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[[File:nemo_1.jpg|link=Finding Nemo (Film)|frame|[[HPH.P. Lovecraft|Iä! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh]] [[Punctuation Shaker|Scu'ba Di'ver]] [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!]]]]
{{quote|''Do you ever feel, in your caves of steel,<br />
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* Alien to the planet, despite being born of it. Subject to [[Gaia's Vengeance]]. Human culture is [[Humanity Is Infectious|likely considered infectious]] and bad.
One exception to this treatment happens when some non-humans, [[Children Are Special|usually children]], become [[Pals Withwith Jesus|pals with a human]], again [[A Boy and His X|usually another child.]] The contact is treated [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much|as an exception rather than a rule]], in that ''this one human'' is different and [[Rousseau Was Right|kind]], while still considering revealing themselves to ''Man'' as a whole as endangering themselves. The non-humans who engage in this contact may or may not have their society's sanction to do so -- it may be verboten and seen as risky, or alternately a [[Broken Masquerade|useful tradition]] where they [[Bond Creatures|selectively reveal themselves to worthy humans]]. There are advantages to getting on a [[Did We Just Have Tea Withwith Cthulhu?|god's good side]], after all.
The non-human society may be a [[Cargo Cult]], primitive fantasy creatures or [[Insufficiently Advanced Alien|Insufficiently Advanced Aliens]], a [[Mouse World]], robots, or a [[Hidden Elf Village]] separated from human civilization.
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== Comics ==
* One of [[Alan Moore]]'s "Future Shocks" from ''[[Two Thousand2000 AD (Comic Book)|Two Thousand AD]]'' features alien nomads in search of "The Chariot of the Gods". When their leader insists that they've found it, they wait for the Chariot to descend to the ground from above them... and then they all get crushed by Neil Armstrong as he makes his first step on the Moon.
* A good 1950/60's comic(maybe from ''Crypt''?) tolds a story when a group of earthling(and American) scientists encounter an alien spaceship that come to [[Offing the Offspring|dispose some of their ugly mutants caused by radiation]]. When the scientists opened the hibernation pod containing the mutants, it turns out that the mutants are {{spoiler|Homo Sapiens}}. And quite good-looking by earth standards. The aliens' real appearance is left for the readers to imagine.
* In Warren Ellis's Ultimate Galactus trilogy for Ultimate [[Marvel]], he spends 3/4 of the series revealing the reimagined version ( {{spoiler|a hundred-thousand-mile long hive mind of giant, world-killing robots}}) of the planet-eating Galactus from the mainstream continuity. When [[X -Men|Professor X]] makes contact with Gah Lakh Tus, he is physically jarred by the utter horror and disgust that the being feels for organic life. In fact, the whole point of Gah Lakh Tus seems to be that of a {{spoiler|universal exterminator, that can sustain itself on any planet's core energy, but is dedicated to seeking out and killing anything organic simply because we creep the living hell out of it}}. In the end, scrappy little humanity/mutants/post-[[Humanity/Eagleland|Eagleland]] comes together and uses a horrific, multidimensional superweapon powered by {{spoiler|aborting a baby universe with a hydrogen bomb}}, and giving [[A God Am I|Nick Fury]] an even bigger ego in the process. Maybe Gah Lakh Tus was right to shit itself over us.
** Don't forget that in addition to that, Professor X modified Cerebro to link the minds of every human on Earth together to [[Mind Rape]] Gah Lakh Tus. After that double whammy, Gah Lakh Tus decides that trying to eat Earth isn't worth it and flees.
== Film ==
* ''[[Bambi (Disney)|Bambi]]''.
** In ''Bambi 2'', Bambi is lured by a deer call, thinking it's his mother's voice calling to him. Thankfully [[Patrick Stewart|The King of the Forest]] pulled Bambi away in time to keep from getting blasted, telling him that's just another of Man's tricks.
* Early in ''[[Fern Gully]]'', the humans are simply remembered as a pack of sissies who fled the forest once Hexxus attacked. When Zack arrives, he tries to convince Crysta that humans ''are'' godlike, and that the marks they make on the trees are to frighten the "tree-eating monster" away. (He really should have just stopped talking while he was ahead.)
* ''[[Watership Down]]'' and ''[[The Plague Dogs (Literature)|The Plague Dogs]]'', both animated films based on books by Richard Adams.
