Holiday Inn/Headscratchers

  • Jim grudgingly agrees to the movie deal on July 4. On November 27 -- four and a half months later -- he is looking at a fan magazine that touts Ted and Linda as the newest Hollywood romance. But they aren't even done making their first picture yet! The filming alone won't be complete for nearly another month (final shoot on Christmas Eve), not to mention post-production work and everything else necessary to finish a movie. Adding to that, monthly magazines are assembled weeks in advance of their publication date -- the one Jim's looking at was probably written and laid out in middle-late October. Ted may be widely known because of his nightclub act (early in the film Danny was flying to Florida to arrange a booking there for Ted and Lila, and Lila mentions performing in Rio), but Linda is a complete unknown. Why are they being treated as Hollywood superstars?
  • Why did the movie director wait until Linda cried out "Jim!" to cut the filming, instead of doing so the moment Jim began to sing? Or when Linda faltered moments earlier?
  • The movie team had to have taken their reference photographs of the Inn somewhere somewhere in the Time Skip between July 4 and Thanksgiving, and probably very early in that timespan to give them time to build the set. So how did they reproduce its Christmas decorations so accurately -- right down to the five bells on the tree over the spinet that were so important to the plot's resolution?