Howard Stern/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Creator's Pet]]: Eric the Midget, while not a member of the show, he makes numerous calls into the show and Howard devotes a lot of time to him. Eric is polarizing to say the least and turns off many. The Stern show always had characters like him around, but never allowed them to dominate or be on as much as Eric.
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: Too many to mention.
** To name one. On The Howard Stern Show in November 08 1994, Howard was on the phone with a man going by the alias Prince. The man was calling from the George Washington Bridge, with the intention of committing suicide by jumping off. Howard tries to keep him talking until help arrives, while trying to talk him out of it. A bystander shows up, listening to the show, while driving on said bridge and she stalls the man until the police arrives. You heard that right, Howard Stern stopped a man from killing himself.
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]: Too many to mention.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: The jazzy tune that opened the show for many years, the current theme written specifically for Howard by [[Rob Zombie]], or any number of the musical performances done by profession musicians, many of which are rare acoustic performances that aren't to be heard anywhere else.