House (TV series)/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** Like most fake-American accents, Laurie uses a "gruff voice" as a cover-up in order to fake an American accent over his British-- ala Bob Hoskins in ''Who Framed Roger Rabbit,'' and John Mahoney on ''Frasier;'' not coincidentally, they're ''all'' playing stereotypical "tough American detectives" who supposedly all speak in gruff Midwestern dialects.
** Michelle Trachtenberg (best known for playing Dawn Summers on ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'') guest starred in the episode Safe. She's admitted to having a crush on Hugh Laurie and wrote "I love you" on her inner thigh before a scene where he'd seen it. We might be getting to [[Stalker with a Crush]] territory with that.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: When House {{spoiler|steals Wilson's pad, we can see what he writes}}. The prescription is for "Vicodin ES 5/500", which doesn't exist. So, House is either taking regular 5/500 mg Vicodin or 7.5/750 mg Vicodin Extra Strength. Or he's usually prescribed the lower dose, but {{spoiler|intentionally throws the ES on in a futile attempt to confuse the pharmacist.}}
* [[Artistic License Pharmacology]]: Vicodin is prescribed more than 100 million times each year in the US to treat moderate pain (like arthritis) and to treat coughs. Even in long-term users, Vicodin withdrawal is usually characterized by symptoms no worse than lack of appetite, mild nausea, irritability, anxiety, and restlessness. The withdrawal symptoms House usually displays (vomiting, insomnia, sweats and chills, depression, mood swings) are what would typically characterize frequent diacetylmorphine (heroin) abuse. Vicodin is also not known to cause {{spoiler|disassociative disorder (conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity and/or perception)}}.
:: Methadone is an long-acting synthetic opioid agonist that, like any opiate, causes euphoria. It is prescribed to treat pain in opioid-dependent patients as well as addiction in heavy users of high-potency opiates. Because methadone is many, many times more powerful than hydrocodone (it's listed as a greater than 2 to 1 conversion compared to baseline (morphine), whereas hydrocodone has no consensus but is known to be less than 0.33 to 1), methadone is never used to treat even the heaviest Vicoden abuse. That would be like prescribing 99 Bananas to someone addicted to wine... no matter how much wine they drink, taking shots of vodka just isn't going to improve the situation. There are also other opioids which are more effective at managing pain, so if they specifically wanted to curb House's vicodin use (likely, due to the risk acetaminophen poses to the liver) they would step up to oxycontin (0.33 to 1) or ms-contin (1 to 1).