{{quote| '''Holly:''' Men came... filled in the burrows. Couldn't get out. There was a strange sound... hissing! Runs blocked with dead bodies!<br />
[...]<br />
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** And then there's the penguin Love-Lace, who thinks that the plastic six-pack holder around his neck is a gift from the gods--at least until he grows too big for it and it starts choking him.
* ''[[Once Upon a Forest]]''. They're depicted as alien and inscrutable (the only time we see a human above the foot level, he's wrapped in a [[Hazmat Suit]]). At the very end of the movie, the animals are shocked to see that {{spoiler|they can also be benevolent, as they work to clean up the mess they accidentally made in the forest}}.
* The humans-as-aliens idea appears in ''[[Antz (Animation)|Antz]]'' (1998). A plastic-wrapped sandwich is "surrounded by [[Some Kind of Force Field|some kind of force field]]", and an unseen sadistic human with a magnifying glass becomes a Flying Saucer with [[Death Ray]] in a clear take-off of the "It's beautiful" scene in ''[[Independence Day]]''. Also the human at the picnic, who is practically a living mountain compared to the insects (all we ever see are his feet and legs).
* The humans in ''[[The Secret of NIMH (Film)|The Secret of NIMH]]'' often come off this way -- the humans aren't evil, just totally uncaring about animal life (most particularly in the plow and the flashbacks to NIMH).
* In ''[[Monsters Inc.|Monsters, Inc.]]'', the monsters are taught from birth that humans are dangerous and physical contact with them or any of their belongings must be avoided at all costs. There's also a [[Government Agency of Fiction|government agency]] whose sole purpose is to detain monsters who have had physical contact with humans and decontaminate them. Naturally, this has made monsters just as scared of humans as humans are scared of them.
* The exterminator from ''[[The Ant Bully]]''.
* This seems to be how the bees initially view humanity in ''[[Bee Movie]]'', though that starts to change after the protagonist [[Did We Just Have Tea Withwith Cthulhu?|talks to a human]].
* In ''[[Rango]]'', it's subtle but pervasive: humans with modern technology are treated like incomprehensible gods. Something mundane like a road is strange and incomprehensible enough to become integral to a spirit quest, seeing Las Vegas and it's sprinklers is like a vision of a cyclopian city, we have enough water to just dump it in the desert, artifacts like pipes are treated as a [[Cargo Cult]], and the Spirit of the West...takes the form of Clint Eastwood in a golf cart, with Oscars as the Golden Guardians.
* In ''The [[SpongebobSpongeBob SquarePants]] [[The Movie|Movie]],'' there is supposed to be a monstrous "cyclops" guarding Shell City that kills any creature that tries to enter. He easily (and accidentally) defeats Dennis (probably the toughest guy in the whole [[SpongeBob]] universe; the Strangler apparently being a close second) by stepping on him. He then takes [[SpongeBob]] and Patrick to his gift shop (which ''is'' Shell City) and throughout his scenes he is portrayed as a sadistic monster. He even has an evil laugh. And...he's really just the owner of a waterfront gift shop, sells tacky knick-knacks, and inexplicably never takes off his diving suit.
** This is especially strange since the appearance of fellow human [[David Hasselhoff]] has a decidedly non-eldritch tone.
*** Which makes sense, [[Fridge Brilliance|because the "cyclops" is wearing a diving suit, so they might not recognise him as Human.]]
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== Literature ==
* The original Felix Salten ''[[Bambi (Disney)|Bambi]]'' novel. Early on, humans are just [[Carnivore Confusion|another predator]], only they are the only ones capable of bringing down a deer (thus the deer protagonists' fear of humans). The deer then believe that humans are Gods, and only the cleverest of them have figured out that guns aren't just magic ("he is only dangerous when he has his third arm"). The humans' use of guns and dogs are a point of contention for the other animals, but mostly because it's just unfair. The ending of the book comes when the Old Buck {{spoiler|shows Bambi [[Not So Invincible After All|a human who has been killed by a gun that backfired]]}}.
