Heroes (TV series)/Tropes A-E: Difference between revisions

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** The Bennets. Sandra seems better able to cope, but it's a miracle Lyle isn't in therapy with all the weird crap going on around him.
** Not to forget the Grays. Sylar {{spoiler|who kills a lot of people including his mother}}, Virginia (Sylar's mother) {{spoiler|who isn't all there in the head}} and the psycho bio-dad {{spoiler|who probably killed just as many people as Sylar including Sylar's mother in front of him as a child, after selling Sylar to previously mentioned crazy snow-glob lady}}.
* [[Billing Displacement]]: Averted. Not only are the main cast members always billed in strictly alphabetical order, ''Heroes'' (along with ''[[Charmed]]'' and ''[[Eastwick]]'') is one of the few non-soaps to credit just the actors who appear in each episode, instead of running a standard cast list.
* [[Black and Gray Morality]]: The only hero who hasn't done ''any'' morally grey activity is Molly, and she is ten years old. Even Micah, who is about the same age, used his ability to rob an ATM and commit electoral fraud. And as the series progressed, all the adults have become [[Darker and Edgier|darker]]. Which makes you wonder why the show is called "Heroes."
** Black and Gray is especially apt. The prevailing moral philosophy seems to be that there is no such thing as good, only innocence/naivety. Everything else is varying degrees of evil, and the sooner a character embraces evil, the happier and more successful they will be.