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* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: {{spoiler|Austria and Korea}}
* [[Blatant Lies]]: Episode 2 starts off with the following note.
{{quote| ''My apologies to those who like horror, but I made this game so that it wouldn't be very scary. Thank you for understanding.''}}
* [[Break the Cutie]]: {{spoiler|Italy}} suffers from this a lot. Naturally, when you're the {{spoiler|only one that survives the first time during the haunted mansion and rewind time to save everyone only to fail over and over again, naturally, you would be broken.}}
** {{spoiler|America}} is going through this too. {{spoiler|Having to be saved by England multiple times whether it's the past or the present wears him down. Especially when he decides that he's going to protect England with his life and be his hero.}}
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* Foreshadowing: After they break the clock with England's magic, America tells England he looks a bit unfocused and asks him how many fingers he's holding up. England is quite irritated and replies with 'Two', and that they don't have time for that nonsense. Then, we get the infamous "How many fingers am I holding" scene...
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]
{{quote| (After Germany comes out of the armoured closet fortress he had been hiding in. With a whip. And Italy is missing).<br />
Japan: [to Germany] Do you actually like tight spaces?<br />
Germany: Well, you could say that I'm...used to them. }}
* [[Go Mad From the Revelation]]: What it feels like to Japan after {{spoiler|receiving a large dose of visions from breaking a clock}}