* ''[[The Call of the Wild]]'' and ''[[White Fang]]'', at least, have the wolves consider humans as gods--but not all of them are evil, and White Fang manages to develop a positive relationship with a benevolent human. On the other hand, Buck {{spoiler|killing a human at the end of ''Call of the Wild'' completes his transformation into a wild beast, realizing that they are just as mortal as any other prey.}}
* The short story ''[ Menagerie: A Child's Fable]'' (which is actually not at all meant for children) is about a group of animals in a pet shop who figure out a way to escape their cages once the owner of the shop mysteriously vanishes, and form their own society. The animals, especially the owner's dog, view their master as a god who has abandoned them, despite the fact that he was horribly cruel, and at the end the dog wonders if their society crumbled because of their losing faith that he would return.
* In [[Rudyard Kipling]]'s ''[[The Jungle Book (Literaturenovel)|The Jungle Book]]'' humans are recognized as another animal, but also as something else strange and terrifying. Mowgli is the only animal immune to Kaa's hypnosis, and the other animals can't look him in the face: Bagheera says this is why the wolf pack ultimately turned on him. The story "How Fear Came" says that man came to the jungle as a punishment, bringing fire and terror.
* [[George RRR. R. Martin]]'s story ''[ Sandkings]'', which was made into an ''[[Outer Limits]]'' episode. The title aliens worship their human owner until he mistreats them.
** See also Theodore Sturgeon's "[[wikipedia:Microcosmic God|Microcosmic God]]", in which a scientist creates hyper-accelerated intelligent creatures, who regard him as a god. They surpass human technology, and the scientist passes off their inventions as his ... for a while.
* The ''[[Silverwing (Literaturenovel)|Silverwing]]'' series by Kenneth Oppel deals with this, particularly the second book, ''Sunwing''. The bats get caught up in a human war when captured, placed in first a false paradise (a conservatory or somesuch) and then exploited, using a fictionalized version of the "Bat Bombs" tested by the US in World War II. At least one of the protagonists loses his parents this way. The humans in the series occasionally simply band bats (just for research, but the bats don't know that). Some colonies of bats believe that humans are evil and banded bats are exiled for fear they will bring bad luck. Other colonies believe that humans are good and the bands are a sign that humans will one day soon help the bats defeat their enemies {{spoiler|which leads to a scene in which Goliath appears decked out in dozens of metal bands -- implying that he killed and ate the bats wearing them previously}}. The protagonists constantly question exactly whose side the humans are on.
* ''[[Watership Down]]''. Humans are portrayed as a force of nature and their influence is everywhere. Every single plot point in the books and the state of all four warrens somehow relates to humans. For example, the entire justification for Efrafa's police-state regime is to conceal its existence from Men. In addition, the description of the human technology that threatens the first warren is Lovecraftian in style, and fiver's mystical visions warning him of the coming of humans (a presumably unintentional paralell with the actual story "The Call of Cthulhu") emphasize this perspective.
* ''[[The Plague Dogs (Literature)|The Plague Dogs]]'', by the same author. At one point, the fugitive dogs discuss whether or not it's possible that humans can communicate across great distances. While they eventually conclude that it's a silly idea, they mention lots of other things -- like making the sun shine indoors just by touching a wall -- that demonstrate just how many "miracles" (from the canine perspective) we perform every day, without even thinking about it.
* In the second tome of the ''[[Empire of the Ants]]'' trilogy by Bernard Werber, the local ants try to exterminate humans (or "fingers"). However, they seriously underestimated our numbers, and their only victory was against a picnicking family, where they made a child seriously ill by pouring wasp venom inside a light wound. After that encounter they realize they were underestimating our numbers and they reevaluate a bit.
{{quote| "I now estimate there are between 100 and 150 Fingers on the planet".}}
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** Of course, the third book of the trilogy reveals that the talking box the nomes have been carrying around for thousands of generations is actually {{spoiler|an artificial intelligence inhabiting the command module of the main computer of the huge starship that the space-faring ancestors of modern day nomes arrived in on Earth. A ship that is still "parked" under the surface of the moon. Which makes the nomes of old an alien species.}}
** Fray, the destructive force of nature of which ''[[The Carpet People]]'' (by [[Terry Pratchett]]) live in constant fear, is presumably some human activity. Most likely footsteps, but it might be a hoover. Beyond that, humans are [[The Precursors]], given the entire world is inside a shaggy carpet and the major resources are metal from a dropped penny, wood and ash from a matchstick and rare varnish from the distant Achairleg.
