Hindu Mythology: Difference between revisions

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Other important deities include Kali (a berserk form of Durga/Parvati), and Kanon. Maya is more akin to a lesser apsara that illustrates illusion.
Major Hindu sacred texts include the ''[[Mahabharata]]'', ''[[Bhagavad Gita]]'', ''[[Ramayana (Literature)|Ramayana]]'', and Upanishads. The above are [[Older Than Feudalism]], but the four Vedas<ref>The ''Rig Veda'', ''Yajur Veda'', ''Sama Veda'', and ''Atharva Veda''</ref> are [[Older Than Dirt]], and the Puranas are only [[Older Than Print]].
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* [[Daddy's Girl]]: Devayani.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Yama, the God of the Underworld, is not evil, but a benevolent guy just doing his job. Shiva, though he can get angry, is usually calm, reasonable, and peaceful, though he is the God of Destruction. Kali is NOT evil. She is a "berserk" form of Durga reserved for only the wickedest of the wicked. Terrible imagery and power do not evil make.
* [[Death Byby Sex]]: Pandu. The previous king, Vichitravirya, also dies because of this.
* [[Did We Just Have Tea Withwith Cthulhu?]]?: Ananta Shesha, lord of all Nagas, is a gigantic serpent with a thousand heads. It can hold all the planets on its hoods. It's also one of the few beings that will remain after the destruction of the universe. While that sounds like a fearsome [[Eldritch Abomination]], Shesha is a good deity. Shesha prefers to sing and praise the glories of Vishnu, who sleeps on its back, rather than cause destruction.
* [[Divine Date]]: Indra, as well as Krishna with the milkmaids.
* [[Double Standard]]: ''And how''.
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: Notable for Usha, goddess of dawn, who remains a teenager.
** Krishna is supposed to be older than fifty at the start of the Kurushetra War. He looks perpetually 20.
* [[Overshadowed Byby Awesome]]: Brahma may be the creator god, but he has the least followers, compared to Vishnu and Shiva.
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: Ganesha, who has the head of an elephant (reasons for this vary across stories).
* [[Primordial Chaos]]: In fact, the gods even intentionally fished there once, just to see what they could pull out of it. And collected an impressive pile of weird things, some more useful than others. No boots, though.
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* [[Self-Made Orphan]]: One myth on origin of Kamadeva (equivalent to [[Classical Mythology|Eros]]) has him test his magical bow on his father. This caused the man to fall in love with his own daughter; he doesn't give in to the desire, yet the [[Squick]] thought keeps tormenting him and eventually [[Driven to Suicide|makes him commit suicide]].
* [[Semi-Divine]]: Ganesh was a boy who was appointed by the Goddess Parvati to stop anyone from entering her bathroom while taking her bath. When Ganesh stopped her Husband Shiva from entering, Shiva cut his head off. After Parvati found out what happened, she became angry, and Shiva had to fix Ganesh by attaching an elephant's head to Ganesh. Ganesh was given demigod status in the Hindu pantheon, and is supposed to be a sort of door god.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: There are tons of different ways to spell all the names you see here in English. Even beyond that, everyone has several alternate names that all have their own spelling issues. It can be quite confusing at times.
* [[Stripperiffic]]: The outfits of several goddesses and Mohini (the female avatar of Vishnu!).
** It also [[Lampshade|Lampshades]] the fact that Indian society has changed its values after being under both Islamic and British control. Outfits that had been acceptable for millennia are now taboo. Also, saris were topless before Islamic control ([[Sexy Backless Outfit]] and [[Bare Your Midriff]]), until British control.