Honor Harrington/WMG: Difference between revisions

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** Seriously? The Alignment's biggest strength is that they're running one of the longest games in fiction outside [[Dune]]. It's very hard to detect an agent who is in place decades or more before they're tasked with doing ''anything.'' The biggest stumbling block, admittedly, is the problem of skirting the line between having kids that come across as Draco Malfoy vs. having the kids swallow the opposition's dogma.
*** And that's exactly why I'm not buying it. If you want to successfully indoctrinate a kid, you ''must'' do it openly. Kids are pretty uncomplicated, really, and all fancy stuff you can use with adults, like subversive media, hints, indirect speech, etc. tend to fly over their heads pretty high above. Another problem, that it has to be done fairly early -- teens are already too late. But if you tell your preschool kid that you're really a foreign spy and (s)he will be too, in future, you may rest assured that anyone in the kindergarten or primary school will know about at by the next day. Oops.
**** Remember that the Alignment has access both to adjustment technology and to context-sensitive suicide rigs. Its not really a mystery as to how they keep people from talking. So much as mentioning the word "onion" to Victor Cachat in a context that made it plain he was talking about the Mesan Alignment caused Lajos Irvine to have a stroke right on the spot.
** Apparently jossed, if you read the Dramatis Personae list at the end of ''Mission of Honor''. Kubrick is listed as being the board director of the "Maxwell Association." Whether that system has any ties with Beowulf or not is, of course, up for debate.
** In addition to that, it is specifically stated that all of the Renaissance Factor systems are in the Verge. Beowulf is, of course, a Core World.
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* He'll need it. Treecats go through unarmored humans like a hot chainsaw through butter.
** If they can get to them without getting shot first. Remember what happened to the treecat who tried to take out the programmed assassin on Torch.
* Jossed. Albrecht Detwiler commits (nuclear) suicide to avoid capture at the end of ''Shadow of Victory''.
== Honor got the note added to Scotty's personnel file ==
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She was fragged the old fashioned way by one of her surviving officers who blamed her for having gotten 1/3 of their personnel killed in a [[Curb Stomp Battle]]. That, or she was delusional enough to suggest trying to overwhelm and take down the Manticoran boarding team, and someone shot her before she could get anyone ''else'' killed.
* You silly goose, you don't ''really'' believe Sandra Crandall was as dumb as she liked to portray herself, do you? She was [[Blatant Lies|clearly]] a Mesan plant who knew her purpose in life was to get herself killed while delivering the Solarian League a resounding defeat. She expected her Flag Bridge to get destroyed in the battle, but because it wasn't, she killed herself and made it look like an assassination attempt.
* Jossed: There is a discussion between Detwiler and Bardasano in ''Storm From The Shadows'' about the feasibility of aborting the Talbott Cluster operation, before making the decision to go ahead. In that discussion Detwiler outlines the necessity of killing Crandall and Filareta anyway to keep them from telling anyone about their original arrangements with Mesa, which would not be necessary if Crandall were a loyal Mesan agent.