* On a funnier note, Wuffles from Pratchett's ''[[Discworld (Literature)/The Truth|The Truth]]'' refers to his master, Lord Vetinari, as God. This is lampshaded by Gaspode the Wonder Dog, who admits that Wuffles' views are rather old-fashioned. Of course, Wuffles' master is [[Magnificent Bastard|Lord Vetinari]]. There are ''humans'' who believe that he sees and controls everything.
** The fact that most '''actual''' ''[[Discworld]]'' gods can barely find their own noses without a mirror makes Wuffles' faith in his master even more justified.
* More seriously, Granny Aching casts humans as an ''ethical'' Cthulhu in ''[[Discworld (Literature)/The Wee Free Men|The Wee Free Men]]'', in her "We have a duty" speech to Tiffany. Humans are like gods to livestock, ordering their births and deaths, but have a corresponding responsibility to care for and defend them.
* Taken to its logical conclusion in ''Flies'' by [[Isaac Asimov]]. A maker of fly spray can't figure out why flies constantly circle around him, joking that he must smell like a lady fly in heat. As it turns out, {{spoiler|they believe he's a god punishing them for their sinful ways.}} This is one of the few stories Asimov wrote that qualifies as horror, particularly when you realize the [[Aesop]] he's [[God Is Evil|leading up to]] . . .
* Alan Dean Foster's science fiction trilogy ''[[The Damned]]'' has two vast coalitions of aliens at war with each other for millenia across the Milky Way. One faction (the good-guy underdogs) discovers Earth and finds that compared to every other known intelligent species modern-day humans are unbelievably fast and strong and savage, both physically and psychologically (none of the other species is particularly good at the concept of "waging war"). They ultimately decide they have no choice but to recruit humanity to their cause anyway, knowing that once the war is won they'll have a very dangerous situation on their hands trying to figure out how to live safely with their allies.
** His short story ''With Friends Like These...'' takes a look at the theme from another angle. Ages ago, the old galactic civilization deemed humanity too dangerous and [[The Wall Around the World|sealed off Earth]] until it became a myth, but now aliens needs Mankind's skill at battle against another alien race. So a few representatives go to Earth, see a quiet pastoral culture relaxing in a hammock, and ask the "mythical creatures" to help. Cue the [[Freak-Out|little shock]] when aliens see {{spoiler|that humans are so calm because their hammock is [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|too high]] on [[Abusing the Kardashev Scale For Fun Andand Profit|The Kardashev Scale]] to worry. Not only have humans evolved psionic powers and are in telepathic contact with various other mammalian species (which presumably they [[Uplift|Uplifted]]), not only is the whole planet filled with machinery and computers for miles below the surface, but ''the entire freaking planet Earth (with moon) breaks orbit to follow the aliens' starship''!}}.
** A story-within-a-story seen in ''Carnivores of Light and Darkness'' tells of two warring anthills contacting a man, probably to get him to help destroy the other mound. One group of ants sees this as a divine miracle.
* Mike Resnick's novella ''[[wikipedia:Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge|Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge]]'' follows a group of alien archaeologists studying Earth after the fall of the vast, tyrannical Empire of Man and extinction of the feared human race.
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* In ''Saturn's Children'' by [[Charles Stross]], humanity died out long ago and left behind a race of intelligent robots that took its place. The book deals with a plot by a consortium of wealthy robots who are trying to recreate a living human, which could have cataclysmic effects on robot society because obedience to humans is still hard-coded into their programming. A military organization called the "Pink Police" is dedicated to ensuring that something like this never happens.
** Biological matter ('pink goo replicators') is viewed by the robots with approximately the same horror as [[Grey Goo|nanotech]] in some modern sci-fi: ''there's no off switch and every single cell contains its own repair/reproduction machinery!''
* Richard Ford's novel ''[[Quest For The Faradawn]]'' features a human raised by animals (a la ''[[The Jungle Book (Literaturenovel)|The Jungle Book]]''), going on a quest to save the animals from the murderous savagery of a human civilization that is explicitly described as [[Always Chaotic Evil]].
* The Toad series by Australian Author Morris Gleitzmen is about a toad named Limpy's plans to save his family from the wrath of humans.
* There's a short story out there called "The Hunters" where the world is invaded by ferocious and pitiless aliens who relentlessly destroy all of civilization. [[The Reveal]] is that {{spoiler|this is another planet, and the invading aliens are actually human conquerors}}.
