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For the opposite, see [[You Are Better Than You Think You Are]] where the character fails to see they are nobler than they give themselves credit for.
== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Magical Project S]]'', Misao Amano is shocked to find out she is Pixy Misa (the evil magical girl that has tortured practically every main character, including her parents and her best friend). While it was initially thought her evil side was due to brainwashing, it was in fact her repressed self, despite having no memory of her actions.
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== Fan Works ==
* {{spoiler|Trian Aeducan}} has one in ''[[Dragon Age: The Crown of Thorns]]'' and it's bad enough that he {{spoiler|becomes unable to sleep properly, falls into a depression he can only distract himself from by abusing his body through incessant workout, and this is when he's not having a [[Heroic BSOD]]. Gorim, surprisingly enough, tries to get him out of it, but he doesn't have much luck because of how both of them are half-convinced the dwarven noble protagonist is dead, so he has his own grief to work out. Trian only really manages to emotionally recover, somewhat, when he discovers his talent for sculpting, something that happens ''weeks'' after the realization. Things aren't made much better by what happens with the king and the city-state itself afterwards.}} Let's just say those weren't the best few months of his life.
** {{spoiler|King Endrin Aeducan}} is a sort of aversion because he knows what he's doing is wrong from the get go. Still, his {{spoiler|deathbed scene}} finally has him putting it into words, but it's far, ''far'' too late by then, or so he thinks. {{spoiler|It actually wasn't, since everything had gone according to one of the DN's plans, but Endrin actually ''chooses'' to die because he didn't want to face his second son when he came back.}} It's just a very small point in his favor that {{spoiler|part of the reason for his decision to give up on life before the second eldest prince has a chance to return is the fact that he doesn't want to put Raonar through the experience of having a second parent die in front of him.}} Needless to say, {{spoiler|the second son in question quite rightfully calls him a stupid old man when he finds out.}}
* In ''[[Team 8]]'', Sakura overhears Naruto warning Lee about the fact that she is actually not a nice person to anyone other than Sasuke, and realizes, after some thought, that he is correct.
* In the ''[[Babylon 5]]/MassEffect[[Mass Effect]]'' [[Crossover Fic]] ''The Babylon Effect'' Matriarch Benezia decides to stop at Beta Durani to have a little talk with a caputured Minbari Shai Alyt on the way to a Peace Mission to Minbar. After pointing out that the Minbari had killed an Asari Matriarch during an earlier battle during the war and that, by the Minbari's logic, the Asari had every right to exterminate ''them'', among other things. The Shai Alyt has a combination of this and a [[Oh Crap]] moment realizing that there are only two ways their war with the Terran Systems Alliance will end; either they make peace with them, or the Citadel Council will crush them like a grape.