Taxidermist'', Madison Paige is voiced by a completely different voice actor.
* [[They Fight Crime]]: Shelby and Lauren. He's a [[Private Detective]] with a flair for [[Big Damn Heroes|the dramatic.]] She's a [[Hooker With a Heart of Gold]] who wants revenge on her son's killer. Eventually, they engage in a makeshift partnership to hunt down the killer. They fight crime!
** How about [[Good Cop, Bad Cop|Norman and Blake]]?
* [[Title Drop]]: In one of the endings, {{spoiler|if Madison lives, she writes a book about the Origami Killer investigation entitled... well, you know.}}
* [[To the Tune Of]]: Listen to [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjtLnlUming the main theme], especially the melody that comes in until around 0:25 and at 3:00. Then "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7jlHoIbDDQ The Other Side]" from the ''[[Gattaca]]'' soundtrack. Notice any similarities?
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** Additionally, good luck holding back [[Mama Bear]]/[[Papa Wolf]] rage at seeing the recordings the Origami Killer sends you.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: On the other hand, you might want to either get everyone killed and/or suffer tremendously for your amusement, or out of spite if you dislike the game, such as having Ethan get shocked repeatedly, or cutting off his finger with a saw.
* [[Was It All a Lie?]]: Lauren {{spoiler|as she stands over Shelby's grave in one of the epilogues.}}
* [[Wasted Song]]: The music from the trailer and the dramatic "countdown" music from the tunnel in The Butterfly aren't on the official soundtrack.
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: Including the optional DLC, Madison is menaced by ''two'' serial killers and a rapist before she even meets the Origami Killer.
* [[Wham! Line]]: ''Don't forget about me, {{spoiler|Scotty.}}''
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: Nathaniel. Once he's taken into custody (or killed), he's never seen or heard from again, and only mentioned once in passing.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: See [[Aborted Arc]], above. One of the biggest plot holes, Ethan's blackouts, would've been explained in the game. {{spoiler|When Jason died and Shelby saw him get hit, a paranormal connection was formed between the two of them, causing Ethan to black out whenever Shelby committed a murder. Ethan was going to the site of John Sheppard's death and folding an origami figure whenever he blacked out.}} This was cut in the last few stages of development, partly for pacing issues and partly because they thought it made the plot too complex, as well as the paranormal aspect ruining the realism of the game.