* Oddly enough, the short story [ "Memory"] by [[HPH.P. Lovecraft]].
* [[Mark Twain]]'s short story "Some Learned Fables for Good Old Boys and Girls" involves a group of animals who set out on a scientific expedition, defining the works of Man as best they can. For example, a speeding car becomes first the Vernal Equinox, then later the Transit of Venus.[[Fga 1 su D Gz Vs C]]
* Harry Turtledove's ''[[Worldwar (Literature)]]'' series has this to some extent. Humans are twice as big as the aliens known simply as the Race, and evolve far more quickly than the Race or the other two sentient species they'd encountered beforehand, so they're not prepared at all when they invade Earth during World War II, their expectations based on recordings from 800 years before. It reaches its apex at the very end of the series, when {{spoiler|humans are able to create faster than light travel by extrapolating off the Race's technology, leaving them firmly in control of the situation that had been an uneasy balance for several decades.}}
* ''[ A Leprechaun's Tale]'' by Steve Doyle.
* Anticipated by the title of [ I Am Legend]. At the end the last surviving human foresees that the coming society of vampires will remember him as a mythic horror, the Stalker Of The Daytime, the Killer That Walks In The Sunlight.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'' TOS episode "[[wikipedia:The Little People|The Little People]]". Tiny aliens (smaller than ants) worship a human astronaut who discovers (and later mistreats) them.
* Also, there was an ''[[Outer Limits]]'' episode in which some Martian creatures see the human scientist examining them as a god. They even build a statue of him. The scientist then mistreats them, cue to [[Rage Against the Heavens]]. They then get free. Solution: {{spoiler|[[Kill It Withwith Fire]]. If any of them survived, it would just reinforce them in their belief...}}
** See the [ George R. R. Martin] ''[ Sandkings]'' example above.
* In ''[[Babylon Five5]]'' G'Kar invokes this trope to illustrate an encounter with [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] his friendly human scientist had.
{{quote| '''G'Kar''' [lifts an ant from a flower and then puts it back]: I have just picked it up on the tip of my glove. If I put it down again and it asks another ant, "What was that?", how would it explain? There are things in the universe billions of years older than either of our races. They're vast, timeless, and if they're aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants, and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know, we've tried, and we've learned that we can either stay out from underfoot or be stepped on.}}
** Interestingly enough, in a later season they attempt to contact the same aliens {{spoiler|to fight against the shadows}}. Ivanova manages to convince them by diplomatically using the most recognized language in the universe...[[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?|insults.]]
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== Music ==
* Gowan's ''(You're a) Strange Animal'' is from the perspective of a wild animal who is told to be wary of humans, but finds them fascinating.
* ''The Forest King'' by [[Three3 Inches of Blood]]. It doesn't last. The trees [[When Trees Attack|get pissed]] and [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|set humanity back by a million years.]]
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[GURPS]] [[Bunnies and Burrows]]'' is made of this trope. Unsurprisingly, it's based heavily on ''Watership Down'', which is ''also'' (largely) made of this trope. The standard ability scores (for rabbits) are 10; humans have scores of 20-40!
* ''[[The Chronicles of Fate]]''. By way of [[Evolutionary Levels]], humanity has evolved into an empire of ''literal'' Cthulhus (or beings so [[A God Am I|divinely powerful]] they might as well be) called The Union. These humans, now called "Unians", have become so terrifyingly [[Time Abyss|powerful and ancient and alien]] they would seem like Cthulhus not just to rabbits or dogs or bats, but to 21st-century humans as well, even good ol' [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, and Nyarlathotep]] would crap their non-existent, [[Alien Geometries|infini-dimensional]] trousers at the prospect of messing with them. Know what the younger races call us? [[Eldritch Abomination|"Old Ones"]].
