Homestuck/WMG/Jossed: Difference between revisions

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** Jossed. He was an Authority Regulator, which basically amounts to a policeman. Hence his clothing made of caution tape.
== John is a [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror]]. ==
The real John would have been able to lift the safe as Nanna predicted. The original is still around somehow, possibly a ghost, and is the one that drew the graffiti all over the posters. False memories caused the tomato to believe that Dad was a wacky street performer. The Magic 8-ball couldn't answer yes or no to "Is it John's birthday today?" because John has ''two'' birthdays.
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== The name of Jade's planet... == the Land of Forge and Expanse. We know that the Forge has to be there, so it might as well go in the name. And a wide expanse is like open SPACE, geddit?
* That, or in a cruel twist of fate, it's the land of Blood and Earth, with no mention of spatiality. Also, [[Mad WorldMadWorld|GristFest]].
== Jaspers is [[Luke, I Am Your Father|Rose's father]]. ==
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== The Black King is trapped within Skaia. ==
Derse wants to destroy Skaia to at last release their GLORIOUS MONARCH and fix the kingdom that has been laid to waste under the rule of the Black Queen. However, enraptured with the infinite creative potential of Skaia, the king began creating [[Homestuck (Webcomic)|a story about four children who play a video game together,]] and interrupting him might lead to some disastrous repercussions...
What I'm getting at is that Andrew Hussie is the Black King.
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* There's a certain amount of speculation that aG is, quite literally, Tavros' [[The Rival|rival]] in the <s>Pokemon</s> Fiduspawn sense of the word. Following this through, cA could be Gamzee's rival (in terms of the whole LAND DWELLERS/SEA DWELLERS/accidentally ejected Faygo bottles thing) and Sollux could be Karkat's (in terms of programming). Fitting the others in is trickier, but hey.
** Then there's the other theory, spawned by the Red frog temple missing its Derse and the Blue one missing its Prospit, that the Red team are the Prospit trolls and the Blue team are the Derse trolls. Seems a little odd to make Karkat a Prospitian, but hey, if Terezi can be one...
** Whoa holy shit. Even if the Blue Team isn't antagonistic, it definitely has at least one [[Complete Monster]] in its ranks (aG, ''holy shit'' aG). Adding to that, there's also cT's obsession with [[A Nazi Byby Any Other Name|blood hierarchy]] and his creepy controlling relationship with Nepeta. Adding to that... look at the picture of poor Gamzee's dead lusus. Does it look like it was wounded to you? All while cA expresses his hatred of land-dwellers. WHAT A COINCIDENCE
* Jossed: Vriska is on the Red Team anyways.
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** Spades refers to offing Crowbar, Matchsticks and Quarters as "depleting them of some of their muscle," which might mean that Matchsticks and Quarters have some bruiser tendencies and maybe even bruiser-like time powers. Just something to possibly keep into consideration.
*** This Troper was under the impression that Spades meant "Muscle" as in overall manpower/crew strength.
** Hussie recently speculated that he's now keeping certain details secret just to annoy people, including these time powers. My brain chose to interpret that as "Those details will somehow become plot-critical in a confusing fashion." So, the most tangled-up thing I could think of was: the Felt are actually native to the kids' universe. They traveled to Alternia via some sort of Quarter-operated [[Two2001: ThousandA OneSpace Odyssey|oblong]] [[Bill and Ted|phone booth]] that's [[Doctor Who|larger on the inside than the outside]] (because let's face it, not getting 14 people, even if some of them are small and floaty, into one normal-sized booth).
** When Quarters finally made his apperance in The Felt Adventure, he mentions to have "Temporal Intuition" and that his rack takes "Time Prints". Perhaps the rack can 'record' someone in the form of a ball (i.e. taking a 'print' of the person's life up until that point) to be used either to a) copy thier powers/examine thier experiences or b) revive them later somehow in case they die (this could also explain why the Felt have apparently survived multiple fights with the M.Crew despite being decimated easily during the M.Crew intermission). Then again the terms are so vague they could mean anything.
* All of this shit is jossed: Matchsticks teleports in fires and Quarters does summon magic.
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== Gamzee is setting himself up as Dark Link to John's [[The Legend of Zelda: theThe Wind Waker (Video Game)|Wind Waker]]. ==
John's previous chumhandle was ghostyTrickster, and clowns are similar to tricksters. In [S] John: Rise Up, the music track is called "''Savior'' of the Waking World"; Gamzee is claiming to be the Mirthful Messiahs. Note, also, the mythological connection between Capricorn and Typheus: according to one tale, Pan threw Typheus into a river, and the parts that were submerged became fishlike, while the dry bits were goatlike.
* Jossed in that Gamzee has set himself up as a rival to ''Dave''.
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== Karkat's blood becomes temporarily invincible upon emerging from his body. ==
[[Super Mario Bros.|Thus why it was flashing different colors.]]
* Jossed
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The planets, Derse and Prospit included, are mirrors of planets that existed in that universe, and Skaia was a source of great power located in the center. The black-carapaced beings from Derse wanted to take it as their own, but the white-carapaced Propites wanted equilibrium in the universe, so they tried to protect it. While the two worlds warred on the planet the power rested on (represented by the battlefield), the other races tried to stay out of it... until one day, a young frog named Bilious Slick decided to stop the war. He rallied all of the other planets to his side, but it only brought the wrath of the Dersians upon them. But they persevered, and Slick and his compatriots eventually assassinated the Black King and Queen, stopping the war. Sadly, it was too late for most of the universe; entire planets were burned bare and whole races were wiped out. Slick and his army, together numbering 1025, were all that was left of civilization. In despair, they turned to the great power and tried to recreate their world as it once was. But the power could not recreate; it could only create new things. Slick and his friends then created the Medium, the Incipisphere, Skaia, and a whole new universe that would be infinitely connected to them. If the new universe came to face such a peril as theirs, there would be a relatively easily accessible way to start over.
Slick put in the Frog Temples as a "signature" of sorts, a sign that he had once existed. The races on the planets are copies of those that allied with Slick and the frogs. The Dersians and Prospites are identical because they had all died when the new universe was creates, so Slick based them off of gamepieces from [[Chess (Tabletop Game)|a game that is as old as existence itself]].
* So Lord English is a frog that went rogue?
** Lord English was never meant as part of the game, but is rather a glitch in the system, perhaps caused by the Medium copying itself so many times, causing it to be permanently warped... rather like [[Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff|JPEG compression]].
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== Skaia exists to summon Lord English ==
Think about it. It results in [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]], which is the condition for his summoning. It creates the First Guardians, who appear to be loyal to him, and consider this part of facilitating the universe's ultimate purpose.
* Skaia exists to create universes. Derse creates the guardians.
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== Have we forgotten Jade's accidental [[Humongous Mecha]] code? ==
It may be expensive, it might even be a [[Red Herring]], but having a giant robot could seriously even the odds in the final battle.
* She also has the code to make [[Short Circuit (Film)|Johnny 5]], which is probably [[I Am Not a Gun|not]] [[Small Annoying Creature|helpful]], but would make a nice schlock-movie present for John.
** The "giant mecha" is just a toy.
** A ''toy'', huh? So, ''that's'' what she alchemises with the [[Con Air]] bunny to make Cyber-Bunny!
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