• Even though she feels awful about it, Marz killing her pimp is still pretty kickass.
  • Film Brain calling out Nella for taking off and leaving the Chick alone.
  • Joe handing a particularly nasty client his arse, and giving Mary someone to hold onto.
  • MarzGurl saving Linkara by kicking ass and taking names. Crosses over with Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when she decides to look after him.
  • Jew Wario saying what we've all thought about the club's dysfunction at some point: "Love?" People here needed to get over that fucking word. Stop pretending, stop playing games and just goddamn say it.
    • Way beforehand, Harvey telling Critic that maybe painting himself as the victim all the time and getting stuck in his rut really isn't helping.
  • The Other Guy manages one when he meets Ask That Guy- at which point things get heated.

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