{{quote| "An empire vast, greater than the infinite, older than the time before time, the immaculate embodiment of might, Gods to the gods, power and radiance and grace and terror and grandeur pure, love and hate and ecstasy and death, walking the worlds as they please, striding time as others would walk across a room, conquering as others would breathe, endlessly, feared and beloved as no others are. The Union is of humanity in only the same sense as humanity is of the bacteria that its cells are evolved from. They are Precursors to all that now is, Elder things, with knowledge and wisdom reclaimed each time from an infinitude of past cycles. They are children to none but Josh, Source-Of-All, younger than none, older than all, firstborn and greatest."}}
* In ''[[Warhammer 40 K40000]]'' the Imperium of Man is the defacto galactic power. It stretches across a million worlds, has entire solar systems devoted to industry and can burn offending planets down to the crust. Over a million fanatical [[Super Soldier|Super Soldiers]] bring fire and death to its enemies; and that's not mentioning the [[Amazon Brigade|battle nuns]], [[Humongous Mecha|city sized mechs]] and [[We Have Reserves|billions of common soldiers]] humanity can field. To top it off, it's led by a literal [[Physical God]] who gets stronger the more people worship him - and he has uncountable worshippers. While it has problems with the [[Horde of Alien Locusts|extragalactic swarm of locusts the Tyranids]], [[Eldritch Abomination|the extradimensional Chaos Gods]] and [[Physical God|the star gods the C'tan]], anything else is just screwed.
** Not to mention that the Imperium routinely exterminates lesser alien races daily. The prehistoric Tau would have met this same fate if a chance warp storm didn't suddenly cut them off from the Imperium.
** And then, some count the Emperor of Mankind himself as the fifth Chaos God, and in that case absolutely the most potent and terrible of them all once freed from his mortal shell.
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** Hell, even with all the talk about the Imperium is "rotting" the truth is it's the opposite. The Imperium has gotten stronger over the last 4,000 years; the only reason why the current age is called the "Age of Ending" is because all its enemies are ganging up on it at once. And the Golden Throne is failing, and the Astronomicon is going out.
* In ''[[Traveller]]'' the Vargr think this about humans because the human organizational ability is beyond the comprehension of the Vargr. Vargr [[Space Pirate]] s might "only" sack one colony and an armada containing people from dozens of parsecs away might set out in a machine like manner to [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|pay them a visit]]. Zhodani, of course, are the spookiest of all humans-even [[Fantastic Racism|to other humans]]. When one of ''their'' outposts is raided, they prefer to go the [[Best Served Cold]] route, carefully searching out the perps for years then when they find them, taking [[Revenge]] in a variety of ways, which could involve the ever-popular standby, [[Death From Above]], but might also involve such subtle means as kidnapping and [[Mind Manipulation|brainwashing]] the Vargr's leader. In general, in the Traveller universe you [[Humans Are Warriors|do not want to mess with humaniti]].
* In ''[[KULT (Tabletop Game)|KULTKult]]'', Humans are immortal superbeings, they are just slumbering and are unaware of their power. The powers that be try to make sure that they don't learn how to change this.
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* The ending of Yorito Nagai in [[Siren]] 2/Forbbiden Siren 2: {{spoiler|he enter in a dimension dominated entirely by Yamibitos LIVING LIKE NORMAL HUMANS. Nagai, dominated by the horror, shoot his machine gun against all. A new archive adds to your inventory, the "Yamibito´s Diary". The owner writes: "A terrible monster fell from the sky. The monster was destroyed, but others of its kind still remain in their nest." }}
* In the point and click adventure game ''[[Inherit the Earth]]'', the various inhabitants of the world are uplifted animals who revere humanity as gods, complete with a creation myth at the end of which humanity dissapears into the heavans.
* [[Chrono Cross (Video Game)|Chrono Cross]] advances the idea that humans are slowly destroying the planet, {{spoiler|and that they became such enemies of nature because of long-term exposure to Lavos, an eldritch abomination itself that was the villain of the previous game}}.
** While Lavos was using humans for it's own ends, the idea that humans are enemies of nature is dubious and given only by biased sources, like the dwarves (who pollute and construct giant toxin spewing steam tanks) and the dragons (who are part of an [[Evil Plan]] against humanity and are probably just upset that the technology of Chronopolis utterly kicked the ass of it's hippy dinosaur equivalent).
* [[Devil Survivor 2]] gives us one demon who certainly feels this way after suffering a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] from one of your human allies.
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{{quote| '''Dora:''' "I've totally seen you take muffins into the bathroom."<br />
'''Faye:''' "I like to grant them one brief, horrifying glimpse of what awaits them in the Muffin Afterlife before devouring them. I am Muffin Cthulhu." }}
* ''[[Captain SNES]]'' has the sprites view the Creators as gods, [[Captain N: theThe Game Master|who sent one of their own to help Videoland]] in its time of need. However, some of those Touched find out that the people who made them had done so for their own entertainment, which, considering that involves the deaths of many of their loved ones done for a child's plaything, they get pretty damn pissed.
