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Cue usual soapie stuff: romance, death, birth, weddings, cults, illegitimate children, more foster children, appearances from [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Cornelia Frances]], long-lost siblings and the like. Only with more teenagers.
''Home and Away'' is notable in that, unlike ''Neighbours'', the show has had one cast member (Ray Meagher) stay on board from the very first episode. Another notable totable is that unlike most soapies, this one is aimed squarely at teens, as well as older fans who grew up with Sally (Kate Ritchie, the longest-serving ''female'' cast member, who was also in the first episode, but left in 2008).
=== This show has examples of: ===
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** Inverted by Roman, who was credited as a regular, but had a definite story arc. Beyond this, however, we'll be waiting for some time before he's back in the Bay.
** It should be noted that after the example was first posted, Angelo returned to the Bay as a regular.
* [[Fan Service]]: Most men below the age of 30. Particularly notable examples in recent years include Brad, Ric, Lucas, Geoff, Aden, Romeo, Xavier and the Braxton brothers.
** Also applies to the majority of female characters in that age bracket.
* [[Friends Rent Control]]: Summer Bay has many teens apparently able to afford their own living space while not in full-time employment.
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* [[Luke, You Are My Father]]: A recent example puts a twist on it: The person admitting to it wasn't really related to the father in question. Eventually, the real daughter shows up.
* Malaproper: Colleen.
* [[Missing Mom]]: Seriously, pick any teenager, or young person. There is at least a 75 percent chance that their mother will be dead, and if not, simply not around much. There are very few exceptions, but for the ones that do exist, they'll have a [[Disappeared Dad]], but this is far less egregiously common. The reason so few mothers are present is almost certainly so the female cast can consist of young beauties rather than [[Sarcasm Mode|offensively]] [[Unfortunate Implications|middle-aged women.]]
** The lone subversion? Ruby Buckton.
* [[Mistaken for Junkie]]: With insulin. And, to a lesser extent, pills for cancer. To be fair to this one, Belle was an addict.
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* [[The Other Darrin]]: mainly Flynn, Rebecca, Pippa and Hayley. This show is, like just about all British soaps, notable for a conspicuous ''lack'' of Other Darrins.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Not played entirely straight. There have been two Bretts, two Jacks, two Joeys and two Rubys. The only ones to appear together were the Rubys: regular Ruby Buckton and guest character Ruby Leeds..
* [[Pac-Man Fever]]: A boy was recently shown playing on [[Play StationPlayStation Portable|PSP]] that when turned on made the start up sound of an original [[Game Boy]]
* [[Psycho Lesbian]]: Zoe McCallister, the Summer Bay stalker.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: the other half of people who've not returned.
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* [[Sarcasm Mode]]: Dexter is often one of these
{{quote|: In response to being told it's easier to cheat in church. '''Dex:''' You're right, it's much easier to cheat in a church, with God looking down on you.}}
* [[Scandalgate]]: One storyline from 2005 centered around the paternity of Hayley Lawson's baby became unpopular with the fans, who were aware that Scott was the father from the beginning (the test results had been switched by the vengeful ex-girlfriend of the other prospective father, Kim) but were forced to sit through months of near misses with at least three other characters finding out but being prevented from revealing it for various reasons. The story is now dubbed "Paternitygate" on the Backtothebay message board.
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: Rabbit told Miles he was going to die if he fell asleep. Miles spends several days not sleeping, eventually collapsing from exhaustion on his desk - right under a ceiling fan that's hanging by a thread. Fortunately, Gina wakes him up just in time.
* [[Shipper on Deck]] Ruby trying to get Jai and Annie back together. Ruby seems to ship pretty much every couple on the show, notably Nicole/Aden and Charlie/Angelo.