Hillary Rodham Clinton: Difference between revisions

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She won again by a significant margin in 2006, but left the Senate<ref>and was replaced by Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY</ref> to engage in the closest primary election in American history - the 2008 Presidential race on the Democratic ticket. Up against [[Barack Obama]], she won over 18 million votes around the country and was the first serious female candidate for the Presidency in history (Michele Bachmann, in the 2012 Presidential race on the Republican ticket, was the second). She fought the campaign out right up to the Democratic National Convention and spoke in favor of her former rival as its keynote speaker on its second night. Since [[Defeat Means Friendship]], she joined Obama's cabinet as Secretary of State (becoming the first First Lady to serve on the Cabinet... are we seeing a running theme here?). She has also achieved the commendable feat of a 70% approval rating at a time when the [[Barack Obama|President]]'s rating was somewhere in the 50s. She said she has no interest in running for a political office again, but this proved false in 2016.
In 2016 Hillary Clinton won a narrow and controversial victory in the Democrat primary against previously obscure Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. She then picked Virginia ex-governor and then-current senator Time Kaine as her running mate. She lost the general election to [[Donald Trump]] in the general election in an electoral landslide, 232 to 306, failing to win many states previously considered Democrat strongholds such as Michigan and Pennsylvania. She did, however, win the popular vote by more than two million votes, proving her opponent's claims that the election is rigged -- just rigged against Hillary.
Although several different biographies of her have been written, she has also written her own autobiography, ''Living History''.
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** In early 2008, as the Democratic Primaries were heating up, the unthinkable happened: a good number of Republicans were actually warming up to Hillary Clinton over her rival, [[Barack Obama]]. With a bitter, contested primary fight going on, the Democrats having a [[Broken Base]], her being criticized by some on the left for a perceived hawkishness on [[The War on Terror]], some commentators at [[MSNBC]] criticizing her campaign tactics, and a number of her supporters disaffected with Obama, some Republicans not only favored their once worst enemy over her rival, but also over their ''own'' candidate, John McCain.
** This was partially due to some Republicans feeling that McCain was not conservative enough. Particularly, it was thought that Clinton was likely to be tougher on terrorism than either McCain or Obama. It was also perceived that she criticized Obama in harsher terms than McCain did.
* [[First-Name Basis]]: Her name has evolved over time. At first she remained Hillary Rodham. She finally agreed to take her husband's last name after he lost his first Governor's election in Arkansas -- this helped get him back in office. By the time the ran her campaign for President, we all really needed to contrast her with her husband due to the [[One Steve Limit|One Clinton Limit]]. So most of her campaign advertisement simply said "Hillary".
* [[Happily Married]]: She is still married to -- and officially still very much in love with -- [[Bill Clinton]]. Although her autobiography ''Living History'' chronicles her struggle to forgive him for the 1998 Lewinsky scandal, she concludes that despite his betrayal, she loves him, has always loved him, and cannot imagine a life without him. Outside observations however, note the truth of this claim is very questionable.
* [[Hair Trigger Temper]]: Secret Service memorie ''Crisis of Character'' was filled with stories of Hillary turning on her secret service agents for everything.