* The animals of ''[[Kevin and Kell]]'' have had little exposure to humans, but they believe that habitat-destroying behavior is a defining attribute. In support of this perception is the secret future of the human world known to time travelers, in which humans render the planet uninhabitable to most species, including themselves.
** Exposure to humans exacerbates the condition of "domestication", which dulls the senses and causes a general loss of survival knowledge.
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** It gets worse. Erfworld runs on [[Bloodless Carnage]], so biologically speaking, Parson may be the only being in the world with a circulatory system. He may be the only organism that exists on a cellular any rate, his biology and physiology are utterly alien, and he's a native of a universe with completely different physical laws...
** Also, there are words in his language that cannot be uttered in their universe. Specifically, even mild swears are automatically censored. And then he [[Precision F-Strike|broke that restriction]] ''by sheer force of will.''
* To the Basement-dwellers in ''[[The Mansion of E (Webcomic)|The Mansion of E]]'', humans have become legendary boogeymen.
* [ This] strip of ''[[Amazing Super Powers]]''.
* In ''[[Two Kinds]]'', Humans regularly show up and enslave the [[Petting Zoo People]] after completely wrecking their towns. Humans also live about four times as long as they do (80-90 years to their 20-30), and can use Magic without relying on its crystallized form. The [[Petting Zoo People]] think that humans are devoid of mercy or compassion, and that they eat the ones who can't be used for slave labour. A Keidran's reaction to an average human is, understandably, just short of pants-shitting terror. However, some have figured out that humans are really just sparsely-furred sentient apes with a slow metabolism and [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|a mean streak]], and thus die just as good as anything else when you shoot them with poisoned arrows.
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== Web Original ==
* In plush toy psychiatry game ''[[Die Anstalt]]'', the toys' owners, who so mistreated them, are so mysterious and vague they seem like an alien gods to them. They're all represented with the same barely-humanoid girl silhouette. Her pigtails look like antenna and one time she's introduced with [[Also Sprach Zarathustra|Also]] [[Shout-Out|Sprach]] [[Two Thousand and One2001: A Space Odyssey|Zarathustra]].
* The modern weapons technology of humanity causes the invading [[Legions of Hell]] to see modern humans as this in ''[[The Salvation War]]''. This is mostly because, in demonic time frames, a few centuries is nothing and the last time they visited humans were pretty much helpless, easily slaughtered sheep. Imagine their surprise when they came to claim Earth after it was condemned by Heaven to the demons and found that the humans suddenly had the "magic" to slaughter great numbers from afar. But this was nothing compared to the reaction of one of the Demonic Grand Dukes who surrendered to the humans when {{spoiler|he learned about nuclear weaponry}}:
{{quote| {{spoiler|Abigor was sitting on his couch, mouth agape, staring at the screen as the credits rolled by. What sort of gods were the humans, to be able to destroy a city with a single bomb? He closed his mouth, then shook his head. A single bomb, capable of annihilating an entire city. An entire army would be nothing. They had played with him, when they could have destroyed him and everyone with him with ease.}} }}
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* In the [[Minecraft]] Fanfic [ "Diary of a Creeper"], humans are depicted as alien monstrosities capable and willing to slaughter everything in the world.
* [ This video.]
* The sixth chapter of the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanfic "[ The Monster Mash] manages to do this ''without humans existing in-universe''. {{spoiler|Twilight casts a spell to look through reality and [[Go Mad From the Revelation|goes mad from the revelation]] - screaming about how people nopony else can see are watching her. After Pinkie Pie, who's [[This Explains So Much|known about these watchers all along]], helps her come to terms with the situation, Twilight [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|breaks the fourth wall to address the reader]].}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Peace Onon Earth]]'', the classic MGM animated short.
* "The User" in ''[[Re Boot]]''. They rail against his/her taste in games, but come season 3, he/she does the right thing and restores mainframe from its grim and gritty state. Expanding on that, the sprites respect and fear it, being a dangerous entity who challenges them in games and occasionally creates viruses, but at the same time [[Thank the Maker|sends upgrades and stuff to help the people out]].
** To be fair, the User probably doesn't know that winning a video game would reduce the entire sector it landed in to rubble and its inhabitants to mindless leech things.