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* Similarly, [[wikipedia:Nicolas Chauvin|Nicolas Chauvin]], if he really existed, got this treatment from French Bonapartists. Ironically, today he would generally get a [[Historical Villain Upgrade]] due to being the origin of the word "chauvinism".
* As at least one entry above notes, Abraham Lincoln is already considered to be one of America's greatest heroes, usually portrayed as a staunch abolitionist and believer in complete and utter equality, as well as a competent and upstanding example of everything a President should be. Statements and actions that would be condemned in others (such as his suspension of freedom of the press, his statements that he believed black people to be innately inferior to white people, and other such examples) are either outright ignored or given halfhearted excuses by those who cherish the idea of an utterly heroic Lincoln.
* Prince Charles Edward Stuart(Bonnie Prince Charlie)is considered a Scottish hero. In fact his personality was rather that of a typical court-noble with little extraordinary about it, and his flight after the '45 campaign reflects rather better on his followers who sheltered him then upon himself.
== [[In-Universe]] examples ==